C++ :: Finding String Of Number Present Inside Brackets After A Keyword In File

Apr 25, 2014

I am reading a file whick looks like following:

10 = NAND(1, 3)
11 = NAND(3, 6, 5)
15 = NAND(9, 6, 2, 8)

Problem: I have to find the word "NAND" and then find the numbers inside the brackets because they are the inputs to that NAND gate. I have written a code below but that code can detect the fixed number of inputs. I need a code which can detect any number of inputs (whether 2 inputs or more than two). But i don't understand how do i do that?

My code:

string input_str ("INPUT"), output_str ("OUTPUT"), nand_str("NAND");
while (getline( input_file, line ))
std::size_t guard_found = line.find(guard_str);


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C :: Checking Balance Of Brackets In HTML File Using Stack

Mar 24, 2014

I had a quick question about how to check the balance of brackets in an HTML file using a stack (pushing and popping). I understand pushing and popping. I get lost when it comes to the logic of having to actually check what is in the brackets, and making sure those are nested correctly.

So while


is correct and

<title> <b> THIS FILE </title> IS </b> NOT NESTED CORRECTLY.

is incorrect;

How do I check for the actual tags inside the brackets, keeping in mind that there are single sided tags as well.

(ex. <img src="a.jpg"/>)

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C :: Printing Contents Of A File - Prints One Extra Character Not Present In The File

Feb 12, 2013

I'm writing a program that stores records into a file and then these records can be printed out. A last name, first name, and score is stored to be exactly 36 characters long (using leading spaces to pad) making it easier to retrieve specific records. For example, three records stored in the file would like like this: (the underscores are simply to illustrate the distance, they are not in the file itself)

_______lastname_______firstname__90__________lname __________fname_100___________last___________first __60

When printed out, the names are formatted as follows:

lastname, firstname: 90
lname, fname: 100
last, first: 60

However, when I print them out this is what I get:

lastname, firstname: 90
lname, fname: 100$
last, first: 60H

For some reason, for any record after the first, an extra character is added to the end. These characters are not in the file, so I was thinking that the array for some reason wasn't being filled completely, (the array is initialized to size 36 and 36 characters are read from the file using fread) so it was printing out a random character assigned to the 36th array position. Except the character never changes, (always a $ for record 2, H for record 3, l for record 4 if i remember) and I've tried reducing the array size or the number of character read and it's the string that gets altered, the random character always remains. I figure the problem must be in the print_records function (appending seems to work no problem). Anyway here is my print records and appending records code.

Code: /*
- Prints a single record stored in the file pointed to by ifp.
void print_record(FILE *ifp, int record) {


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C/C++ :: Program To Display First 10 Largest Numbers Present In A File?

Oct 15, 2012

there is a file contains only a numbers ,we dont know how many numbers present in that file.so i want a program to display top n largest number present in that fie.(n may be 5,10,12 like that.)

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C Sharp :: Finding String From Physical Memory Dump File (RAW File)?

Feb 5, 2014

I need to find a string(&login=) from physical memory dump file.And i have to print the word or string following it.Is there any C# code for this problem?

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C/C++ :: Finding Whether Point Is Inside Polygon

Jul 17, 2012

I am trying to find out whether a point is inside a polygon.I am using vector std c++.

My program till now:

class Polygon {
virtual ~Polygon();
virtual bool Inside(Point p);

[Code] ....

I liked the ray casting algorithm but I dont know how to do in C++.

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C :: Program That Reads In TXT File And Searches Through Text For Keyword?

Nov 8, 2014

I'm working on a program that reads in a .txt file and searches through the text for a keyword. If it gets a hit on the keyword, the line number where the keyword is located and the line that contains the keyword is printed out. What I have now doesn't catch every occurance of the keyword "a".


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {


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C :: Isolate Characters Between The Brackets

Sep 3, 2013

I have a character array that will have a prefix and then a filename that will be between two square brackets. Something like this;


I need to isolate the characters between the brackets. Here is my attempt:

char* get_filename(char selection[]) {
char* ptr;
char* rv;
char* temp;
ptr = strtok(selection, "[");
ptr = strtok(NULL, "[");

[Code] ....

But of course, this isn't working.

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C/C++ :: Use Of Underscore In Front Of Brackets?

Apr 10, 2014

I am currently reading the source code of Nitrogen [URL] ..... and I stumbled upon the following line of code in ArgParser.cc:

error_str += _("Unexpected argument ") + key + "
(error_str and key are std::string)

why there is an underscore in front of the brackets ?

By this I mean what does it do/achieve ?

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C :: Finding The Closest Number To Another Number

Apr 10, 2014

Try not to make too much fun of me for my logic, but I'm having trouble with this. I am trying to make it so the program takes a 1 dimensional array and a 2 dimensional array, and checks to see what row in the 2 dimensional array is the closest to the 1D array.

To compute the value of the 1D array you take the first row first element in the 2D array, and the first element in the 1D array, subtract and the absolute value.

Example: | 4 - 3 | = 1;
1Darray = 1.

Full 1 Dimensional Array:
3 1 6 9

Full 2 Dimensional Array:
4 9 1 5
6 1 7 3
0 8 2 6

To compute the value of the first row in the 2D array,
| 4 - 3 | + | 9 - 1 | + | 1 - 6 | + | 5 - 9 | = 18.
| 6 - 3 | + | 1 - 1 | + | 7 - 6 | + | 3 - 9 | = 10.
| 0 - 3 | + | 8 - 1 | + | 2 - 6 | + | 6 - 9 | = 17.

Thus row 1 being the closest row to the 1 dimensional array.

The code I've written so far seems to be going down the right path. Have a look below...

int i,j,tempRow,tempTotal = 0,firEle,cloRow;
firEle = abs( x[0][0] - y[0] );

for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
tempRow = 0;
for( j = 0; j < size; j++ ) {
tempRow += abs( x[i][j] - y[j] );

[Code] ....

The whole temp part is kind of confusing myself. What I'm thinking is that I can add all row values up using

Code: tempRow += abs( x[i][j] - y[j] ); , then I need to compare that value to see if it is close to the "firEle" which is value I need to get closest to.

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C# :: Finding A String Starting With Spaces Within Another String

Sep 8, 2014

I need to find a string with leading spaces like " target sting" inside another sting.

And I need to find something like "target sting" inside another sting.

I used .IndexOf() but noticed it ignores leading spaces.

So then I went with .Substring() but that doesn't seem like that's the best solution either.

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C :: Random Number Generator Inside / Outside A Loop?

Nov 15, 2013

I've been working on a program on and off for around a week now and I've been struggling towards the end of the program.First of all, the program is a maths quiz which generates two random numbers per question.I'll give you one part of my code:


srand ( time(NULL) ); //seeds the random number generator
int score = 0;
int a = rand()%12 +1; //generates a random num between 1-12
int b = rand()%12 +1;
int c = a+b;
int d;


I've basically copied the above code 10 times and changed the variables by going through the alphabet e.g.


int a = rand()%12 +1; //generates a random num between 1-12
int b = rand()%12 +1;
int c = a+b;
int d; all the way to


int an = rand()%12 +1;
int ao = rand()%12 +1;
int ap = rand()%12 +1;
int aq = an+ao-ap;
int ar;

Now what I'm going to do is remove all the declared variables and create a loop. But my problem is; If I wanted to declare four variables for e.g.


int a = rand()%12 +1;
int b = rand()%12 +1;
int c = rand()%12 +1;
int d = a+b-c;

Would I place the srand( time(NULL)); inside the loop? it's confusing because I know an example of a basic loop with an array would be:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main(void)

int test[5]={21,18,47,21,4};
int I;
int total=0;

for (I=0;i<5;i++)
total += test[I];


how or where to include the random number generator in the loop and to make it ask 10 questions at random.

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C++ :: Finding Max Number

Nov 5, 2013

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int max(int num1, int num2, int num3);
int main () {
int num1, num2, num3, large;

[Code] ....

For some reason it keeps num3 as large.

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C++ :: Parse A String Containing Number And Characters From File

Feb 20, 2015

I have a text file which contains many sentences. I am trying to extract only the numerical values from the string that conatins characters,numbers and white spaces from the file. I want to seperate the characters and numbers into different parts.

for example: the file contains sentances as given below.

I have to go to school for 10min.
You will come here in 15min.
He stayed here for 20min.

from the above sentances, I want to seperate " I have to go to school for " and "10" and put them into two different variables and also 10 should be in integer format.

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C/C++ :: Program To Scan Number And String Then Print Them To A File

Mar 19, 2015

I wrote this program to scan a number and a string until EOF then print them to a file named "data.list". the problem is that the program duplicates last line of input in the output file. so for example if the input is :

1 test
2 dream
3 code

then output (in data.list file) would be:

1 test
2 dream
3 code
3 code

I also changed the program code so that it reads from data.list file. even here it duplicates last line!

so when program reads the info above saved in data.list it would be:

1 test
2 dream
3 code
3 code
3 code

here's the code for writing:

#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
int num;
char str[80];
fPTR = fopen( "data.list", "w" ); // opens a file named "data.list", create if doesn't exist
while(!feof(stdin)) // loop until End-Of-File is pressed. Ctrl-Z in Windows, Ctrl-D in Unix, Linux, Mac OS X


and the one for reading from file:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main( void )
int num;
char str[80];


How do I fix this behavior??

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C++ :: Finding How Many Factors A Number Have?

Jul 13, 2013

What is the most efficient algorithm for finding how many factors a number has? I've just been doing brute force division up to (n - 1) / 2 thus far. How can this be optimized?

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C++ :: Finding Nth Number Of A Sequence?

Sep 16, 2013

I have to write a program to find the nth number of the Ulam numbers.

It's a bit complicated to explain what an Ulam number is but Wolfram explains it very well here: [URL]

I have to find the nth Ulam number but I don't know what I have to do to get that. My program gives me all the Ulam numbers from a range of 0 to n.

What I want the program to do is tell me that the 49th Ulam number is 243.

C++ Program to find nth Ulam Number
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int num = 0;
vector<int> v;


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C++ :: Finding If A Number Is Prime Or Not

Oct 3, 2013

cin.ignore (10);
return 0;

Its not working

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C++ :: Finding If A Number Is Prime?

Oct 3, 2013

We need it to say if the number is prime or not we need the equation for the if statement or if we have something else wrong to let me know.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
int number;
bool countr;
for (countr = 0; countr <= 2; countr ++)

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Generate All Permutations Of Objects Present On List

Mar 13, 2014

I've a big problem. I'd like to generate of all permutations of objects present on my list and i don't know how to do this. I've found a few examples, but i can't use them in my code...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
class Item {


Input file with objects:
2 0 0 4
5 0 1 5
3 0 2 6

and output should be:
2 0 0 4
5 0 1 5
3 0 2 6

2 0 0 4
3 0 2 6
5 0 1 5

3 0 2 6
2 0 0 4
5 0 1 5
etc... 3! so 6 permutations for this example.

I was 'fighting' with this for few days, and I'm so downcast.

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C# :: No Data Present For Second Item - Invalid Attempt

Oct 20, 2014

I am having an issue with the below error saying that there is no data present for the second read item (bold and underlined).

But I can see in the data that both fields have data in them. why the approver2 variable is not being populated?

Error : An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Data.dll

Additional information: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.

string approver = null;
string approver2 = null;
string Approve = "Select Approver"+
" From dbo.Tbl_Overview"+
" Where RequestID = '" + STAR.Globals.Detail + STAR.Globals.DetailNum + "'";

[Code] ....


Select Approver,Approver2 From dbo.Tbl_Overview Where RequestID = 'CR4'


User.1 User2

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C :: Finding And Changing String With Another String

Mar 6, 2015

I have a question about this function.


char a[4] = {"aaa"};
strstr(a, "bb");

When I do this after function copies bb to the array it puts '' ? I mean last for array would be 'b' 'b' 'a' '' or 'b' 'b' '' ''. I am trying to learn the basics of searching a string, finding and changing them with another string.

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C++ :: Finding Highest Number In Array

Aug 12, 2014

after staring at this for awhile, I can't figure out why it won't work. It prints out numbers from 0 to 100, but will print out an absurdly high number as the highest number, like 790 or 640. I can't see why.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int find_highest(int array[]);
int find_highest (int array[], int size) {
int highest_num;
for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
if (array[i] > array[i-1]) {


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C :: Finding The Biggest Number In Array?

Feb 2, 2014

I'm supposed to find the biggest number (largest value), in any given array A with n numbers. (no floats)

My thoughts here are, check if A[0] > A[1]. if yes, check if A[0] > A[2]. If no, check if A[1] > A[2] etc.

I'm not sure how I can do this in code. I'm thinking if A[0] > A[1] is true, then set A[0] = A[k]. Kind of set it aside, and use that for the next if test. But I'm not sure how to do it.

This is my code so far.

int main(){
int A[7] = {12, 6, 9, 33, 2, 25, 53};
int i, k;
k = 0;


I'm aware of the flaws here, but this is the best I can do so far. How can I get the if test to use A[k] next, as A[k] will always be the biggest value?

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C++ :: Finding Number Of Lines Between Two Specified Characters

Feb 3, 2014

I am looking for a way to correctly count the lines between two specified characters/strings in a file. Here's the part I need work on:

getline( file, lines );
do {
} while( !lines.find("story") );

I want the code to search for the first occurence of the word "character," and start counting the lines from that line until it hit the first occurrence of the word "story."

Right now, I am only getting a counter value of 1.

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C++ :: Finding Smallest Number In Array?

Oct 17, 2014

I was assigned to create a program that has a 10 x 8 two dimensional array and fill it with random numbers in the range 50 to 70 inclusively.( Got That part down). The second part is to make function named findSmallest that will find and print, appropriately labeled, the smallest number in the array.

I cant seem to get it working. The code for finding the smallest give me some weird number

Here my Code:

//Assignment 18 Program 2
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


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