C++ :: Finding Number Of Lines Between Two Specified Characters
Feb 3, 2014
I am looking for a way to correctly count the lines between two specified characters/strings in a file. Here's the part I need work on:
getline( file, lines );
do {
} while( !lines.find("story") );
I want the code to search for the first occurence of the word "character," and start counting the lines from that line until it hit the first occurrence of the word "story."
Right now, I am only getting a counter value of 1.
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Mar 20, 2013
I am writing a program for my class in C++. For this program we are required to use different fuctions and prototypes outside of main. We have to determine the number of characters, lines, sentences, digits, words, etc. in a particular function the user types in.
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Jan 31, 2014
I am writing a code to read a file and break it into lines and characters but I am getting an error do not know the reason for it though.
here is my code
The first line is executing properly but when it goes to the second line I get an error "the program has stopped working"
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Aug 30, 2014
Simple program to convert files to XML files. However I am trying to narrow down why my code is not working. I am reading a line that looks like "2001 Joe Dirt Los Angeles", then the next few lines are followed by text and the the fifth line looks like "---End of Description---".
So here is the file
2001 Joe Dirt Los Angeles
Home is where you make it
Best movie ever(but not really)
But seriously
---End of Description---
Here is example code to test the process
string line;
while(dataFile >> line) {
getline(dataFile, line);
cout << line << endl;
My returning output is
[space]Joe Dirt Los Angeles
[space]Home is where you make it
[space]Best movie ever(but not really)
[space]But seriously
My test code is skipping the date on the first line but replacing it with a space. Then it is skipping my fifth line which reads "---End of Description---". Now if I take the code out of the while loop and hard code in five lines of output (x5 getline(dataFile,line); cout << line << endl;) then my code works as expected. I get all of the information. Date and the fifth line.
It looks like when I am testing for the EOF it is also taking in the numeric value at the beginning of the first line. However, that does not explain why it is dropping that fifth line.
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Mar 17, 2013
I have a file that is like the following, with patterns of pipes in it:
||| || | |
| ||| | | |
|| || ||
I have to consider each row of pipe characters to be in blocks of 3 characters each (e.g. - positions 1-3, then 4-6, etc, etc...) but I have to capture all of the pipes, in sequence, like so:
positions 1-3 for lines 1-3, then positions 4-6 for lines 1-3, etc, etc...
How to get this done besides writing severely redundant control structures like loops, one after the other?
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Dec 17, 2013
I have to write a program (on linux) which will count character, words and lines like wc linux command. I'm trying to write this for last 3 days... First part of app I did and it works fine - command line options to choose. Then I've got a function read_file which I have to use to read a file. One of the options is to get the file name from user and if user will not type any name then the standard file is ubuntu dict file /usr/share/dict/words, this is not working as well...
Counting characters and lines is working fine but because I don't know how to get text from read_file wrote code to read file interior this functions. Words counting is working partly - everything is fine until there are two or more spaces, tabs one after another then counts extra words. Finally I need child processes in words and lines counting functions. Parent process should waits for all childs to finish and should be pipes to submit character counts back to parent process. How to do all this things with processes...
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
/*size of character buffer to read in a file. */
#define BUFFSIZE 1000000
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Jan 10, 2014
I'm doing an exercise that prints all input lines that are longer than 80 characters. I rather not use any libraries so I decided to write my own function that counts characters to use it in my main program. However when integrate things my function returns zero all the time.
Here is my full code:
/* Exercise 1-17 Write a program to print all input lines that are longer than 80 characters */
/* Declarations*/
#define MAX_STRING_LEN 1000
int count_characters(char S1[]);
int main() {
[Code] .....
So I was trying to debug my count_characters() function and this is the code if I was to run it seperately:
#include <stdio.h>
/* counts character of a string*/
main() {
int nc = 0;
int c;
for (nc = 0; (c = getchar()) != '
'; ++nc);
printf("Number of characters = %d
", nc);
which works...
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Sep 9, 2013
I've recently been reading tutorials on arrays and their aquaintance with memory addresses. So, I completely understand how an array's name, when defined, is a constant pointer to its first element's address.
My problem, however, lies with characters, and how they are basically arrays except with a null terminator for the last index. What I've come to undestand, is that, when defining a character variable, each 'character' has a memory address it is associated with.
For example:
char name[] = {"Hello"}; // | 'H' | 'e' | 'l' | 'l' | 'o' | '/0' |
An address holds the value of 'H'.
An address holds the value of 'e'.
An address holds the value of 'l' and so on.
I have come to believe this is false, however. Mainly from a simple std::cout command.
std::cout << &name << std::endl; // attempt 1
std::cout << &name[0] << std::endl; // attempt 2
The first attempt, as I assumed, should print the address of the first element.
The second attempt, as I assumed, did not. I figured, &names[0] would print the address of the first element, which should have been the same as &names.
So, this brings me to my question, are characters formed of constant addresses, or are the address of individual characters not reachable?
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Mar 28, 2013
bool isUnique(string _str)
bool char_set[256];
int len = _str.length();
memset(char_set, '/0', 256);
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
[Code] .....
I came across this code to find if string has unique characters...i didnt understand why they subracted ascii value of character '0' in the statement int val = _str[i]- '0' and what is happening with the statements...
return false;
char_set[val] = true;
I take each character in the sting and traverse the whole string .and if count is 2 i use break and conclude that its not unique and not otherwise...can i use this method or this is not efficient????
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Jan 27, 2015
I have been working on a project that deals with an array of characters and finding there frequencies. I was able to determine the frequencies that where greater than 1, but I need to find the HIGHEST frequency.
Here is my full code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void input(char unlisted[80], int& n);
void bubblesort(char unlisted[80], char sortedlist[80], int n);
As you can see this will print out all frequencies that are bigger than 1, but I only want the highest frequency. Basically I want to print out all frequencies when count is greater than 1 less than count, but because its in a loop count will always be greater than count-1 so it prints out all frequencies.
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Feb 2, 2015
it looks like a popular method for determining the total lines in a file is to read the entire file character by character in search of ' '. I have a file with 5 lines, but for some reason this code isn't finding any instances of ' '. Is this possible? Is there a better way to get the number of lines in a file?
The file looks like this:
NAME: John
FRIEND 1: Steve
FRIEND 2: Andrea
OCCUPATION: Programmer
FILE *f = fopen(currentFile, "r");
if (f == NULL) perror ("Error opening file.
int ch, lines = 0;
[Code] .....
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Jun 3, 2013
I was trying to make a function that would return how many lines are in a certain file. I was looking at [URL] which talks about how to count how many characters are in a text file. I just want the number of lines with in a file.
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Feb 4, 2013
Below is the response XML my programmer is getting from business service -
<ns1:ParentProductCat category="ABC">ABC</ns1:ParentProductCat
In above XMl if you check the ParentProductCat is prefixed with ns1:,ns2:,ns3:....
My XSLT code only checkes for the ParentProductCat but since it is prefixed with "ns*:" (* is integer) it fails to find it. So that in C# code replace function is used to replace ns*: a for loop is used for this and it goes until 1000
But now my response crossed the 1000 mark and this time the XML contains total 14500 lines.So I want to replace all ns:*
For this I want to count the number of lines present in the XML so that the for loop will run until that line number. how to do that?
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Feb 27, 2015
lets say this is our textfile
45(here is space)string and other shit is here
454(here is space)string and other shit is here
4121(here is space)string and other shit is here
77(here is space)string and other shit is here
45545(here is space)string and other shit is here
1122(here is space)string and other shit is here
how do i get exactly that number in every line start? and compare but i jus tneed to get them to variable so ?
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Jan 29, 2012
Write a program that prompts the user for the name of a file. Then it opens the file, and counts the number of words and lines in the file, and prints out those counts.
I think I possibly could somehow use a counter to increment using getLIne() until getLine() returns NULL, but the problem is, I'm worried if I try that, a file that looks like this:
Bla bla bla bla bla lkfdljkfaklafdskjladsjkdfkjlkdfjdfshafdsjkjrerjkkjfaddjkfsafkjdjakdfsjkasfjkjkfdskjldfjkfjkdjfkdsakdjfkjfdkjdfskjfdsk
Only register four lines and not get the one after the fourth line.
So I was thinking of something like
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
iostream keyboard;
ifstream file;
iostream cin;
[Code] .....
Did I do that right? Will that count the number of words and number of lines correctly?
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Apr 20, 2015
Im trying to figure out how to print a random number of asterisks on two separate lines at the same time. So every time you press a key it prints a different amount of random number of integers between1 and 10 until one of the lines reaches 70. I have the code to do one line but can't figure out how to do two at once.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MINR 1
#define MAXR 70
#define MINM 1
#define MAXM 10
int main (void)
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Apr 10, 2014
Try not to make too much fun of me for my logic, but I'm having trouble with this. I am trying to make it so the program takes a 1 dimensional array and a 2 dimensional array, and checks to see what row in the 2 dimensional array is the closest to the 1D array.
To compute the value of the 1D array you take the first row first element in the 2D array, and the first element in the 1D array, subtract and the absolute value.
Example: | 4 - 3 | = 1;
1Darray = 1.
Full 1 Dimensional Array:
3 1 6 9
Full 2 Dimensional Array:
4 9 1 5
6 1 7 3
0 8 2 6
To compute the value of the first row in the 2D array,
| 4 - 3 | + | 9 - 1 | + | 1 - 6 | + | 5 - 9 | = 18.
| 6 - 3 | + | 1 - 1 | + | 7 - 6 | + | 3 - 9 | = 10.
| 0 - 3 | + | 8 - 1 | + | 2 - 6 | + | 6 - 9 | = 17.
Thus row 1 being the closest row to the 1 dimensional array.
The code I've written so far seems to be going down the right path. Have a look below...
int i,j,tempRow,tempTotal = 0,firEle,cloRow;
firEle = abs( x[0][0] - y[0] );
for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
tempRow = 0;
for( j = 0; j < size; j++ ) {
tempRow += abs( x[i][j] - y[j] );
[Code] ....
The whole temp part is kind of confusing myself. What I'm thinking is that I can add all row values up using
Code: tempRow += abs( x[i][j] - y[j] ); , then I need to compare that value to see if it is close to the "firEle" which is value I need to get closest to.
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Jan 25, 2013
I have a .txt file that contains, together with a few characters, columns of values that I want to save in different files like is written in the program (file 1, file2, file3 - a with x, b with y, c with z). The pattern of the source text file is like this:
known_vector frame1 151 65 0 frame2 151.000763 64.538582 0.563737
known_vector frame1 152 65 0 frame2 152.000702 64.542488 0.560822
known_vector frame1 153 65 0 frame2 153.000671 64.546150 0.558089
Until now I could manage to split the files, but the output gives me only zeros. First the program count the number of lines of the read text file, then it should display the desired columns of double values in three other .txt files.I've got for the three .txt files columns like this:
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
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Feb 12, 2014
So I'm trying to count the number of lines in a text file that is inputted by the user. Also the code doesn't sum up the last number of the text file (exmp it calculates and print only 14 from 15 numbers). I'm a beginner in c++ programing.
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Feb 9, 2013
I'm creating a program to read information about class schedules at my school, reformat the information, and allow the user to search for specific semesters. There are eight fields of information. I'm reading the info from a text file using eight parallel arrays, but I'm having trouble declaring the arrays. I can run this code in one compiler (Dev-C++) with no problems, but I get errors when trying to compile it using Visual Studio stating that arrays must be declared with a constant value. I have a loop to run through the text file, with a counter to increment with each subsequent line, then I create a constant int equal to the counter, and declare the arrays of size equal to the constant int. Here's the section of code in question:
// Counting the number of lines in the text file
string countLine;
int numberOfLines = 0;
//Discarding the first line of the text file containing only column headings
getline(inFileForLines, countLine);
[Code] .....
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Mar 13, 2014
So I need to make a program that counts the number of words, lines, and vowels in a program. Punctuation and white spaces are not counted in any of the counts. I have this so far and the words, and lines work and are correct but I can't seem to get the vowel count to work.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
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Jan 25, 2015
C program to count the number of lines in a text file and reverse the contents in the file to write in an output file.
ex :
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Nov 5, 2013
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int max(int num1, int num2, int num3);
int main () {
int num1, num2, num3, large;
[Code] ....
For some reason it keeps num3 as large.
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Jul 13, 2013
What is the most efficient algorithm for finding how many factors a number has? I've just been doing brute force division up to (n - 1) / 2 thus far. How can this be optimized?
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Sep 16, 2013
I have to write a program to find the nth number of the Ulam numbers.
It's a bit complicated to explain what an Ulam number is but Wolfram explains it very well here: [URL]
I have to find the nth Ulam number but I don't know what I have to do to get that. My program gives me all the Ulam numbers from a range of 0 to n.
What I want the program to do is tell me that the 49th Ulam number is 243.
C++ Program to find nth Ulam Number
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int num = 0;
vector<int> v;
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Oct 3, 2013
cin.ignore (10);
return 0;
Its not working
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