C++ :: Enter Multiple Strings Into Char Array

Feb 16, 2014

I am having issues getting this working. This is a simple program that is designed to ask a user if he would like to enter a string, if yes, the user is prompted to enter it and its stored in a char array. User is then asked if he wants to enter another string... Once user responds no, the program outputs the strings and the program ends...

Note: I'm using in.getline(myarray[i], MAX, ' '), to avoid white space problems if user enters a space. Lastly I would like the option of letting user enter any number of strings, but how would you do this when declaring the 2 dimensional char array?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 81; //max char is sting is 80
int main(){
string y_n;
bool go = true;

[Code] ....

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C :: Remove Duplicate Strings From Char Array

Apr 15, 2014

The goal is to merge two files of names, sort them and remove duplicates.I've managed to merge the two files into a single char array and sort them with a function so they are alphabetical.I'm having problems removing the duplicate entries from the array. Here is my code:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NUMSTR 10
#define STRLNG 9


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C++ :: How To Insert Strings Into Array Of Type Char

Sep 2, 2013

How to insert strings into an array of type char and also delete strings from that char array.

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C/C++ :: Reading Strings To Char Array From Exe File

Feb 25, 2014

I am trying to read strings to an char array from an .exe file and then i would check some of the strings, but the problem is that the only thing that is read from the file is the first string (MZ) and an 'square' that is some incorrect character. I am using fread to read from the file. Here is my code:

FILE * pFile;
long lSize;
char * buffer;
size_t result;
pFile = fopen("my_file.exe", "rb");
if( pFile == NULL) exit(1);
fseek(pFile,0, SEEK_END);

[Code] ....

(I want to read the whole file, its not that big)...

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C :: What Will Happen If Enter A Char Instead Of Integer

Aug 21, 2014

Consider below statements:

int x;
scanf("%d", &x);

After running, It's supposed to enter an integer for x. what will happen if I enter a char instead of integer? which value will be in &x and x itself? I have a script and I get strange result while entering a char instead of integer for x.

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C++ :: Need To Enter More Than One Char Input Not Working

Jan 23, 2015

Basically I'm having trouble reading more than one character.I want the user to input character traits(ie, w, a), if two traits are entered they get the job.

But I cannot get my program to read more than one character input.

This is what I have so far...

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char input;
int count = 0;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: C Type Strings - Program To Ask User To Enter A String And Perform Functions

Oct 18, 2014

My assignment is : Please use C type strings ( array representation of strings). Write a program that will ask the user to enter a string. It will then regard that string as a worked-on string and allow the user to perform the following editing functions on it:

s – search
i – insert
a – append
d – delete
a – append
d – delete
r – replace
e – exit
s – search

This option will allow the user to search for a specified string in the worked-on string. If the string is

found, it will display the starting index (position) of the searched string in the worked-on string.

here is what i have so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char a_string[80];

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Decipher Multiple Strings From TXT File

Nov 17, 2013

I need making a function that is deciphering multiple strings from a .txt file. The function is supposed to remove all instances of the first three characters from the string.

An example would be from l.pjkjsdfl.p[)sdfslkl.p ------> jkjsdf[)sdfslk

Basically it removes "l.p" from wherever it is in the string.

I am new to C++ and I don't know where to start from.

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C++ :: Search A Vector Element With Multiple Strings?

Nov 22, 2013

How could I search a vector element with multiple strings

i.e. vector.at(i) = This is a test

How could I search that to look for the word "test" in that element?

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C++ :: Converting Multiple Lines Of Strings To Double

Aug 26, 2014

I am trying to convert multiple lines of strings to double with std::stod .... I used the code found on the website:

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
int main() {
std::string two_doubles =" 22145.365 -3564789";
std::string::size_type K;
double first = std::stod (two_doubles, &K);
double second = std::stod (two_doubles.substr(K));

The string starts with white spaces. I get this error message when compiling:

warning unused variable 'first'
warning unused variable 'second'

How do you convert the two numbers in the string two_doubles to doubles?

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C++ :: Can't Compare Char Strings

Jun 13, 2013

I have two char* that have the same data in (hypothetically).

std::vector<char*> Buff;
Buff = Split(Line, '.');
char* A = "data", B;
B = Buff.at(0)

Where Split is a function that I made to split a string (Line in this case) into a char* vector, this string contains a line from a file. Line is char* too. The weird problem is when Buff data stored in its 0 position is given to B... because B is equal to A (hypothetically) but when this is compared to do certain functions they doesn't match!

Here an example:

std::vector<char*> Buff;
Buff = Split(Line, '.');
char* A = "map", B;
B = Buff.at(0) // Buff.at(0) should be "map" and is apparently "map"


NOTE: I didn't use switch to compare Cmd because I want it separately for easier debugging.

Is there something wrong with my codes?? or what happened here with those hex values before the string in my variables?

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C++ :: Trimming Char Strings?

Jan 12, 2015

I have created a char string[100]. I know this array will be big enough for its purpose. The problem is that it often too big. When I print this string array I get the text plus a lot of gobbledygook at the end which I assume is the extra memory at end of string array. How would I approach trimming this using just C.

I suppose I could nest a for loop that adds to a new array that has a size determined by a counter(although this would give a warning being that a VAR is determining size of array) but I suppose there is a much simpler way to do this.

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C++ :: Strings - Read Multiple Values In On A Single Line

Jul 28, 2014

My question is on c++ strings. At the moment my program is reading input in one line at a time after the user presses enter.

I want to read multiple values in on a single line. Example: "apple banana orange end" ... How would I do this?

MAIN Code:
#include "Header.h"
#include "Orange.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

[Code] ......

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Visual C++ :: Finding Items (strings) In Multiple Lists

Mar 12, 2013

Im working on a script compiler and i need to handle different types of data. Actually different categories of items.

Let's say i have two categories: cat's and bird's. They are different and stored in different lists. And let's say there is a simple command: GIVE_FOOD_TO(animal_type, food_type) Animal type here can be either from birds category or cat's category.

And also let's say user gives command: GIVE_FOOD_TO(cat1, fish)
and also for example: GIVE_FOOD_TO(bird1, birdfood)

Variable names could be anything, but im storing each variable name in std::map so later i can figure out with what animal current command is used.

When im parsing the script then i must know if user supplied either cat or bird. If i just would have cat's or bird's category then i would have only 2 lists and not a big problem to loop through either cats list or birds list and find out in what list the "cat1" is or in what particular list the "bird1" is. It would be in one or another.

But i have a lot of categories and looping through all of these lists (or std::maps) is slow and doesn't seem like a good. Just to find out in what list it's stored. I can't rely on variable names, they could be anything.

Big picture atm:

1) I have one BIG box which stores all of the categories

2) When i need to find out to which category the variable (animal_type) point's to i must get it quickly, dunno, std::map in std::map or something?

What i need basically is: I have different lists (each one is just a category for either birds or cats in this example) And when i have variable name, i must find out quickly in what particular category this item is stored. So i can work with it.

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C++ :: Compare 2 Dates From Strings / Char Or Int

Mar 16, 2014

i have been trying to compare a date format from SYSTEMTIME and a date from a text file(string).But its not working. I tried to change both to string(using osstringstream),char* and int(using sscanf) to do the comparison but with no luck. its pretty simple all i want to do is get the current system date and compare it with the date from the text file. Below is my code:

char szcurrentDate[MAX_PATH] = "";
char szdate_time[MAX_PATH];
GetLocalTime (&st);
GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,NULL,&st,"yyyy-M-d ",szcurrentDate,MAX_PATH); //current system date
//std::ostringstream mm;


note : i tried displaying just szcurrentDate and szdate_time they show the date exactly the same. in string,char* or int formats.

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C++ :: Reading From Console Multiple Strings Of Unknown Length In Combination With Integers

Oct 10, 2014

I want to read a string of unknown length from stdin. I tried to follow the approach from this link.


My code is like this:


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int n;
cin >> n;
cout << "The value of n is " << n << endl;
string str;
getline(cin, str);
cout << "The entereed string is " << str << endl;

What I have noticed is that if I take integer input from cin (cin >> n in the above code before getline, the control does not stop on getline to take str as input from the console. If I don't do (cin >> n) before getline then the control stops on getline and takes the string as input.

What is the best way to read from console multiple strings of unknown length in combination with the integers?

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C++ :: Comparing Multiple Constant Char At Once?

Jul 4, 2014

I have an array of const char's that are randomly selected in a loop from a list and id like to compare every newly selected choice to be tested against all the others to make sure the same choice isn't given more than once, however the names are lengthy and, for example, using:

for (int x = 0; x<10;x++)//initial loop
while ((choice[x]== choice[x-1] || (choice[x] == choice[x-2]) || etc...)
//^given that I have 10 variables

Would be messy and a painful sight. What would a more convinient way to check each choice?

Edit:It should be said that each choice would then be randomized again and then checked again, and that each newly selected choice is then immediantly used after this. It'll also be assumed that not all the choices have been made when this part runs(ergo choice[3] may not exist yet) as it is in a loop

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C++ :: Comparing Char Array To Char Always Returns True

Dec 23, 2014

I've made a code to check whether or not a save file has been created correctly, but for some reason it always returns this line: readdata[qa]=='1' as true. in which qa is the counter I use in a for loop and readdata is a character array consisting of 50 characters that are either 0, 1 or 2.

this is the entire code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


at first is also went wrong at line 22 and also returned that as true, but then I added brackets and it worked.

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C++ :: Concatenate Two Char Arrays Into Single Char Array?

Sep 29, 2014

I am trying to concatenate two words from a file together. ex: "joe" "bob" into "joe bob". I have provided my function(s) below. I am somehow obtaining the terminal readout below. I have initialized my memory (I have to use dynamic, dont suggest fixing that). I have set up my char arrays (I HAVE TO USE CHAR ARRAYS (c-style string) DONT SUGGEST STRINGS) I know this is a weird way to do this, but it is academic. I am currently stuck. My file will read in to my tempfName and templName and will concatenate correctly into my tempName, but I am unable to correctly get into my (*playerPtr).name.

/* this is my terminal readout
joe bob
<- nothing is put into (*playerPtr).name, why not?
joe bob joe bob
seg fault*/
//This is here to show my struct/playerInit


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C :: Char Array With A Phrase To Char Word

Nov 28, 2013

I need to do a function that copy every word from a text to a char word. How can i do it?

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C :: Enter 10 Positive Numbers In Array

Nov 3, 2014

I have task to make program.. To enter 10 positive numbers in an array. Find three numbers that stand near each other and that have the maximum sum.

I understand how to make array, enter 10 number i find only one biggest number from 10.. How to find three max number sum that stand near each other..

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C++ :: Using Array To Enter Number Of Users And Their Data?

Dec 10, 2014

I have a small program to calculate the value of salary. I want to user to be able to enter more than one user using array and finally calculates the average salary of all users.

Here is the code

#include <iostream>#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int months=3;
double net_pay;
string EmpName;


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C :: User To Enter 4 Integers Which Get Stored In Array

Mar 3, 2014

For my code, I want the user to enter 4 integers, which get stored in an array. Here are the lines I wrote relevant to this part:

printf("Enter 4 integers:
scanf("%d %d %d %d," &a, &b, &c, &d);
z[4] = { a, b, c, d};

Would this be correct?

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C++ :: User To Enter Size Of Dynamic Array

Apr 22, 2013

I'm doing an exercise which involves for the user to enter the size of the dynamic array and then enter the numbers, but then it needs to create another dynamic array with the same numbers expect if the number repeats it only has one of it. I've done the first part of the exercise but I'm having trouble with creating the new array.

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C :: Parsing Char Array To Array Of Struct To Process Packets

May 28, 2013

I wrote this simplified version of a program i am writing that parses data in UDP packets. In the process of doing so i pretty much answered all my questions and fix all the problems i was having.

decodeSystemMap function will be in loop, and will proccess packets that have mostly the same data, only a few items will be added or changed or deleted.

whats the best way to check if there are any new, deleted, or removed items in the packet and only modify those?
Is there anything unsafe / dangrous about the way the code is now?

/* * File: main.c
* Author: david
* Created on May 23, 2013, 11:57 AM

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

[Code] ....

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C :: Can Strings Fit In Array

Mar 5, 2013

1. I finished reading a beginning C book, and in the section about arrays, it says that one string can fit in a character array (char arrayname[]) but there cannot be a string array (string arrayname[]) that have multiple strings. Is

Code: string arrayname[4] = {"one", "two", "three"}; not valid?

My compiler lets me run it and it works, but why is the book saying it's wrong?

2. I know you can represent multiple strings in a character array by:

Code: char newarray[10][4] = ("one", "two", "three");

because [10][4] indicates that there should be four newarrays created with a max of 10 characters each, but is

Code: string multiplestrings[10][4] = ("i love you", "hello come to me", "i don't get C"; "hello world", "what are arrays"; "i am happy", "I am learning how to code"); valid?

Does multiplestrings[10][4] basically create 4 string arrays that have a maximum of 10 different strings within each string array?

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