C++ :: Displaying Correct Output By Using For Loop (with Pointers)

Feb 4, 2014

I wanted to display the correct output by using a for loop at the end of my code, but for some reason it's not working correctly.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int* ipArray[3];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
ipArray[i] = new int [5];

[Code] .....

What I wanted to do is pretty much match my 1st out put like 0 1 2 3 4 but my 2nd output only outputs 24's and I don't know why

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C/C++ :: For Loop Not Producing Correct Output

Nov 14, 2014

Something is wrong with option 1. For some reason it adds 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 5 onto the output and I can't think why. Here is a screenshot.

Also how can I make the output a little neater? I tried to use but it just looks horrible.

I had linked the source code! Why is there no edit button?!

using namespace std;
int main(){
int option;
cout << "Welcome to my program. Please select a following option.

[Code] .....

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C :: Recursive Function Not Displaying Correct Sequence Request

Jul 1, 2013

Ok, so the assignment is to use a recursive function to display a request for a certain position in the Fibonacci Sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...)

The program I have written works, but it displays the wrong number in sequence. The book says that when you enter "8" you should receive "13", which is correct in the order of the sequence, though my program is producing "21" which is the next number in the sequence.

I tested it with a few more numbers and when I enter "7" it produces "13" and when I enter "6" it produces "8" and so on.

//Cameron Taylor
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){


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C++ :: Mortgage Calculator - Displaying Months In Correct Order

Mar 29, 2013

I need my code to display Month but it seems my code is skipping month's and not displaying 1, 2 3. It's going 1 , 3 ,5 and so on. This is the code i have for it

int month = 1;

And later on the code i have month++ That's my first mistake and i'm not sure how to possibly fix it. My second mistake is my Interest Paid output. This is the code i have for it

interestPaid = loanBalance*i;

This is on the while loop, but i'm not sure why it's not displaying the correct amount. It should display for month 1 = 500.00 , Month 2 = 498.28 and Month 3 = 496.55 and so on... However my code display's something close to it, but not that. i is my monthly interest rate. My code for it seems to be fine. If i can fix this two things i'll be able to finish the project. This is my entire code, how i can fix it so that my month is displayed in 1, 2, 3, etc.... and not 1, 3, 5, etc... And why my interest is not displaying what my professor has on his output screen (i provided the first three months on top in bold) If i can fix those things i'll have the rest. Here's my entire code

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main ( ) {
int month = 1;
// Holds the user's amount of loan.
double loanAmount;
// Holds the user's interest rate.
double i;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Nim Project - Not Displaying Matches But Display Correct Number

Apr 9, 2013

I am having one issue with my project. We are making a game of Nim code.I'm 99% done with it, i worked hard on it and i feel like i did a good job, however my project is not displaying the matches i want. For example, it display's the inital number of them 23. But once the first player subtracts a number, it doesn't display matches for player 2, just the number of matches remaining. Then as i keep running the program the same thing happens. This is what it's supposed to

"Input/Output sample
------- -- ---
Enter the starting player's name (no spaces)-->John
Enter the second player's name (no spaces)-->Mary
There are 23 matches.
Player John please enter the number of matches to remove-->2
There are 21 matches.
Player Mary please enter the number of matches to remove-->3
There are 18 matches.
Player John please enter the number of matches to remove-->1 "

This is entire code.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Holds variables.

[Code] ....

I will attach my code as well.ProjectNim.cpp

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C :: Loop Does Not Work And Program Quits Without Displaying For Loop Function

Oct 13, 2014

We are making a program--but every time we input a value for scanf, the following for loop does not work and the program quits without displaying the for loop's function. We are not getting any errors.

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C :: Pointers And String Manipulations - Finding Correct Path

Mar 11, 2014

i've been writing some code for an assignment and it is mostly about pointers and string manipulations. It runs but crashes and I think it might be from over- valuating some strings maybe not. I have written in check points to make sure each function passes through but quits at findFirstPath loop, I had kept running the program through as i added more and more code. It had stopped when I near finished I believed it to just be because I hadn't finished the functions I called.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MAXSTRING 10
#define TRUE 1


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C++ :: Correct Values Passed To The Pointers - Memory Corruption

Apr 26, 2012

My project is say that it has memory leaks. When I view it in the debugger, it shows the correct values being passed to the pointers.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
bool ConfigGetEntry( char *pcFile, char *pcNameMust, char* &pcResult ) {
char pcBuffer[ 512 ];

[Code] ....

Its saying that i have memory corrupting at..

if ( !ConfigGetEntry( pcFile, pcName, pcRet ) ) return _strdup( pcDefault );

Also is it normal to have a bad pointer then point data into it to then clear that of the bad pointer. To have valid data now in that pointer.

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C++ :: Output Correct Standard Deviation

Feb 1, 2015

The program does compile the average and the mean correctly. I can't understand why the standard_deviation member function isn't applying the sqrt properly:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const int N = 10;
class Standard_Deviation {

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Output Is Not Correct - Squaring Input?

Feb 6, 2015

Ok so This is what the output of the program should be.

enter the count of input integers: 1
The count of the integers must be two or more. Please enter a valid number : 3
Enter integer #1 : 2
Enter integer #2 : -1
Enter integer #3:5

The positive numbers entered and their squares are:

2 4
5 25

My Code :

//header files


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C++ :: Program To Output A Check With Correct Spacing

Oct 14, 2013

So I have to write a program that outputs a check with correct spacing and everything.

Create a project titled Lab7_Check. Write a program that asks the user the check information and prints the check. The dialog should be as follows:

date: 2/23/2010
name: William Schmidt
amount, dollars: 23
cents: 30
payee: Office Max

your check:

William Schmidt 10/13/2013
pay to: Office Max $23.30
twenty three and 30/100 dollars

You may assume that a person always has the first name and last name (no middle names or initials). The payee name is also always two words. The dollar and cent amount are integers and the amount is always less than 100 dollars. Note that the dollar amount could be zero, in which case, when you spell the dollar amount, it should print "zero". The date is always a single (non-white space separated string). Your date, dollar amount in numbers and the word "dollars" have to vertically align.

This is the code I have so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string date;
string firstname;
string lastname;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Output Displaying As 0?

Mar 5, 2015

I am trying to write a c program to convert centimeters to inches and then to feet. I have most of the code written but not sure how to debug it. I keep getting "0" as all of my output.

#include <stdio.h>
// Main Function
int main(void)


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C++ :: Output Displaying Out Of The Screen

Feb 11, 2014

I have turbo c++ on windows xp SP2.....whenever i compile my code in turbo c++ i am getting output outside the screen.....but when i used code::block....i get the correct output...fits to screen ...

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C/C++ :: Basic 2D Array Displaying Output?

Feb 23, 2014

I been for trying to create 5x5 2d array that

basically display first column, last column , and diagonally (like " N " display). but i cant get it to work.
this is what i have so far.

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
char Test[5][5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


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C++ :: Displaying Commas In Loop?

Oct 6, 2013

If the number 4 is entered, the output should be the following:

1: 1
2: 1, 2
3: 1, 3
4: 1, 2, 4,

My output, however, is different but I know its an error with the comma.f

1: 1, , ,
2: 1, 2, ,
3: 1, , 3,
4: 1, 2, , 4

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()


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C :: Not Getting Actual Output While Displaying Hex Numbers In Decimal Format

Apr 26, 2013

I need to display 0-15 hex numbers[0X00-0x0F] in decimal value...& I'm getting the output but it's not exactly what it should be,below is my code.. [This not the complete code,but main part where the changes are done]

Actual output i should get is for 1v it should generate 0001,for 2v it should generate 0010 and simultaneously till [15v-1111]... But what i'm getting is exactly different to this for eg for 7v,8v&9v the bits generated are 1101,1011,1011 respectively...

[URL] ....

sbit V1 = P2^0;
sbit V2 = P2^2;
sbit V3 = P2^4;
sbit V4 = P2^6;
#define DAC_table V1,V2,V3,V4

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
idata unsigned int ptr2tbl ;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Read Some Text And Output Without Displaying Repeating Words

Sep 8, 2014

I have been given an assignment to make a code to read some text nd display all the words nd the number of times they appear in another file or as output without displaying the repeating words. I made the code but its not giving any output.

using namespace std;
void read(string);
string x,z,w;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Rock Paper Scissors - Displaying Output And Choosing Random Option?

Aug 11, 2014

today I've been working on a rock, paper and scissors game. It compiles OK, except:

It doesn't use a random number from 1 -3, or goes out of scope.2. It doesn't COUT and it doesn't flush the buffer.3.

My code is as follows:

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
std::string randomPC(int &);
void PCSelect(int &);


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C++ :: Change Making Program Prints Correct Values But Prints Them In Loop

Jan 27, 2015

I have a program that makes change from an amount. It works fine, but the output is the correct output looped over and over. I have tried everything, but it still doesn't work. For example, a amount of 98 should print

3 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickles
3 pennies
but instead it prints
3 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickels
3 pennies
0 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickels
3 pennies
0 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickels
3 pennies

Why it's doing this?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int coinscount(int& amount, int value) {
int tracker = 0;
int amountdimes = amount;


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C :: For Loop Controller Using Pointers?

Jan 3, 2015

I'm familiar with the concept of int in the for loop. However, I've seen a case where the condition for the for loop is a pointer. How is the pointer used or interpreted in the for loop condition in C or C++.

As an example:

void printer(char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
char *p, *sval;
int ival;
double dval;
va_start(args, fmt);
for(p = fmt; *p; p++) {
if(*p != '%') {


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C :: Arrays And Pointers In A Loop

Jun 27, 2013

Set an Array (a[10]) and a Pointer to that array (*pa) and code a loop (for( ; ; loop) that will advance that pointer (*pa) and will set a new content into it with each loop. that means that in the end of the day, my program will automatically set content to each cell of the array by promoting the pointer by 1 and add the sum to that pointer.

When I run the program it prints the address of the cells instead the value of it.

#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
float a[11], *pa; // Array and ptr set.
int i; // counter for the loop.
pa = a;
for (i=0 ; i<=10 ; i++) // the loop itself.

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Using Pointers For Character Array In For Loop

Nov 3, 2014

I'm taking an intro to programming course and my assignment is to Write a very simple program that uses two for loops and ONLY pointers and pointer arithmetic (NO other variables are allowed) to display a palindrome forward then backward. Declare the palindrome as follows: char str[] = “Straw Warts”; Well my prof never did anything with char arrays and I can't quite fit make the pointers work in the loop. This is my code. It runs how it should, i just can't seem to make a working for loop. It always says that you can compare int and char

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()


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C :: Possible To Output By Using Only One Loop

Jul 21, 2013

is it possible to output like this using only one loop? if yes, how?

target output Code: ABCDE

EDCBA here is my code but using one loop im not getting my target output Code: #include <stdio.h>

int x, y;

for(x='a', y='e'; x<='e'; x++, y--)
%c", x, y);

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C++ :: While Loop Stops Output

Jun 19, 2014

As I was testing it, the program suddenly stopped giving an output. Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
cout << "Ten people ate breakfast with you this morning. Each of them " <<
"had pancakes.
Please enter how many pancakes each of the ten people " <<
" << endl;

[Code] ...

The while loop after int glutton does not work and seems to stop the program. I replaced the "glutton" in the cout with "testing testing" and it still did not work. However, when I commented out the loop, it appeared. Finally, it can't be what's inside the loop, because I commented that out too, and it still didn't work.

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C++ :: Struct Output Using A Loop?

Nov 6, 2013

trying to output my struct to a for loop. I understand how to output the struct but not into a for loop.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Date {
int day;
int month;
int year;


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C++ :: Using For Loop To Input And Output Array Values

Jan 23, 2014

so i got this piece of code today having some slight errors with it, how its actually done as i want to know where i have gone wrong here is the code .. Using a for loop to input and output array values

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
/* Declare an array of integers */
int Grades[5];
int nCount;
/* Populate the array */
for(nCount = 0; nCount < 5; nCount++)


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