C++ :: Displaying A Text File (Echo)

Jul 19, 2013

So I'm really stuck trying to figured this bug on the program that is preventing me from displaying the text of my program..

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;
int main () {
ifstream infile;
ofstream offile;

[Code] ....

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C :: Displaying A String Loaded From A Text File

Jan 19, 2014

I'm working on a program that can load all words from a dictionary "English2.txt" (it's attached to the post), then put every word into a 2-dimensional matrix (every line is reserved for one word) and display them. After loading every word into a matrix, when I try to display first 8 words with printf, I can't do it without '' at the end of a line. Otherwise only the 8th word is displayed... What's more, when I try to read the length of the first word with strlen, it says, that it has 4 characters (in fact there are only 3 and it's the word "AAA"). What could be the reason for that?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main()
FILE *fp;
char buffer[32];


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C++ :: Code For Displaying Text File Not Working

Dec 6, 2013

i have turbo c++ 3.0 installed . my program is compiled without error and is running. but when i choose option to display scores in the consol , it hangs . check my code. i have to run this on same compiler. i just want to display all the contenets of text file .



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C# :: Adding And Displaying Data From A Text File

Mar 6, 2014

Is it possible to display data from a textfile and also save data in to a textfile, reason being is for me to create back-ups of data into a textfile hidden somewhere in a safe location in the local disk or server in case of database error and failure.

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C Sharp :: Displaying Text File Block By Block In C#

Dec 21, 2012

I have a text file that is divided into blocks:


4:is a:1


And the following program that displays block by block:

StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader("G:LAB123LABWORK2.txt");
            int block = 0;
            while (!streamReader.EndOfStream)  {
                string line = streamReader.ReadLine().Trim();
                if (line.CompareTo("") == 0)

[Code] .....

My problem is am supposed to add a verification code so that if i put a string e.g 1:?:? it returns the block where the string is found and gives of all possible answers.

Attached Files : LABWORK2.txt (240 Bytes)

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Visual C++ :: Cout Is Not Displaying Text?

Apr 13, 2013

I'm making a very first program. It's very little more then a simplistic calculator, but i'm having a problem with the cout function. It won't display any text what could the reasons be?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespacestd;
int main () {
do {


Oh and i'm aware it's still riddled with numerous problems, I just have been working on the cout thing first.

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C :: Displaying Integer Check Sum In Text Outfile

Jul 30, 2013

How to get a txt Outfile to display a Checksum.


ChecksumFileDisplay = fopen(ChecksumFileDisplayPath, "r");
fprintf(ChecksumFileDisplay, BigEndianChecksum);

That's what I have but it doesn't like the fprintf function because BigEndianChecksum is an unsigned int and it wants a pointer to a const char. Is there a function similar to this that will display an 8 digit integer in a txt outfile?

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C++ :: Text Format - Displaying Capital Letters

Jul 4, 2013

Provide three menu options to format the text entered in QTextEdit to

(1) display the letters in capital letters
(2) display the text in red
(3) align the text in the center

I did the 2nd and the 3rd part but I can't find the capital letter part

if (name == "Color") {
if (name == "Capital") {
if (name == "Center") {

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Visual C++ :: Read Some Text And Output Without Displaying Repeating Words

Sep 8, 2014

I have been given an assignment to make a code to read some text nd display all the words nd the number of times they appear in another file or as output without displaying the repeating words. I made the code but its not giving any output.

using namespace std;
void read(string);
string x,z,w;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Echo Not Printing

Mar 9, 2014

A simple UNIX shell that supports some built-in commands, external commands, and file redirection.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>


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C :: Scanf / Fgets Without Echo

Aug 31, 2014

I am trying to write a terminal-like chat application in Linux. I would like to use a FIFO queue to print out the messages in terminal. The queue would be populated from 2 sources- stdin and messages sent from the other user over TCP. I have meet an obstacle that I cannot handle...

Lets say I would like to take user input using fgets and put it into a buffer. Then queue it if the buffer is not empty or print if it is. The problem is that when I use fgets or scanf, my input is instantly printed to the terminal..If i do:


fgets(message, 100, stdin); printf

("%s", message The string under message is printed twice :|. Is there a way to prevent this?

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C++ :: Echo Meaning In Bash Scripting

Apr 1, 2014

What does echo in a bash script mean?

The code I'm trying to understand says:

for((m=0; m<1;m++))
#assign the correct mechanism to run

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Echo String Entered By User

Oct 3, 2013

* echoString2.c
* Echoes a string entered by user. Converts input to C-style string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char aString[200];
char *stringPtr = aString;

[Code] ....

and these are my errors

212Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '222' in program
212Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '' in program
212Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '222' in program
262Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '222' in program
262Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '' in program
262Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '222' in program
Untitled1.cppIn function 'int main()':
2125Untitled1.cpp[Error] 'n' was not declared in this scope

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C++ :: Call Function Syntax To Be Equivalent To Echo

Aug 19, 2014

What I want to do is simple, however I can not find a way to do it in c++ and I don't know for sure that it is possible. I want to create a function that creates a simple short-hand for printf(x); Such as:

void echo(x){

But when I call the function:

echo "hi";//I want it to look like this
//instead of:
echo("hi");// like this.

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C++ :: Program Will Echo Letter (User Input) And Output Name Of The Day Of Week

Oct 21, 2012

Write a C++ program that does the following:

Prompt the user to enter a day of the week as M (or m), T, W, R, F, S, and U for Monday through Sunday respectively. The user may enter an upper or lower case letter.

When the user enters a character, the program will echo the letter and output the name of the day of the week.

Provide an error trap that reads something like "you have entered an invalid letter; program aborting." Suggestion: use a switch statement with the error trap as the default condition. it is not necessary to prompt for multiple inputs.

So I know how to get the program to echo back the letter and everything. What I am a little confused about is: will I have to define all the letters as their respective day? eg. make M== Monday. And if I do have to do that how would I get it to accept Upper and Lower case letters and recognize that that letter is == monday ect. ect.

Also my main problem is the switch statement as the error trap. I have never used the switch statement, but I know what they do. I just don't really understand how I would use it for an error trap. Am I suppose to just make a case for every other letter in the alphabet other then M T W R F S and U? Even if I do that then what if the user enters a number instead of a letter?

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C :: Original Text File / Generate Another File With Text Content In Upper Case

Nov 29, 2014

Code software that, from an original text file, generate another file with the text content in upper case.For exemple:





My code so far:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


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C++ :: Displaying File The Same Way It Was Made?

Apr 18, 2014

If I create a file that looks like this for example,

car 2 4 6 8
truck 1 2 3 4 5 6
plane 4 5 6 7 9

Whenever I go to open it back up like this,

ifstream inputFile;
string line;
while (inputFile>>line) {
cout << line << endl;
} inputFile.close();
return 0;

It displays output like this,


How can I get it to display like above?

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C++ :: Manually Loading And Displaying BMP File

May 25, 2012

I want to display a bmp file of resolution 600*420 (using c compiler like code block ) by manual loading. I tried to display the image by loading the pixel value. but this method has a limitation that it take up pixel value of image upto 64kb size.

So now i am trying to load it manually. What are the steps that i has to follow, what are the header files that i has to use ?

My system specification are windows xp professional , intel pentium 4 cpu. I don't know where to start ,does this method has any limitaton ,...etc ........

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C# :: Intellisense Not Displaying All Element Property File

Jan 28, 2015

It's a shock to me seeing the partial display of variables being picked by intellisense. I am working in VS2013 environment. I have a project, in the project Settings file I created string variables of about 100 to be accessed across the files for the project, like this:

A example of thew variable it worked for

public static String TradeportAccordionSystemAdminInstitutionManagement = Settings.Default.[b]TradeportAccordionSystemAdminInstitutionManagement[/b];

An example of the variable it did not work for

public static String TradeportAccordionSystemAdminInstitution = Settings.Default.

So, does it mean that the Settings file has a limit of variables that should be declared in it?

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C++ :: Displaying A Struct From A File (binary Mode)

Sep 28, 2013

I have a file in which I have written a structure called "Record".

Here is the struct definition:


#define IDSIZE 10
struct Record{
char id[IDSIZE];
int score;

Here's the code where I wrote to the file:


Record record;
char* id = "H12345678";
int score = 50;
record.id = id;
record.score = score;
file.write((const char*)&record, sizeof(record));

Here's a screenshot of the file in windows: [URL].... To the left is the id, 9 characters. To the right, well I'm assuming that's the score that I wrote.

And here's the problem, reading from the binary file:


Record record;
fstream file(argv[1], ios::in | ios::binary);
cerr << "Could not open the file." << endl;
return 1;
char* id = new char[IDSIZE];


The ID reads perfectly. The score...always returns 0, despite that it should show "50".

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C/C++ :: Program That Opens Text File And Checks Usernames Listed In Text Files?

Jun 5, 2014

I want to make a program that opens a text file and checks the usernames listed in the text files to see if the names are registered on a site such as twitter. How easy would this be to make, what things would I need to know?

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C++ :: Getline - Get Text File And Read Only First 100 Lines Of Text Content

May 31, 2013

I am trying to get text file and read only first 100 lines of the text content using c/c++. how can i do it?

is it something like string line;


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C++ :: Filter Text Enclosed In Specific Tags From Text File?

Aug 30, 2013

I have a huge text file in following format:

{Bunch of text


I want to extract Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4,..., Text600 in the output file. How can i achieve this?

/* BTW, I am not getting my homework done here. I am an ex-programmer, who has now moved to marketing for some time now, and today, I encountered this problem, which I believe can be solved easily through programming. */

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C/C++ :: Delete Text From File And Than Shift The Rest Of The Text Upward

Aug 31, 2014

i want to create 100 gmail accounts instantaneously....what i want from you guys is i have written a program that create a text file i want that once i give the program the imput of 1 it should delete the first 3 lines from the file i.e. the first account details coz that is already been created and shift the rest of it 3 lines upwards after that i'll write a javascript that will automatically fill and create the accounts with those names in web browser.....my lil program is here:

#‎include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>


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C++ :: Extracting Specific Lines Of Text From A Text File

Aug 2, 2014

I have a text file called (Test.txt) with the following text:

This is line one
This is line two
This is line three

How do I go about writing a program that will print a line of text (e.g. "This in line two" on the console screen?

All I can seem to do is display the entire text file.

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C++ :: Data File Handling Error - Character Strings Not Copied On Text File

Nov 24, 2013

I have this code for a computer project... (store management) but the character strings are not copied on text file..

class Store {
char *item_name[5];

[Code] .....

Now when i run the program, it gives a error :::
address 0x0

How can i write these strings to the text file?

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