C# :: Cyclic Redundancy Check For Database Integrity

Jul 25, 2014

I read online about Cyclic Redundancy Check and how it works.

ThisStack Overflow response explains it so well on a layman level.

I found some code online on how to implement it and what library to include in C#. I've looked at it and I can grasp how the algorithm works with the remainders.

What I don't understand is how can I integrate my database, which is a sql server localdb file into the CRC32 check, so that I can test for the database integrity. I'm not sure how to proceed.

Do I test each table individually and send the size of the table(in bytes) and compare it to the value it's supposed to be?

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C# :: Cyclic References In A Database Access Layer

Jan 21, 2015

I'm looking to implement a Database Access Layer for the project I'm working on, it's a mature project and I'm trying to simplify the database access and as far as possible and remove the Database logic from the Business logic.

Bringing in an ORM solution isn't an option at the moment so I'm looking at bringing in DAO objects to break the coupling. The problem I can't get around in my head is how to avoid Cyclic references

We currently have 2 projects

BL contains types such as Customer, Component and Product which need saving to the Database, the Database project can't know about these items or it would create the cyclic dependency.

I tried adding Dao items to the DB project to mirror these items and to also mirror the DB structure but that requires that the BL project knows how to convert between it's own types and the DAO types which is something I'd like to avoid.

I also tried inserting a third intermediate project that would control the conversion and saving, I called it my DAL project and tried adding functions that would take the BL item and perform CRUD operations but again I ran into the cyclic dependency issue.

My ideal solution would be that the BL project would just have to call a function along the lines of "SaveCustomer(Customer inCustomer)" and not have to worry about doing any conversion.

Is there a project structure that would allow for this?

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C :: Code To Hit Database And Check File Size

Jan 13, 2015

I have been given a task of checking the size of file in Linux machine using C Program. Below is what I came up with

#include <stdio.h>
void main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *fp;
char ch;
int size = 0;

[Code] .....

But Now I have been asked to modify this code in a way that instead of passing the file name as parameter, I have to make a database connection and fetch the value of the filename and location from the database table and check the size . My program has to repeat this process every ten minutes, which means every ten minutes my program has to hit the database, fetch the value and check the size in the file system.

I heard like I Have to create a Fork Call, and have the child instance run every ten minutes.

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C++ :: Intentional Template Redundancy Possible?

Feb 6, 2015

I'm writing a class Vector3<T> to represent a threedimensional vector with elements of type T. I am doing this as a practice for C++ operator overloading. Turns out to contain some template lecture as well. :-)

I have typedefed some variants for my class like so:

typedef Vector3<float> Vector3f;
typedef Vector3<double> Vector3d;
typedef Vector3<long double> Vector3ld;


Now, I can even implicitly go from a Vector3f to a Vector3d using a type cast function template. However, the other way around requires an explicit cast and I am still on non C++11 here, so I write a function for it:

template<typename V> Vector3<V> as() const {
return Vector3<V>(V(this->x), V(this->y), V(this->z));

Then I can write this:
Vector3i intVec = Vector3d(3.2, 5.4, 9.5).as<int>();

However, I'd much prefer if I could instead have the call look like this:
Vector3i intVec = Vector3d(3.2, 5.4, 9.5).as<Vector3i>();

Is it possible to do that?

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C# :: How To Remove Redundancy With Little Difference In Sentences

Apr 8, 2015

how can i remove redundant sentences from text in richtextbox i.e. exactly same sentences in all text or Sentences that contains two or less than two different words as shown in example one and two.

For exapmle

sentence one: i am john and i am a student.
sentence two: i am stewert and yes i am a student.

Example two

Sentence one: i am john and i am a student.
Sentence two: i am john and i am a student.

"by removing means sentence two should b remove."

example one has only two differences that is consider as redundant too while example 2 is exact copy. so both should b removed. t

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C/C++ :: Path Finding For Weighted Cyclic Directed Graph For Robot

Mar 14, 2015

I've been trying to make a program to return node values for the shortest path from one node to another. I've searched up several algorithms like the Bellman Ford, A*, or Dijkstra and tried to think of ways to implement them if I store my map as a matrix. I've considered using a hash table, but since I am only a beginner, I am having trouble trying to understand how the concepts would translate into C.

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C# :: How To Add More Than One Database In A Program

Mar 5, 2014

Is it possible to add more than one database in a C# program if so, how?

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C++ :: How To Create A Database

Feb 28, 2013

I'm trying to make a database that stores the information without overwrite it. I want this program to store the client’s selection in somewhere that doesn't change and also that creates a new storage for the new value any time the client enters a new selection instead of overwriting it. I did something like that in my code but any time the program runs again and the client enters a new selection, the client’s selection is overwritten with the new value. I don’t know if it’s possible to do that (store the client’s selection in somewhere where doesn't change) with C++. I've been reading and I think I can create a database for my program.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


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C# :: SQL Database Not Saving?

Oct 5, 2014

My program add something in a data base, but after program is closed all data is removed.

conturiSQLDataSet.LoginsRow newUserRow = conturiSQLDataSet.Logins.NewLoginsRow();

There is a method that program can save all data?

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C/C++ :: How To Use Database In Programs

Oct 18, 2014

I am trying to experiment with programs and databases. Right now I am trying to set up a database so that my program, which currently just appends its results onto a text file, will instead store each result into a database, because this will make things much easier to access than trying to read specific results from an ever-larger, disorganized text file.

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C# :: Using SQLTransaction When Reading Database?

Jul 30, 2012

Is it useful to use SqlTransaction and transaction.commit() or rollback when only reading from a database? Have some code here that does that

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C :: Sorting Structures In Database

Nov 26, 2013

A user is supposed to enter student name, id, and grade then sort them by name, id, or grade. I managed to get it to sort by name and id correctly, but not by grade.

Code] .....

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct student{
int student_id;
char name[30];
char grade[15];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Functions Searching A Database

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to write a program to search a library file with the name of a book or author and return the books that match the searched string in some way. For instance, if I search "Develop" it should display Game Development Essentials(Novak) and Developing Games in Java(Brackeen) and tell me that 2 records were found. Currently, it shows all the records regardless of what i search for, even if it is jibberish. Am I missing something in my functions? should I include the code that accesses these functions?

//If the user chooses A or a
int showBooksByAuthor (int count, string name)
char choice;
int index = 0;


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C++ :: How To Connect To MySQL Database

Mar 26, 2013

I have so far tried MySQL++, ODBC, SimpleDB, and the MySQL C++ Connector. All of them give me a FLOOD of errors in the output. Is there an easy way to connect?

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C++ :: Connecting To Database Using Drivers

Apr 8, 2013

How to connect my c++ code to any database using drivers.

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C++ :: Read Images From Database

May 3, 2013

I have a database of images and I want to store paths of all those images to a text file (lets say "images.txt"). I can then use this text file in c++ to extract images one by one by using getline() in a loop.

I don't know how to store image paths to a text file.

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C# :: Save Web Page To Database

Apr 10, 2014

What is the best way to save a c# web page to database, either sql or oledb both fine. What I am looking to do is save all the data that has been entered into a database then upload this data to a grid view or form view.

The problem is there is a a lot of data on the page. Such as drop down lists, check boxes panels text boxes. I am able to display the text boxes in the database when i enter information into them. this is not working for the other objects. Also there is fixed data in the panels which doesn't require user input but I still want this info saved as it is vital.

In short I want to save the data from a page ive created called DOCare.aspx into a database. then take the data and display it in Forms.aspx a different page, where it will list all the completed forms for the user to modify if needed.

How to do this or links to websites that have information on this?? Dont know if i am wording it wrong but just cant find a way to do this. Everyone ive seen is working with small amounts of data and only text boxes.

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C/C++ :: How To Interface Database With ATM Project

Jun 5, 2014

I had a project to create an ATM with a database of 100 customers, i wasn't able to interface the real program with the database. I have submitted the project already. Here is the database and the ATM program

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int account, pin;


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C# :: Add / Save Data In Database

Apr 8, 2015

I had assign to do a project using c# window form.Now I am doing a smart part of coding which is let the data in textbox and using keypress function with a enter,the data will save in database and show on datagridview.I had searching how to do it online but all of them using mysql or sqlcommand something to do it! But my project is using the code that already done and can access without mysql or sql coding... Using this code to connect and show in datagridview...

using (TMPB_attn_DAL dalObj = new TMPB_attn_DAL())
dataGridView1.DataSource = dalObj.GetRecords().Cast<TMPB_attn>().ToList();

This is the function code for me to add data inside database,it can run but just still cant save.

private void txt_proximity_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) {
if (e.KeyChar == (char)13) {
if (BusinessLogicLayer.TMS_GET_PROXIMITY_VALID_TO_USE(txt_proximity.Text) == true) {
TMPB_attn row_tmpb_attn = new TMPB_attn();

[code] ....

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C# :: Unable To Update MSI Database Using MST

Sep 1, 2014

Am trying to update the MSI database via a transforms (MST) file. using below code.

WindowsInstaller.Installer inst = (WindowsInstaller.Installer)new Installer();
Database instDb = inst.OpenDatabase(MSIFile.FullName, WindowsInstaller.MsiOpenDatabaseMode.msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly);
instDb.ApplyTransform(MSTpath, MsiTransformError.msiTransformErrorViewTransform);
WindowsInstaller.View view1 = instDb.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Registry`(`Registry`,`Root`,`Key`,`Name`,`Value`,`Component_`) VALUES('" + Registry1 + "', '" + Root + "', '" + Key + "', '" + Name1 + "', '" + Value1 + "', '" + Component + "')");

When i try for MSI database before including instDb.ApplyTransform(MSTpath, MsiTransformError.msiTransformErrorViewTransform);

it worked fine for MSI, the values got updated in the MSI database, But i face error in the above line of code.

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C# :: Using DateTime Field From SQL Database

Oct 30, 2014

I have a DateTime field on a database it looks like this :

2014-10-21 14:34:37.697

I want to use it, as is, in an UPDATE statement something like:

UPDATE PayrollRuns SET IsProcessed = 'True' WHERE Date_Time_Triggered = '2014-10-21 14:34:37.697'

I must have the exact date & time as that uniquely identifies the record.

The problem I'm having is getting it off the database and into an C# variable without it being changed.

I can get it into a string but it changes it becomes:

21/10/2014 14:34:37

I've got it in an object. I've tried:

string date_Time_Triggered = databasesRow["Date_Time_Triggered"].ToString();
var date_Time_Triggered = databasesRow["Date_Time_Triggered"];

[Code] ....

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C# :: Changing Database Values?

Dec 14, 2014

I'm working on a project where we access a tiny premade database in order to log into and access another page. I got the log in part working right, but the last part of the project asks me to lock out the account after a certain number of failed attempts. I'm not sure if I need a method to do this or if I can do it right there in the button handler. I tried creating a method to use on the object that was already there, but I'm not sure if that's the right way to go about it. It says it locks the account, but the value in the database never changes, and I don't know why.

//from the login button handler
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
bool IsFound = false;
clsDataLayer dl = new clsDataLayer();
IsFound = dl.GetUser(Server.MapPath("~/AddressBook.mdb"), txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text);
if (IsFound) {


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C/C++ :: SQLite Database To JavaScript

Mar 31, 2015

I am trying to figure out how can I get my SQlite database made in C language to Javascript? I know this is possible but do not know where to start?

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C/C++ :: How To Connect With Oracle Database

Sep 24, 2012

library management system in which c is used as front end and oracle is used as back end in order to retrieve the data. if possible can u send the source code for it.

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C++ :: Use Vector Or List For Database System

Jul 28, 2014

I am making a console based database system. Because I have to keep inserting, editing , deleting data blocks from my record file I have decided to use either vectors or list to store the all records. From the file I shall read the entire vector/list and work with it to add , remove or edit record and then again write the entire vector/list to the file again. I figured it would stop all the weird things that happen when directly working with the file. Is it an efficient way ?Or is it totally unnecessary ?Is there a better way?

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C :: How To Import TXT File Into SQLite3 Database Using API

May 6, 2013

Any tutorial to learn?

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