C++ :: Comparing Words With Contents Of Text File

May 23, 2013

I want the user to enter the word and I want to check if it exists in a text file or not. I tried

int flag=0;
char word[50], input[50];
cout<<"Enter word to search for";

[Code] ....

But it does not seem to be working. Should I make changes to it or is there another way?

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C++ :: Transfer Contents From Text File Into A String

Apr 9, 2014

I'm making a program in which it will read an input from a text file and then count the numbers of spaces , characters , words . Here is what i think it would work : First i will transfer the contents from the input.txt into a string , after that i will create 3 strings which contain each of these : spaces , characters , words . Then comparing each of the contents of the intput.txt_string to the other 3 strings .

using namespace std;


and of course it doesnt seem to work...

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C++ :: How To Load Contents Of Text File Into Array

May 12, 2013

So I am working on a FUSE filesystem and I currently have the need to load the contents of a text file into an array.

My array initialization looks like: char array[max_entries][PATH_MAX] = {NULL}

The reason I want to pass it by reference is that I want my function to return two values essentially. One a specific char* and the other an array like I initialized. My function proto type looks like:

char* load_meta(char* list[max_entries][PATH_MAX], char* path, int mode);

How I'm trying to call the function:

someChar = load_meta(&array, path_name, 1);

Within the function I try to edit the array by deferenceing it once, like this:

strcpy(*list[i], file_entry); // This seg faults

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C++ :: Text File - Retrieve And Print Out Contents

Jul 25, 2013

I've created a text file with the numbers from 1-450. After writing code to retrieve and print out the contents in the text file, the compiler only printed out the numbers 124-450. Is there a reason why this is happening?

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C++ :: Read A Text File And Store Contents Into 2D Array?

Aug 2, 2014

read a text file and store the file contents into a 2D array?

100 101 102 103 104 105
106 107 108 109 110 111
112 113 114 115 116 117
118 119 120 121 122 123
124 125 126 127 128 131

Here's my code:

const int ROWS = 5;
const int COLS = 6;
int array[ROWS][COLS];
ifstream inputFile;


When i run the program and try and display the array, it doesn't work.

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C++ :: Store Contents Of Text File Into Char Array?

Apr 22, 2014

I am trying to store the contents of a text file into a char array. However the function i am using ifstream member function get(); seems to stop working when fed with certain characters. Is there another solution besides the get() function that will accept all types of characters from files?

char text[1000];
for (int i = 0; i <= textlen; ++i)
text[i] = text_in.get();

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C :: Read Txt File And Print Contents Numbering Each New Line Of Text?

Apr 25, 2013

I have written the following code but i am stuck. Write a program that will prompt the user for a file name and open that file for reading. Print out all the information in the file, numbering each new line of text.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main()
char line[81], filename[21], c;
int i = 1;
FILE *inFile;


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C++ :: Comparing Words From Two Different Files Using Fstream

Feb 2, 2013

I'm trying to input a html file and copy everything from that file to a new html file with some changes. I need to read the html file word by word and compare them to a file with some keywords. If a keyword matches a word in the html file then it will add italic tags around that word in the output html file. As it is now it doesn't output anything.

Logically I want to read a word from the html file and then compare it to every keyword and output the result.

fileIn = original html file
keyword = keywords file
outFile = html file writing to
std::string str;
std:: string word;


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C :: How To Select Words From A Text File

Oct 1, 2013

I've a text file with 9 words and each word is written in a line. for exemple this is the list :


I'm gonna choose the fourth line and select the word that is in this line and work on. I tried lot of way but no result.

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C :: Program To Count Number Of Lines In Text File And Reverse Contents

Jan 25, 2015

C program to count the number of lines in a text file and reverse the contents in the file to write in an output file.

ex :


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C/C++ :: Comparing Two String Arrays For Unique Words?

Oct 2, 2014

I'm looking to take in an array of less than 50 strings, and I want to find all of the unique words in that array (omitting the words that are repeated) and then outputting the unique words and unique word count. My code compiles, but my unique array is couting all of the words contained in the original array regardless of uniqueness.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Please type in some words." << endl;
cout << "Type END and return when you are finished." << endl;


This is what I get back.

You typed the following 14 words: red, green, blue, red, red, blue, green, blue, orange, red, reg, apple, banana, banana, END,

You typed the following 0 unique words: red, green, blue, red, red, blue, green, blue, orange, red, reg, apple, banana, banana, END

I'm not worried about the unique count yet, I just want to get the unique array containing the correct strings.

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C/C++ :: Getting Data From File - Count Number Of Words In A Text File

Mar 27, 2014

I have a program I have to do that counts the number of words in a text file. I have tried the code on 2 computers now since my programming teacher told me the code was fine. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream infile;
infile.open("tj.text" , ios::in);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Compare Words From Text File With Array?

Apr 16, 2014

I need to compare the words from a text file with words from an array (which i got from another file) and count the instances of those words. I thought about making another array but that doesn't make sense since the text file may have a lot of words in it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main() {
FILE *myFile;
char words[100][40], test;


the test variable in the last for loop is wrong i know i was just trying something.

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C :: Read Text From A File And Show What Words Occur How Many Times

Apr 21, 2013

I'm trying to make program that will read text from a file and show what words occur how many times. I'm trying to make it so that if a new string comes, it saves it into wlist[], and counts 1 to wcount[]. If the same word is there, it will just add 1 to wcount[]. The program will end when it gets to the end of a file.

I don't know the reason, but I can't get strcmp and strcpy to work. I had to put a pointer in curword, just to make it compile.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define LIST_MAX 100
#define WORD_MAX 20
int main(){

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading Two Words Into Single Char Array From Text File

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to read in player names (ex: first last) from a text file into the people[].name data struct. I can successfully read in my card file, but I cannot get this to work. I get a seg fault. I believe this is because nothing is actually being read in for my while loops. I can't use std::strings so these must be c-style strings aka char arrays.

// deck of cards
// below are initializations
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
const int maxCards = 52;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Pick One Of Words Randomly From Text Instead Of Using All Words In It

May 19, 2013

I was reading this earlier [URL] ..... and I was trying to figure out how to pick one of the words randomly from my text instead of using all the words in it.

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Visual C++ :: File Stream Change Its Address During Writing Text Contents To The Stream

Apr 29, 2013

I wrote a program to write text contents to file stream through fputs, the file stream address was changed in the middle of writing text content to the stream (11% text content have been put into the file stream), that cause the file stream pointer can be evaluated problem and raise exception on stream validation code in fputs library function, my question is what things could go wrong to make file stream pointer changed its address to something else or a NULL pointer if the file stream have not been flushed and closed.

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C++ :: Grabbing Words From A Text

Jul 30, 2014

im trying to do is get a huge text file, grab information from it and output into another file, for example the file contains:

userid = xxsfdfafa, name = vinnidrk, product = 12341,
otherfield = 1
otherfield2 = 2
otherfield3 = 4

userid = asdsada, name = anotherperson, product = 424123,
otherfield = 3
otherfield2 = 5
otherfield3 = 1

What i want, is to be able to get the name for every account until end of file and output it one under the other.

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C/C++ :: Reading Words From Text

Dec 31, 2014

This what I'm trying to do:

Type two or more lines of text into a file. Write a program to open the file, reading each word into a vector<string> object. Iterate over the vector, displaying it to cout. That done, sort the words using the sort() generic algorithm

But I'm stuck unfortunately.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream infile("about.txt");

[Code] .....

Error: 'about' was not declared in this scope

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C :: Program That Writes Words To Text - Segmentation Fault 11

Nov 25, 2013

I'm trying to make a program that writes words to a text. The words are generated by a brute force program. I am getting a segmentation fault 11...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static const char alphabet[] =

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Read Some Text And Output Without Displaying Repeating Words

Sep 8, 2014

I have been given an assignment to make a code to read some text nd display all the words nd the number of times they appear in another file or as output without displaying the repeating words. I made the code but its not giving any output.

using namespace std;
void read(string);
string x,z,w;

[Code] ....

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C :: Printing Contents Of A File - Prints One Extra Character Not Present In The File

Feb 12, 2013

I'm writing a program that stores records into a file and then these records can be printed out. A last name, first name, and score is stored to be exactly 36 characters long (using leading spaces to pad) making it easier to retrieve specific records. For example, three records stored in the file would like like this: (the underscores are simply to illustrate the distance, they are not in the file itself)

_______lastname_______firstname__90__________lname __________fname_100___________last___________first __60

When printed out, the names are formatted as follows:

lastname, firstname: 90
lname, fname: 100
last, first: 60

However, when I print them out this is what I get:

lastname, firstname: 90
lname, fname: 100$
last, first: 60H

For some reason, for any record after the first, an extra character is added to the end. These characters are not in the file, so I was thinking that the array for some reason wasn't being filled completely, (the array is initialized to size 36 and 36 characters are read from the file using fread) so it was printing out a random character assigned to the 36th array position. Except the character never changes, (always a $ for record 2, H for record 3, l for record 4 if i remember) and I've tried reducing the array size or the number of character read and it's the string that gets altered, the random character always remains. I figure the problem must be in the print_records function (appending seems to work no problem). Anyway here is my print records and appending records code.

Code: /*
- Prints a single record stored in the file pointed to by ifp.
void print_record(FILE *ifp, int record) {


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C :: How To Read Data In A File And Print It Then Copy Contents To A File

Mar 8, 2013


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
char buffer[256];
FILE * myfile;
myfile = fopen("read.txt","r");


I also got an error in printing wherein the data in read.txt is "Hello" newline "World" and my program prints world twice.

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C++ :: Encrypting Contents From File And Saving To Another File

Mar 17, 2013

Right now I'm working on an assignment where I need to take the data from on file encrypt it by adding 5 to each byte and then save it to a user specified location. I think I'm close to having it done but I've run into a hick up. After I get the user input for where the encrypted data should be saved the program seems to never end. This is the code I have so far

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream input;
ofstream output;


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C :: Read File Contents From EOF

Jan 8, 2014

How can I read contents of a file from the last character? Can I use a loop?

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C++ :: How To Read XML File Contents In CPP

Jan 30, 2015

I need a sample program to read contents of any xml file using CPP.

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