C# :: Cannot Dynamically Delete Labels

Jul 25, 2014

I'm dynamically creating some labels. This code creates them OK.

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Label label = new Label();
label.Top = (30 * i) + 20;

[Code] ....

Now, after I'm done with them, I'd like to delete them but my code below skips each of the two forloops, so nothing happens. The labels are still on my form. When I debug into this code, I stop on the first forloop and then I step but the flow never goes into the forloop. It jumps to the next forloop where the same thing happens.

List<Label> itemsToRemove = new List<Label>();
foreach (Label label in Controls.OfType<Label>()) {
if (label.Tag != null) {


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C++ :: How To Add / Delete Object Dynamically Run Time

Nov 27, 2014

How to add/delete object dynamically run time ?? I have a question in which i need to add/delete object dynamically dynamically how to do it ??

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C++ :: How To Add Labels For Different Columns Of Data

Sep 20, 2014

I am trying to add labels to the data. I have data in a file divided by space:

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12

I need it to look like this:

label_1: 1 2 3 4 5
label_2: 6
label_1: 7 8 9 10 11
label_2: 12

How can this be done?

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C# :: How To Use Datagridview With Textboxes Or Labels

Jul 16, 2014

How you can touch a datagridview and it would insert the name it has for a product into a label or textbox.... As I have looked all over and I can't really find a proper way it is mentioned or maybe I am not applying it correctly.

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C# :: Program That Displays Array Of Labels

Oct 7, 2012

I'm attempting to write a program that displays an array of labels; however, I can't seen to make the labels appear in the form. I've set some of the properties, but still not luck.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;


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C# :: Extending The Width Of The Labels To Specific Value?

Jun 3, 2014

The program is when a person clicks a button this button updates 2 separate listbox one tracks the total rolls the other displays the total amounts of frequency afterwards adjusting labels as a scaling measurement.

The problem I am having is right at the end where I am trying to adjust the width of the label this is what I have. It is highlighting the word "Items" for each label and says that Non-Invokable member 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.Items' Cannot be used like a method L2 is a label. Additionally I have added in the information for one of my loops below the line I am having trouble with this loop is created to determine how many lines are in the listbox of rolls and I have no trouble with this just thought id add it for additional information I dont think I need to add the rest of the code but I can if needed.

L2.Width = int.Parse(lstfrequency.Items(0).ToString());
TL = 0;
for (I = 0; I <= 10; I++)
TL += int.Parse(lstfrequency.Items[I].ToString());

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C# :: Populate Labels With A List Or Array?

Jun 9, 2014

I have a WPF grid made out of labels with two rows, Apples and Oranges currently without any information. Let's say I want to populate the grid to look like the picture below.

I was wondering what's the best way to populate the labels with a list or array? I was thinking about using a list and passing values into the list


List <string> ApplesList = new List<string>();

List<string> OrangesList = new List<string>();


But I was wondering it make sense to use a list. Or should I just use an array or 2D array?

Sometimes I wonder when would be best to use a list, array, or 2D array.

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C++ :: Labels As Pointer - Passing Address To A Function

Mar 7, 2014

Is there such thing as passing a winforms label by reference? For example, can I create a pointer label and pass the address to a function? I've looked online but couldn't find anything. Perhaps that's a sign?

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C# :: Creating Multiple Labels In Foreach Loop

Apr 29, 2015

I am attempting to create multiple labels in a for each loop for each tag text (using htmlagility pack). My current code only creates one and doesn't change the first value (Which is AAE). I am using the labels to later input all the label.text into a database after the initial loop has finished (not shown).

foreach (var tag in tdTags) {
Label label = new Label();
label.Name = "contentName" + tag.InnerHtml;
label.Text = tag.InnerHtml;

[Code] ....

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C :: List - Why Delete Function Doesn't Delete

Dec 9, 2014

I have to manage a Clinic. I need to delete a booking (for example, if John said he's coming on March 22nd at 15:30 but then he say he's not going to come, I have to delete that booking so another person can use it).

idSearched: the id of the person that is not going to come. I have a lot of specialties and each one has a list. So I ask for the speciality to delete the node (the node contains John's booking). If I don't find it, I return (-1). searchSpecByID return a pointer to the list where the speciality is. So head will point to the first node of the list. In nodeToDelete I have the node I want to delete.

The program detects OK when is the first in the list and when not, but it doesn't delete the node.


typedef struct bookingList{
tSpecialty specialty;
struct nodo* intro;
} tList;


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C++ :: Assign Value Dynamically?

Jun 18, 2013

I have array of pointers and when i tried to assign values dynamically all array items have the same value which is last value.

char* list[];
int DynamicDemo(void)


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C++ :: Dynamically Expanding Array

May 28, 2013

Consider the following:

int *p;
p = new int[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)

Now suppose we want to add a 6th element (without using vector)

One way is to copy it across to a larger array:

int *p;
p = new int[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)

// realloc
int* temp = new int[6];
std::copy(p, p + 5, temp);
delete [] p;
p = temp;

This looks like a very expensive operation and im looking for other ways.

Three questions regarding the above: Not using vector, is this the best way to do this?What about using realloc? How would I use realloc in this situation?Any other ways apart from realloc or vector?

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C :: Dynamically Allocating Memory?

Sep 18, 2013

I have created a database for music cds:


#define array
typedef struct cd_database


When I am using malloc instead of arrays the code is not working properly after exit. I have tried alot but can't came up with a way

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C++ :: Dynamically Realloc 2D Array

Dec 18, 2014

I would like to realloc a 2D array. I have a counter, itime, it increases each step. Each step, I would like to reallocate my array, keeping the old values, and add new values to the array. When itime=1, I use only malloc, because it is allocated for the first time. When itime increases (e.q. itime=2), realloc comes into process. In the realloc process the GUI crashes.

int itime;
char ** solpointer;
itime = 1;
do {
if( itime == 1 ) {
solpointer = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * itime);
solpointer[itime-1] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 32);


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C++ :: How To Dynamically Link Library

Jan 3, 2014

I've recently integrated a scripting functionality into my game engine (squirrel), but I can't figure out how to dynamically link the library.I have to dynamically link some libraries for licencing sake, but I'm forced to statically link Squirrel. How can I statically link Squirrel, but dynamically link the others?

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C++ :: Creating Objects Dynamically?

Nov 11, 2013

How would I implement a way that i could create as many objects as the user wants?

Let's say every time a user clicks space bar a new cat object would be created, because right now i create lots of objects without initializing and every time i get a input i assign values to the object, the downside is that is limited for the amount of objects i create.

As well i don't want to cause a memory leak, specially in c++ because i need to use the delete keyword.

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C/C++ :: How To Dynamically Expand Array

Sep 8, 2014

I am working on expanding an array and my approach was to do this by copying the array into a bigger array. For this problem I cannot use vectors so what I did was the following:

int *a;
a = new int[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
// reallocating array
int* temp = new int[6];
std::copy(a, a + 5, temp);
delete [] a;
a = temp;

Is this approach correct, also how could I implement this on a program to expand an array to double its size or could I not use this to expand an array to double its size?

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C++ :: Dynamically Allocating Multidimensional Array?

Nov 24, 2013

Working on this one from the Jumping into c++ book. The book asks that I create a multidimensional array at run time based on user input and fill it with a multiplication table

My code compiles fine but throws an uninitiated error for p when I try and run it.

void multiDimentionalMultiplication(int x, int y, int z){
int ***p;
**p = new int[x];
std::cout << "Allocating array.


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C++ :: Accessing Elements Of Array Dynamically

Jul 26, 2014

I want to access the elements of my array dynamically. So far I've only figured out how to do this manually. if I tried it like this my code would work but there should be a better way right?

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C :: Splitting Dynamically Allocated 2D Arrays

Jun 24, 2014

I have the following dynamically allocated 2D array:


int num_rows = 100;
int num_cols = 3;
double **myArray= (double**)malloc( sizeof(double *) * num_rows);
for(i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
myArray[i] = (double*)malloc( sizeof(double) * num_cols);

After sorting the array based on the values in column 1,:


qsort(myArray, num_rows, sizeof(myArray[0]), comp_function);
int comp_function(const void* a, const void* b) {
double **p1 = (double**)a;
double **p2 = (double**)b;
double *arr1 = *p1;
double *arr2 = *p2;

return arr1[0] - arr2[0];

I need to split the array into two halves so that I can pass each separately into another function that accepts a type double ** pointer. What is the most efficient way of splitting the array? Is it possible to keep the original double ** pointer for the first half of the array and then assign a new double ** pointer to the second half of the array?

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C++ :: Size Of Dynamically Created Array

Dec 2, 2013

I have declared an array like:

/***********Creating an m*p array**********************/
B = new int *[m];

B[row] = new int[p];

How to find the number of elements in it?

The statement

cout << "number of elements in array B equals " << sizeof(B) << endl;

returns 4 each time the program runs

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C++ :: Dynamically Allocating One Dimension Of 3D Array?

Jun 14, 2013

I am trying to figure out the syntax to dynamically allocate a single dimension of a triple dimensional array. Basically i have a 2D array of structs. but each struct is an array (basically rows of the information). The rows of this structure need to be allocated dynamically, but the height and width of the overarching structure are static.

Basically: Struct * ts_FieldInfo[100][100] = new Struct[Class.returndataitems()];

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C++ :: Advantage Of Dynamically Allocated Arrays

Jan 23, 2013

When I first learned about dynamically allocated arrays in school, I always thought we used them for passing arrays as parameters to functions. But the more I have been practicing coding, I see now that normal arrays can be passed as parameters to functions. So, what is the advantage? Why do we even need them?

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C++ :: Deleting Dynamically Allocated Arrays

Oct 13, 2014

I am trying to delete these arrays NumArray1.array and NumArray2.array at the end of my program so that there is not a memory leak. However I always get a double free or corruption error in runtime error with delete[] array_name. I have tried many times to use nullptr, but no matter what my compiler does not recognize it as being declared in the scope of my delete function. (I have commented out the that function for now.)

What is also strange about this is that I can perfectly use delete[] a1.array, which corresponds to NumArray1.array, but any of the other times I have tried to use the command, it has always resulted in syntax or runtime errors. Online resources do not adequately explain this scenario, though I am sure it exists elsewhere. all of my attempted solutions have failed, and I am completely at a loss. how to free the dynamically allocated arrays at the end of my program?

#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
// Define a struct type, each struct type variable has three
// member variables: array, capacity, and length. Togther these
// three variable represent a partially filled array.


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C++ :: Dynamically Allocate Array Of Strings

Jul 26, 2014

I know I can allocate it this way, on the stack:

char* str[5];
for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
str[i] = new char[STR_SIZE];

But if I want to allocate array size through 'new', what's the syntax for that?

I thought this might work, but it gives error: "Initialization with {...} expected for aggregate object"

char* newString[] = new char[5][ARRAYSIZE];

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C++ ::  Calling A Function With Dynamically Defined Name

Feb 19, 2013

Is there a way to call a function whose name is defined in a file-stored-list?

In other words: The caller doesn't know in compile time the name of the function.

I'm not talking about polymorphism.

The problem is: I have a list of function names stored in a file, that may change every now and then, and I'd like to call them in the sequence they appear in that list.

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