C/C++ :: Program For Adding Many Fractions With Sum Notation

Jul 16, 2014

I was trying 2 write a program that would calculate the sum notation of 1/(i^2) with the starting number to be 1 and goes up to the nth term. For instance if the user inputed 3 then the sum would look like 1+1/4+1/9. I somehow made a code but it gets weird numbers which some include negative numbers... when I input a number that is above 5.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
int n;
register int i=1;
float b;//For part 1

[Code] ....

For some reason I can't edit printf("%f
",/>/>; when I post it as the topic so ignore that part cuz Ik its supposed to be written as printf("%f

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C++ ::  Adding Fractions - How To Align Correctly

Mar 18, 2014

Ii need an output like this...

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <locale>
using namespace std;

int EquationNum (int Num1, int Den1, int Num2, int Den2);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Write Program To Convert Time From 24-hour Notation To 12-hour Notation

Dec 10, 2013

Write a program to convert the time from 24-hour notation to 12-hour notation and vice versa. Your program must be menu driven, giving the user the choice of converting the time between the two notations. Furthermore, your program must contain at least the following function: a function to convert the time from 24-hour notation to 12-hour notation, a function to convert the time from 12-hour notation to 24-hour notation, a function to display the choices, function(s) to get the input, and function(s) to display the results. (For 12-hour time notation, your program must display AM or PM.)


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>


It is showing error because may be I was not able to put that if statement inside any function. find out the error sand complete the program with corrected code.

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C++ :: Program To Calculate Fractions?

Oct 24, 2013

I need to write a program that can calculate fractions.

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C :: Program To Print Letters In Given Notation

Feb 11, 2014

I have to develop script in C to print the alphabets in given notation.

Please check the attachment.

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C :: Code Not Accepting Fractions?

Dec 12, 2014

i recently started programming. i mean I've been exposed to programming for the first time about a week ago. I've been following the tutorial here and playing around with my own code. For some reason, this code works while receiving decimals but not fractions.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float kd;
float kd_2;
printf("Please enter your k/d
scanf("%f", &kd );


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C/C++ :: Fastest / Most Efficient Way To Add Two Fractions

Jul 12, 2012

I have to write a function

struct rNumber add(rNumber a ,rNumber b); 

which adds two rational numbers in following representation :
rNumber := s*(n/d)* 2^e
struct rNumber{
 _byte_t s; // sign (do not consider for this question)
 uint n; //numerator
 uint d;// denominator
 short e;//exponent

If the exponents of both numbers are not equal, then they have to be made equal in order to add them. This can be made in 4 ways : increase or decrease the n or d of both numbers.

But if we decrease the denominator of a number (a.d =1) by shifting it for example 1 bit to the right, we get 0 which leads to INFINITY for the fraction. In another case decreasing the numerator would lead the n to be 0 which meanse the whole fraction is then 0.

According to this, in worst case, all 4 cases has to be checked for the right result.

So far the UNDERFLOW of n or d is considered. If we try to increase the value of n or d, then OVERFLOW may also occur.

The very first, intuitive solution would be iteratively increase/decrease one of the terms and to check if the change leads to ZERO or INFINITY.

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C++ :: Work With Fractions And Irrational Numbers

Feb 17, 2013

I'm looking for a library that handles rational, irrational and trascendental numbers and calculates the exact results without approximating values. For example, if I want to calculate:

a = pi;
b = 3;
c = 2;

I want this library to return the result in this way:

sqrt(b*c)*a == sqrt(6)*pi

instead of

sqrt(b*c)*a == 7.6952989

In case it matters, I'm working on Ubuntu and I compile with g++.

I'm pretty sure a library like that exists because it's too useful, I researched it but couldn't find anything.

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C++ :: Finding Sum Of Two Fractions - Return Array In Function?

Jul 30, 2013

I am making a function that finds the sum of two fractions(fractions are arrays of 2 elements). how would I return an array?

int addFrac(int f1[2], int f2[2]){
int num1 = f1[0]; // numerator of fraction 1
int den1 = f1[1]; // denominator of fractions 1

[Code] ......

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C/C++ :: Converting Fractions To Decimals And Vice Versa

Aug 1, 2014

I'm working on a Fraction Class assignment where I'm supposed to provide conversion operators to allow Fraction objects to be used in expressions containing float data values. The way I have it now, I'm getting an error that says operator float(const Fraction &) must contain 'void', which makes no sense to me. Lines 155 - 173.

// Fractions CLASS
// Source: Fraction2012.cpp
// Author: Warren H. Knox, Jr.
// Date: 11/8/2012
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class Fraction {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Operator Overloading - Comparing Objects (Fractions)

Jul 25, 2013

I'm trying to compare 2 fractions using operator overloading. The program crashes when this is called;

this is definition:
bool operator == (const Fraction& f1, Fraction& f2) {
if (f1==f2)return true;
else return false;

this is my calling in the main:
Fraction f1, f2;
cout<<"Enter in the format: 2/4 or 4/9
cout << "enter first fraction: ";
cout << "enter second fraction: ";

Fraction result:
result = (f1 == f2);//i think problem lies here.

and this is the prototype of the operator:
friend bool operator == (const Fraction& f1, Fraction& f2);

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C++ :: Plus Or Minus Notation

Aug 4, 2013

Is there a simple notation to check if a value is within a plus or minus range?

//I read a value A. delay(50); //Read value again -calling this value B delay(50);
//Read value again -calling this value C delay(50); //Read value again -calling this value D delay(50);
//Read value again -calling this value E
Check IF first value A is within 5 of the value B and within 5 of value C, etc.

I can think of a few round about ways of doing this but is there any simple "equals to plus or minus" notation? (what I actually want to do is to check a lot more values than this and it will get very complicated with any of my solutions)....

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C++ :: Program Not Adding Up Totals

Mar 5, 2014

'm new to programing and I'm trying to get this program to add up a price of coffee to the add on extras such as cinnamon, etc. But once the program runs it doesn't add up the coffee price with the extras and I've been at it for hours...


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()

[Code] ......

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C :: Adding A Command To Program

Dec 2, 2013

I'd like to add a 'command' to my C program. For example if someone types 'get out' it closes the shell and quits. I want the 'get out' command to work like 'exit'. How do I write a code like this

char entry[15];
]", &entry);
if (entry = "get out")
do "exit";

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C# :: Program Keeps Adding 1 To Result?

Oct 21, 2014

I am creating a program that allows the user to enter the number of days worked and calculates the amount of money gained by doubling the amount from the previous day, starting with .01 cents. The program works fine except for in day 3, the program adds .01 along with doubling the amount from day 2. Also I must use a List Box.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;


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C++ :: Scientific Notation To Decimal?

Mar 12, 2014

I just wrote code that is a program for a relativity calculator. However many of my outputs (because the values tend to be large) end up in scientific notation. Although useful, its not great for the laymen, or nice looking.

How can I change it so that output is not in scientific notation? here is the code:

// This program/converter is designed to find the desired 'real' values using Einstein's theory of relativity



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C/C++ :: Calculate Postfix Notation

Feb 15, 2015

My program suppose calculate postfix expression.

Ex. 5 4 + 3 10 * + the answer is 39 because if I change it to infix, it's (5 + 4) + (3 * 10)

I need to use vector to compute the value. Here is what I think. First, I save leftmost from the string. If it is a number, I push. If that is a operation, I pop twice and push the result. By doing it until the string is emptied, the vector will only contain the final answer. And here is my code

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
vector<int> stack;
string input;

[Code] .....

When I put 1 1 + or 2 2 +, it showing me a correct answer, but when I put the above example which is 5 4 + 3 10 * +, it shows 30 instead of 39.

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C/C++ :: Infix To Postfix Notation

Sep 14, 2014

I'm trying to make an infix to postfix notation calculator. The difficult thing is th stack class is custom. It's not to hard to understand, I don't know if the fact that it is that way will not allow me to receive support. The difference is that the pop functions is as such:

stack<char> conversion;
char temp;
conversion.pop(temp);//It receives a parameter and puts the popped element in there.
conversion.peek(temp);//Places the top element in said parameter

not only that... but these are boolean functions. they return true if the operation was completed. So they can be used as conditions.

using namespace std;
int main(void) {
Stack<char> conversion;
string infix,inter,temps;

[Code] .....

The error is that i am mismanaging parenthesis handling and i can't seem to grasp where and how.

An example input is:(35+7)-(9-2)
that input gives me:35 7 + 9 2 ) -
but another input such as :(35+7)/7
outputs as: 35 7 + 7 /. Totally fine.

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C++ :: Stop Scientific Notation

Jul 15, 2013

double number = 10000000;
int range;//the length of the string result
string result;//holds the number in a string
ostringstream convert; //stream used for the conversion
convert << number;
result = convert.str();

range = result.length();

I'm trying to convert a double to a string and when the number goes to ten million it goes to scientific notation and it shows it in the string. How do I stop it from do that?

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C# :: Adding Program Into Context Menu

Feb 29, 2012

To add my program into the context menu (when the user right click on excel file). I used the following code:

public static bool AddContextMenuItem(string Extension, string MenuName, string MenuDescription, string MenuCommand)
bool ret = false;
RegistryKey rkey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(Extension);

if (rkey != null)
string extstring = rkey.GetValue("").ToString();

[Code] .....

I used the following function to retrieve the excel file path has been rightclick choose to load the program:

public static void OpenExcelFileWithEasyForm(string filePath)
string excelFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), string.Format("{0} (EasyForm){1}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath), Path.GetExtension(filePath)));

[Code] .....

But I still do not load the excel file into my program by selecting the program from ContextMenu (right click on excel file and choose program). Although if select the path to excel file from the program, the data from excel file is loaded into the program.

I'm still missing something at function OpenExcelFileWithEasyForm(). How to complete this function to load the excel file into my program when selecting programs in ContextMenu.

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C :: Adding Countdown Timer To Program

Dec 14, 2013

I want to add a countdown timer to my program so after specific time it go back to the main menu my program is something like vending machine....

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C# :: How To Get Program To Keep On Adding Rows To Datagrid

Jul 6, 2014

I want to be able to keep on adding a row to my datagrid every time i click a button, the row will hold the text of the text box and the combobox in its individual cells, is there a way to do this without inserting a ridiculous amount of code?

Attached image(s)

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C/C++ :: Reverse Polish Notation Not Doing Second Operand

Sep 24, 2014

been working on this code til my eyes bled, can not get second operand to work, if i enter 1 2 3 + - it will only return 5 from the addition operand.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>


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C/C++ :: Find Out Scientific Notation Of Numbers

Oct 21, 2014

how i solve this..?

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C++ :: Adding Vowel Counter To Recursive Program

Nov 12, 2013

adding a vowel counter to my recursive program which i completed.

#include < iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
void reverseDigits(char num[], char revNum[], int,int);
int main() {
char letters[10] = {' '};


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C++ :: Star Pyramid Program - Adding Stars?

Sep 13, 2013

I have written a star pyramid program, it adds two stars at a time but I want to rewrite the program so the stars double each time.

using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 0, b = 8;
for (int c = 1; c < 10; c++) {
for (int space = b; space > 0; space--)

[Code] ...

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