C/C++ :: File Printing Out Data Twice?

Aug 10, 2014

I have a file with data in it, and I'm trying to print that data, but it is:

1) not reading the last file (record #83)

2) it's printing out the last record twice (in this case, #77)

//record data for each tool
int recordNumber;
string toolName;
int quantity;


here is the printData() function

void Hardware::printData(int _recordNumber, string _toolName, int _quantity, double _cost)
cout << left << setw(10) << getRecordNumber() << setw(20) << getToolName()
<< setw(10) << getQuantity() << right << setw(10) << fixed << setprecision(2) << getCost() << endl;

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C++ :: Reading File Then Printing Data Onto Other File

Nov 7, 2014

I am reading a file then printing the data onto the other file. It is working, however when I check to see if each variable is being properly set after reading the file a issue arises.

Example of the file being read

Vehicle PV50CAN passed camera 1 at 05:33:26.
Vehicle W867BRO passed camera 1 at 05:33:29.
Vehicle KQ63ARU passed camera 1 at 05:33:38.
Vehicle K954ITQ passed camera 1 at 05:33:40.
Vehicle V220MXB passed camera 1 at 05:33:42.

[Code] .....

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C :: Binary File Write By User Input Then Printing Binary File Data Out

Dec 6, 2013

Following is the program I wrote it basically takes 9 inputs and then save them into binary file. then print out the data stored in binary data and find inverse of it then print the inverse out. but its stuck in a loop somewhere.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a[3][3],i,j;
float determinant=0;
int x;
FILE *fp = fopen ("file.bin", "wb");

[Code] .....

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C# :: Printing Data To Report?

Dec 6, 2014

i have project (person ID cared) and fortunately i could finish it in programming,,,,, but the thing that i don't know what to do about it is how to print this data? can i use reportviewer ?

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C++ :: Printing Data From Template Class

Mar 30, 2014

I have created a template class called Queue that stores elements using linked list. I have also created a new type called Date.is there any way to output Date date using Queue functions?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
template <typename T> struct node{
T value;
node<T> *next;


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C++ :: Program Crashes While Printing Data From Vectors

Nov 23, 2013

I have a local student and international student class inherit from student class. read and print are virtual functions. After i have set all the member variables when i wan to print out all the student information, my program crashes.

Code: int main()
clsUniversityProgram objProgram[3];
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Printing Data As It Is Stored In Memory (binary)?

Mar 21, 2013

So, if I'm right, computer store their data as binary values. So if I write int x = 5; , my computer converts the value of x from decimal (5) into binary (101) and stores it in memory as a a binary number. If I print that value on the screen that value is converted(by default) back into a decimal number before being printed on the screen.

Now, my question is if there is any way to print the value of x directly into binary(as it's stored in memory) without it being converted back into a decimal value?

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C :: Printing Contents Of A File - Prints One Extra Character Not Present In The File

Feb 12, 2013

I'm writing a program that stores records into a file and then these records can be printed out. A last name, first name, and score is stored to be exactly 36 characters long (using leading spaces to pad) making it easier to retrieve specific records. For example, three records stored in the file would like like this: (the underscores are simply to illustrate the distance, they are not in the file itself)

_______lastname_______firstname__90__________lname __________fname_100___________last___________first __60

When printed out, the names are formatted as follows:

lastname, firstname: 90
lname, fname: 100
last, first: 60

However, when I print them out this is what I get:

lastname, firstname: 90
lname, fname: 100$
last, first: 60H

For some reason, for any record after the first, an extra character is added to the end. These characters are not in the file, so I was thinking that the array for some reason wasn't being filled completely, (the array is initialized to size 36 and 36 characters are read from the file using fread) so it was printing out a random character assigned to the 36th array position. Except the character never changes, (always a $ for record 2, H for record 3, l for record 4 if i remember) and I've tried reducing the array size or the number of character read and it's the string that gets altered, the random character always remains. I figure the problem must be in the print_records function (appending seems to work no problem). Anyway here is my print records and appending records code.

Code: /*
- Prints a single record stored in the file pointed to by ifp.
void print_record(FILE *ifp, int record) {


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C :: File Operations - Fwrite Padding Extra Data In File Compare To Data Provided As Input

Oct 28, 2014

I am trying to write my files to another subfolder . Below is my program.

cat th6.c
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SIZE 8
#define NUMELM 8

[Code] ....

I observe my filename along with directory as text in the new file created in sublfolder. This is output.

[cporgs/apue/threads]: mkdir first
[cporgs/apue/threads]: ./a.out test.txt first
test.txt -- first/test.txt
in thread test.txt first
[cporgs/apue/threads]: cat first/test.txt
[cporgs/apue/threads]: cat test.txt

I could not able to get from where this filename and folder is getting added.

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C :: Printing TXT File From URL

Feb 8, 2014

I need c source that give the url txt file and print the txt file

(get the http://site.com/text.txt) and print the (text.txt) file Content.

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C :: Printing Of A File In Different Format?

Sep 13, 2013

The requirement is to capture statistics of uuid occurrences for ALIVE/SEARCH/BYEBYE (it can be all 3, combinations of 2 each, or one alone) in a dynamically populated file in run time.

I am able to print all 3 combinations, but not in combination of 1 or 2 e.g.

If my input.txt is like this :

uuid:22314754-a597-490b-8a93-02cfae01036b ALIVE 16
uuid:22314754-a597-490b-8a93-02cfae01036b BYEBYE 8
uuid:22314754-a597-490b-8a93-02cfae01036b SEARCH 8
uuid:50e65653-7525-485d-83bf-d293558c4264 ALIVE 32
uuid:50e65653-7525-485d-83bf-d293558c4264 BYEBYE 8
uuid:50e65653-7525-485d-83bf-d293558c4264 SEARCH 132



struct uid
char uid_val[100];
char state[100];
int temp_count;
int alive_count;
int search_count;


Gives the following output ->output.txt)

uuid:22314754-a597-490b-8a93-02cfae01036b 16 8 8
uuid:50e65653-7525-485d-83bf-d293558c4264 32 8 132
uuid:55076f6e-6b79-4d65-6497-180373763bc1 113 112 111
uuid:T0100203354 1 2 3

I want to generalize the code such that uuid occurrence does not have to be all 3 (ALIVE/SEARCH/BYEBYE), the occurrences can be any combination and code should work. e.g my code gives wrong results when input.txt contains the following:

uuid:22314754-a597-490b-8a93-02cfae01036b BYEBYE 8
uuid:22314754-a597-490b-8a93-02cfae01036b SEARCH 8
uuid:50e65653-7525-485d-83bf-d293558c4264 ALIVE 32
uuid:50e65653-7525-485d-83bf-d293558c4264 BYEBYE 8
uuid:55076f6e-6b79-4d65-6497-180373763bc1 ALIVE 113
uuid:55076f6e-6b79-4d65-6497-180373763bc1 BYEBYE 112
uuid:55076f6e-6b79-4d65-6497-180373763bc1 SEARCH 111
uuid:T0100203354 BYEBYE 2

I am using ubuntu for gcc/g+ compiler.

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C++ :: Printing A String To A File?

Aug 24, 2013

these are the errors that I'm getting from an online c++ compiler

// main.cpp:4:10: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or
// main.cpp: In function 'void permute(char*, int)':
// main.cpp:17:9: error: 'f' was not declared in this scope

I don't understand how to print full_string to a file!// otherwise, I know that it gives the correct output -- 90 strings.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include >ios> // line 4 error
using namespace std;
char full_string[] = "112233";


//iter_swap – it just swaps the elements pointed to by the respective pointers without changing the pointers themselves. so, it's basically equivalent to the function:

void iter_swap(char *ptr1, char *ptr2) {
char tmp = *ptr1; *ptr1 = *ptr2;
*ptr2 = tmp;

// min_element – finds the location of the minimum element that exists in the given range. in this case,

it is the char* pointer pointing to the location of that element. it can be implemented like:

char *min_element(char *start, char *end) {
// end is 1 beyond the last valid element
if(start == end) return end; // empty range
char *min_pos = start;
for(char *iter = start+1; iter != end; ++iter)


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C++ :: Printing Out Bytes Of A File

Sep 4, 2012

I am encoding some information in a binary file, and I want to check what I am doing by printing out all the bytes that represent the file.

This is being done by opening a pointer to the file with fopen, reading in each byte of data as a char, and then writing this char to the screen.

I have some image files (e.g. "image.jpg"), whose structure I know, so that I can test my program.

When I print out the chars, they are initially correct, and follow the structure of the file as expected.

However, after about 40 bytes, I find that every subsequent character is ' ' i.e. a blank character.

I then created a CharToBin function, which allows me to print out the actual bits in the char. When doing this, it shows that all the bits are 1 for the characters. i.e. most of the file is represented by 1's, which is clearly not correct.

This happens on all the image files I have tested, and furthermore, on several other non-image files. They all start printing out ' ' after a while. However, all these files are fine and not corrupted, e.g. the image files display correctly.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstring>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
string CharToBin(char ch) {
bool bits[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

[Code] ....

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C++ ::  Printing From File One Word At A Time

Jun 27, 2013

I have done an exercise from "Thinking in C++" to print text from a file to the console one line at a time, with the user pressing enter to get the next line.

My original code is below, how could I change it for one word at a time?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

I tried to alter my program to print one word at a time by changing "getline(in, word)" to "in >> word", but it prints each new word on a new line, the only input I have found to make the next word appear is Enter, I assume that's why.

Is there a way to make it print one word at a time when the user says, but on the same line?

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C++ :: Printing From Open Text File?

Nov 14, 2013

I need to create a text file that looks like:

first line
second line
third line
forth line
fifth line
sixth line

I want to replace the third and forth lines with three new lines. The above contents would become:

first line
second line
new line1
new line2
new line3
fifth line
sixth line

How can I do this using c++?

never was taught file function in c++

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C/C++ :: Reading File And Printing Stuff

Jun 5, 2014

void readpatient() {
int count = 0;
f = fopen("patient.txt","r");
while(!feof(f)) {
p2=new patient();

[Code] .....

Here is what I've tried. I'm trying to read a file aND print stuff in it, but my while loop isn't ending up.. What should i do? It only prints patient name 1 time and after that it prints nothing.

removing system("pause");

results in an endless loop.

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C++ :: Printing Function Output To A File?

Oct 11, 2013

I have to convert a binary value from an input file (the name of which is given by the user) and then convert the binary to decimal value and print that in an output file.

Right now it is compiling just fine with no error messages, but when I run the program, it doesn't end or print to the output file.

Here is my code at the moment:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>


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C/C++ :: Reading Strings From A Text File And Printing Them

Feb 26, 2015

I need a program that reads the number of lines of a file and then several (max of 20) lines of text from a .txt file so an example of the .txt file is: 2 This is the first string This is string number 2 So it first reads the 2 and then reads the two lines of text. It stores the text in an array of pointers. The code i have so far is:



It doesnt give me any errors but all it does is keep running and doesnt print anything out kind of like its in an infinite loop although i dont see how that could be possible.

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C/C++ :: Reading Hex Values From File And Printing Them In Decimal

Dec 1, 2013

I am trying to read hex data from a file (not just hex values in text format). I was able to read it (02 EC) with "fread" into an char before but I need to change the Hex value into an integer in decimal.

I already read about strtol but I would prefer reading the hex Value into an integer.

Here is my code so far:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
int itrack1[1];
int itrack2[1];

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Printing Arrays To File In Order

Jan 14, 2014

I have 3 arrays (even, odd and negative), they are all different sizes, but they maximum elements they can have is 50. How do I write them to a file in this format

2 3 -2
4 5 -4
6 7 -9


size = 50; //they dont all 50, its just that array cant be bigger than 50
for (int i =0; i < size; i++) {
cout <<setw(5);
if (even[i] != 0) {
myfile << eList[i];
myfile << endl;

[Code] .....

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C :: File Contents Printing And Saving With Filename Whenever Try To Send

Jan 2, 2015

I am trying to establish a connection between client and server to send a file to the server from a client. I have been successfully able to send files to the server but i am facing a problem with the the filename whenever i try to send any string to the server and use it in naming the filename at the server side, the string is successfully concatenated but it saves the filecontents in the filename.

for example: i am sending a file hello1.txt to server and the server has to save it as abcxyz.txt as i am sending the "xyz" from the client. BUT Whenever i am doing this ,the file saves as abcxyzfilecontents.txt If i saved in the .txt file "you123" ,my file at server side would save as abcxyzyou123.txt

Here are my codes:

Know that the server code implements a multi threaded server. The functionality to be discussed is defined in myfunc

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>


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C++ :: Banking System - Searching For And Printing Values From TXT File

Mar 21, 2013

So I'm doing a kind of banking system. Atm I've got the user able to create an account and set the balance of it, which is written to a .txt file. However, I would like the user to be able to enter their account no. and the program to cout the account info on the screen. I will be adding more to the program later, but until I work out how to search for values in a .txt file, and print out values on that line I'm a bit stuck.

Main.cpp -
#include <iostream>
#include "create_account.h"
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int menuin;
int main() {
create_account creataccObj;

[Code] .....

Sample .txt file -

// Account_no - Balance //

1001 140500
1002 150600
1003 18600

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C++ :: Input Data From File / Write Data To File

Mar 8, 2013

Ben has been administering a MBTI personality test. Now he has all the responses, but the task of scoring and compiling results seems daunting. The personality test* is a series of 70 questions for which the available responses are ‘A’ and ‘B’. Based upon the answers to the 70 questions, a personality profile is determined, categorizing the degree to which the responses place the person on four scales:

Extrovert vs. Introvert (E/I)
Sensation vs. iNtuition (S/N)
Thinking vs. Feeling (T/F)
Judging vs. Perceiving (J/P).

Each of the 70 questions relates to one of the four scales, with an ‘A’ response indicating the first of the corresponding pair (E, S, T, or J) and a ‘B’ indicating the second (I, N, F, or P). For instance, an ‘A’ response on the question: At a party do you:

A. Interact with many, including strangers
B. Interact with a few, known to you indicates an Extrovert rather than an Introvert; just the opposite for a ‘B’.

For this test, each question is designed to influence one of the four scales as follows:
questions 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 … are used to determine E/I,
questions 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 … and 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 … to determine S/N,
questions 4, 11, 18, 25, 32 … and 5, 12, 19, 26, 33 … to determine T/F, and
questions 6, 13, 20, 27, 34 … and 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 … to determine J/P.
Notice these come in sequences of “every 7th” question.

The goal of the test is to determine which end of each of the four scales a person leans, and to thus classify him/her based on those leanings (e.g., as ENFJ, INTJ, etc.). Since Ben would also like an indication of how strongly the test taker fell into each of the four, the program should print the percentage of ‘A’ responses for that scale.

Input for this program should come from a file responses.txt. The first line of the file will contain a single integer, n, indicating the number of test results to follow. Each of the following n lines will contain the first name of the test taker, a single blank, his/her last name, a single blank, then the 70 responses he/she gave on the test. Although the test instructions indicate that the results are most valid when all questions are answered, sometimes respondents leave questions blank. In that case, a dash appears at the corresponding place in the list of responses.

Output for the program should be written to the file types.txt. It should include a well-formatted report listing, for each test taker, his/her name, the percentage of ‘A’ responses in each scale, and the resulting personality type. A tie within a scale should result in a dash (‘-‘) for that part of the personality type.

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C++ :: Stream Data To A File And Then Return To File To Add Further Data?

Aug 23, 2012

I am trying to stream data to a file, and then return to the file to add further data. When I add data the second time, I then want to update the value of the second byte in the whole file. I can't seem to do this!

Here is my sample code:

int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;
int d = 4;
int e = 5;
int f = 6;
int g = 7;
int x;
fstream out1("file.dat", ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc);


The output I get is "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6", but I want to be getting "1, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6", because in "out2", I seekp to the second integar entry, and change it to "7".

I have also tried using ios::ate in the constructor for "out2", but this gives me the out put "4, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6", which is suggesting that when I create my fstream object "in", any seekg commands are relative to the beginning of the "out2" stream, rather than the "out1" stream.

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C :: Store Data In Binary File Then Use It To Find Inverse Of Matrix Form Of Data

Dec 6, 2013

I need to find inverse of a matrix data in binary file should be used to form matrix.its not finding inverse correctly rest is working good.

#include <stdio.h>
void createbin();
void display();
void inverse();
int main()

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Data Input Into A Text File While Not Deleting Original Data

Apr 19, 2013

I want to input data into text file while not deleting the original data in the file and I use something as

ofstream writefile;
if (writefile.is_open()) {
for(j=0; j<N; j++) {

[Code] ....

But this will delete the original data.

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