C++ :: Bullet Physics Library - How To Implement Picking

Jun 9, 2014

I'm using the Bullet physics library in my program and am currently trying to implement picking. The way the world is currently set up, there is a terrain with a box on top of it. Whenever I click on the box, my program only registers that the terrain has been clicked and doesn't recognize that the box has been clicked.

void PhysicsEngine::RayTest() {
vec2 Mouse = MOUSE_POSITION;
Mouse.y = WINDOW_DIMENSIONS.y - Mouse.y;

vec4 RayStart = vec4(2*Mouse.x/WINDOW_DIMENSIONS.x - 1,2*Mouse.y/WINDOW_DIMENSIONS.y - 1, -1, 1);
vec4 RayEnd = RayStart; RayEnd.z = 0;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Set Bullet Library To GCC

Jul 11, 2013

I would like to set the bullet library to GCC. I downloaded source code of bullet but i don't know how to set that.

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C++ :: Simplest 3D Physics Engine

Jan 18, 2013

What is the simplest 3D physics engine that you have used, that works well?

All I need to be able to represent is a spherical ground (planet), one or more tetrahedrons, with 1 or 0 cylinders coming out of each face, which might connect to other tetrahedrons. The tetrahedrons and cylinders have weight and can rotate around their connection point in 1 direction.

Basically, they are simple digital robots that need to walk around, so I don't need something with the complexity of Havok or Newton.

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C++ :: Get Angle Of Bullet After Bouncing?

Jun 30, 2014

I'm trying to make a bullet bounce after it hits a wall. I think bouncing on the top and bottom wall works perfectly, but it won't bounce off of the left and right walls. How would I get it to bounce? This is how I get the direction the bullet it going whenever I shoot.

player.dir = GetAngle(player.mouseX, player.mouseY, player.x, player.y);
float GetAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
return atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);

Also what I was trying to do to make the bullet bounce.

if (bullets[i].x < 10 || bullets[i].x > screenWidth - 10 ||
bullets[i].y < 10 || bullets[i].y > screenHeight - 10) {
if (bullets[i].type == 8)
bullets[i].dir *= -1;

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C++ :: Picking Out Random Word As Nickanme

Apr 26, 2013

I got this code here id like for it to pick up a random word from a text file and use it as the nick in this line


How could i do it heres the full code for the client

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using FluorineFx;

[Code] .....

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C :: Picking And Choosing Between User Inputs

Jul 31, 2013

I have recently looked into a self created project where I wanted to compare user input against a list of strings in an external file. That has since been completed to my great satisfaction, however it did throw up some interesting issues in my knowledge and understanding of user input..What is the best way to pick up user input i.e scanf,stdin etc. and when should either be used and can a mixture of types be used, and if so, when and why.

A quick program to take different input methods and display differnt output method (obviously corresponding i.e scanf/printf - fgets/fputs)

My first pothole came when I have setup the method for scanf - fine. Then I setup the method for fgets(test,100,stdin) for example and the fgets method no longer picks up stdin from the user..

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C++ :: Not Picking Template Partial Specialization?

Nov 18, 2013


#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct Test {
static int constexpr value = 1;

[Code] .....

Why does it output 1 instead of 2? How can I make it output 2 and still output 1 for e.g. Test<double>::value?

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C++ :: Spinwheel Type System For Picking Numbers Random?

Feb 3, 2015

if there is a spinwheel that has 20 or so numbers. can spin the wheel until stops and that is the number to use.

how to make a program that picks a number like spinning a wheel. could make the wheel pick numerous random numbers each revolution or one number per revolution

say until 9 or so are chosen

be good if program could work however many numbers are to be chosen from

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C++ :: Shared Library Vs Static Library?

Jan 17, 2014

I've been reading about libraries; How to make them, how to use them, the different types of libraries, etc..

When using a shared library, does the program require that library to be installed on the computer after the program has been compiled into an .exe?

Ie.. if somebody downloaded a "Helloworld.exe" that I had compiled on my computer using a shared library (that wasn't part of a standard operating system), would they also need that shared library on their computer for the program to run without errors?

and for Static Libraries, when I compile a program using a static library, does it include in the final binary only the functions of the library that are actually used, or does the compiler add in the entire library?

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C :: How To Implement Vectorization

May 20, 2013

I'm trying to learn how to implement vectorization. Lets say I have this an array like this.

Code: int Array[10] = { 3,4,5,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

If I traverse through the array and preform some simple calculation like adding numbers, how would I go about vectorizing this feat? For example if I want to add numbers, .

An example, add element at index 5,6,7 to element with index 1.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --- index
3,4,5,2,8,2,3,5,1,2 --- ints

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C :: Implement Setjmp For Function?

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to implement setjmp for functions.

#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
jmp_buf arr[3];
void DISP(int x , int i)


Could I possibly use malloc to allocate memory for the stack too?

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C :: How To Implement A Generic Command

Jun 11, 2013

I have to make a prgrama using the C programming language that is able to read several lines of commands entered by the user and interpret it as a command to run.

I have to implement the following command:

a) Command generic - program should be able to read any one command and execute the same command on the operating system through primitives for implementing generic processes (eg "ls-l/etc").

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C :: How To Implement Two Dimensional Arrays

Feb 10, 2013

char str[40][40];
int number = 7;

for (int i=0;i<number;i++){
printf("enter %d th string::",i+1);

Above, I have a little snippet of a code that I'm trying to figure out. I don't really understand how to implement 2d arrays in C that well. But, I mostly want to know is how and where the strings are being stored, especially with the code below.

for (int i=0;i<number;i++){
printf("enter %d th string::",i+1);

I know that it's asking the user to enter strings, which will be stored into the 2d array. I just don't understand how it's being stored. Will it be placed in the 1st column or 2nd row or something?

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C++ :: Implement Flocking Algorithm

Mar 25, 2013

I'm trying to implement the flocking algorithm in C++. I've tried to implement it myself by making all the particles 'home-in' on the player. When 2 particles then collide within their larger bounding boxes they home-in to each other. And when the 2 particles are actually touching they repel each other until they are outside of their bounding boxes and find another particle to home-into.when I run my application the particles all home into the player and come to a stand still along the Y-axis above the player.

All the particles in question are stored in a Vector, with a pos and velocity.

for(int i = 0; i < swarm.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < swarm.size(); j++) {
if (swarm.at(i)->getParticleModel()->getPosition().x < gameObjects.front()->getParticleModel()->getPosition().x) {
if (swarm.at(i)->getParticleModel()->getTouching() == false)


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C++ :: How To Implement Insert And Heapify

Nov 2, 2014

I implement copy constructor for priority queue like this, is it right?

this->maxSize = aQueue.maxSize;
this->items = new T [maxSize + 1];
this->rear = aQueue.rear;
for (int i = 0; i < aQueue.rear; i++)


By the way, how to implement "insert" and "heapify" and in insert, when we insert an element we also heapify it?

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C# :: Unable To Implement A BrowserDialog

Apr 15, 2014

Ok so i am coding in WPF i was coding just fine and im trying to implement a browserDialog

Here is the class

The issue i am having is in the DialogResult.Cancel This is the issue i receive 'System.Nullable<bool>' does not contain a definition for 'Cancel' and no extension method 'Cancel' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Nullable<bool>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference.

private void ArmaPathSelect_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();
if (folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
this.Path_Arma3.Text = folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath;

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C++ :: How To Implement DirectX Structures

Dec 12, 2013

I do this because I want to transform the .x format into xml... The "frame" data structure can contain other frames, and a name for the frame and a transformation. For example:

struct frame {
std::string name;
Matrix transform;
std::vector<struct frame> child;
std::vector<struct frame> sibling;

[Code] ....

I know the above won't compile. But am I on the right track to implement data structures this way using linked lists? about directx, I'd like to ask is the .x format implemented with a tree structure rather than linked lists.

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C++ :: Trying To Implement Linked List Using Inheritance

Jan 5, 2014

Not inheriting properly and provide the corrected code if possible

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int Data;

[Code] ....

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C :: Structs - Implement In With Pointers And Functions

Feb 23, 2013

I have a struct and I want to implement in with pointers and functions.

What is the corect syntax? For example:

typedef struct XYZ

int x;
int y;
int z;

int func( using the XYZ_t struct)

[Code] .....

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C :: Implement Merge-Sort Algorithm?

Jul 24, 2013

I'm trying to implement the Merge-Sort algorithm. I only had the pseudocode for it and have some problems coding this into C.

I have only covered pointers recently and I tried using them, which did not work. I started with the code for the merge algorithm and only used a 10 element array, which was already divided into two sorted subarrays:

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int a[5]={1,5,6,10,13}, b[5]={4,8,9,10,14},c[10], *i,*j,k;


This is the result that I get:

Code: 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 13 0

So I think the problem occurs because in the second to last loop i is incremented again, but the end of the array is already reached, and the compiler has no element a[6] to compare with *j in the last run of the loop. Is there generally a better way to implement Merge?

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C :: Calculate Process Mean To Implement With Contiki

Aug 11, 2014

I am starting to use contiki and learn c programming for my summer internship. I have to calculate the mean of the ongoing process of refrigerator power. I made the code like this


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <homadeus/processes/fridge_process.h>
#include <homadeus/devices/78M6610.h>
#include <homadeus/utils/utils.h>
float global_variable;
int current_state = 0; //down =0, up =1


How it gets the value of power is handled already. Every one second, it will display the power consumed (get_instant_power()). I don't know how to start and end the sample numbre. If I start by 1 then how should it be until? Also, is it possible if I store the power in array to accumulate?

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C++ :: How To Code And Implement Algorithm Using Python

Apr 6, 2014

I'm attempting to write the maximal clique algorithm for use with an adjacency matrix.I'm following a video which explains how to code and implement the algorithm using python. I want to write it for c++. URL....I'm currently trying to code the powerset function at 2 minutes into the video. I'm not sure if I should be using arrays or not.

So far I have coded the below but I dont know how to return an empty array inside an empty array (when the elts list is of size 0). I wrote an isEmpty function for the array since I cant use len(elts) like in python.

bool empty = true;
bool isEmpty(int elts[]) {
for (int z=0;z<10;z++) {
if (elts[z] != 0) {
cout << elts[z] << endl;
empty = false;


The code should use either an array/list/vector that we call 'elts' (short for elements). Then firstly, it should add the empty list [], then the rest of the power set (all shown in the video).So for example, in the case that elts = [1,2,3,4], my code should return:[ [],[4],[3],[4,3],[2],[4,2],[3,2],[4,3,2],[1],[4,1],[3,1],[4,3,1],[2,1],[4,2,1],[‌​3,2,1],[4,3,2,1] ]

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C++ :: How To Implement IDIV Instruction In GCC Assembler

Aug 22, 2013

I have problems when implementing the IDIV Instruction in gcc assembler, the program has compiled ok, but when executing function that imparts the asm codes which contained the IDIV instruction the error box immediately appeared announcing that it should terminates the program quickly.

The following is the complete listing of the program that I just been working on it:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
signed long divider(signed long num, signed long divisor);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
signed long dn0,dn1,dn2;


I compiled it with DevCpp, and I had tried on CodeBlocks, in CodeBlocks I made used the int64_t type but still it could not works more..

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C++ :: Using List To Implement Huge Numbers?

Nov 22, 2013

Im trying to implement a way to use really big numbers to be able to add, substract and multiply them with the class I made. for example:

huge a = "45646464646455464654656"
huge b = "456464564646544646"
huge c = a+b;


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C++ :: Program To Implement Bubble Sort

Feb 15, 2015

Design a C++ Program to implement the following functions:

a.)the function for bubble sorting : int bubblesort(int*a,int size).
b.)the function for merge sorting : int mergesort(int*a,int size).
c.)the function for generating array of random elements: int generate(int*a,int size) which calls the function rand() in c++.
d.)Test both bubble sorting and merge sorting with 10,100,1000,10000,100000 and 1000000,4000000 integers.

The integers are from the array generated by part c).calculate the time spent in calling each sorting.you may use a function in <time.h>to get the current time. Draw curves to compare the speed performance between the two functions. The merge sorting algorithm implementation must use recursion. you are expected to define a global array for holding result from merging two arrays.otherwise,it may cause a lot extra money in recursion.

Hint 1:use the following format to calculate the time cost for bubble sort.

Time1=Get the current time(call a function in <time.h>);
Tme2=Get the current time(call a function in <time.h>);
Time_cost=the difference between time 1 and tim2;
Print your program and test results

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C# :: Error / Does Not Implement Interface Member

Jan 19, 2015

Below is a snippet of a class I am working on. My head is swimming, but I cannot understand why I am seeing the following error:


Error1 does not implement interface member 'System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged'Medication.cs1011

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