C :: Binary Tree - Return A Vector Of Integers

Oct 19, 2014

So I have a Binary Tree and I need to return a vector of integers (the nodes) of the heaviest path in the tree.

First, is it possible to do in C? Because I think a vector is an ADT in C++.

I've started writing something recursive, which worked for a balanced tree of height 1, and failed for longer height.

This is what I've written - [URL] ....

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C/C++ :: Binary Search Tree That Will Accept Integers?

Feb 28, 2015

Create Binary Search Tree that will accept integers in this order: 35, 18, 48, 72, 60, 25.

It needs to prompt the user for input and then return either "True" or "False" if the number exists in the array.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>


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C++ :: Vector Of The Highest Path In Binary Tree

Oct 21, 2014

I have a function signature: vector<int> tree_highest_path (Node *root);

Which gets a pointer to a binary-tree root.(the struct is:[int id, Node *right, Node left].

I need to return a vector of id's of the highest path of the tree.

Example: root:6, left of root:5, right of root:3, right of right:1

will return this vector: 6->3->1.

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C/C++ :: Find Maximum Element From A Tree (not A Binary Tree)

Oct 31, 2014

I want to find maximum element from a tree (not a binary tree ) ???? ...using c language...

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C++ :: Recursive Function 2 - Create Vector Of Vector Of Integers

Mar 26, 2013

Lets say that I have a vector of vector of integers. <1,2,3,4> , <5,6,7,8>, <10,11,12,13>

How do I make a function that creates vector of vector of every different integers?

<1,5,10> , <1,5,11>, <1,5,12>, <1,5,13>
<1,6,10> , <1,6,11>, <1,6,12>, <1,6,13>
<1,7,10> , <1,7,11>, <1,7,12>, <1,7,13>
<1,8,10>, <1,8,11>, <1,8,12>, <1,8, 13>
<2,5,10>, <2,5,11>, <2,5,12>, <2,5,13>

and so on...

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C++ :: Open File And Read In Rows To String Vector And Return Vector

Jun 7, 2012

I have a cpp app that reads in a number of files and writes revised output. The app doesn't seem to be able to open a file with a ' in the file name, such as,


This is the function that opens the file :

// opens mol file, reads in rows to string vector and returns vector
vector<string> get_mol_file(string& filePath) {
vector<string> mol_file;
string new_mol_line;
// create an input stream and open the mol file
ifstream read_mol_input;
read_mol_input.open( filePath.c_str() );

[Code] ....

The path to the file is passed as a cpp string and the c version is used to open the file. Do I need to handle this as a special case? It is possible that there could be " as well, parenthesis, etc.

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C++ :: Create Binary Search Tree Template To Be Used To Create AVL Tree

Feb 10, 2013

For my data-structures class, I am attempting to create a binary search tree template to be used to create an AVL tree. I've written a Generic_Tree template for the BST to inherit from, and before I jump into implementing the AVL tree I'm testing the BST member functions. Everything was compiling fine until I added the BST insert() function. Now, I'm getting the following error message from my linker:

undefined reference to 'BST<void>::insert(int, void*)'

Stemming from the call in main line 16.

my makefile compiles with:
g++ -Wall -g Generic_Tree.cpp BST.cpp barfing.cpp main.cpp


template < typename NODE_DATA, unsigned MAX_KIDS >
class Tree {
struct NODE {
NODE_DATA* contents;
Tree* child[MAX_KIDS];
Tree* parent;

[Code] ....

I'm use to c and havn't used classes or templates before (except for declaring instances of them). The whole syntax is mystifying to me,.

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C/C++ :: Dividing Two Integers Will Return Integer Value?

Dec 2, 2014

So I have a simple calculator that does a few operations (+ - * / %) Pretty basic stuff

I declared int x, y for the numbers, char operation, and float result.

the code is based on switch(operation)

The program is running alright, but when I divide 8/7 it returns 1 as the result, I tried changing the x and y to float but that won't work because of the case '%'

I also tried making local float variables in the case'/' but it won't compile "E2126 Case bypasses initialization of a local variable"

How can I make the division work and return a float value?

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C++ :: Printing A Binary Tree?

Feb 1, 2014

It only prints out the root in an infinite loop.

Code: void Btree::printTree(Node* tree)
if (tree != NULL)
std::cout<<" "<< tree->key;

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C++ :: Search Binary Tree

Aug 12, 2014

It has been a while since I built a binary tree from scratch so I decided to do it. Everything works fine but this one function. When I enter a number to search it just keeps running and allowing me to keep enter numbers.

void tree::search(int key,Node* leaf) {
if (leaf == NULL) {
std::cout<<"The tree is empty

[Code] ......

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C :: Function Max In Binary Tree

May 28, 2013

I have a problem with the C code . I created two functions, one that runs through the tree inorder, the other that returns the maximum value in the tree. The problem is when I use in the main the method "max", which goes in a loop and not print anything on the screen . If I remove the call to method "max" it works fine. Here's the code:


#define bool int
/* A binary tree tNode has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct tNode {


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C++ :: Binary Tree Source?

Jul 12, 2013

I just want to ask if some of you know good source for learning about Binary Trees.

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C/C++ :: Searching A Binary Tree?

Mar 1, 2015

I've almost got my code working. My issue is, if I type in either one of the first two id numbers, it finds the person and displays as it's supposed to, however if I type any of the last 6 id numbers it says id not found. I've been staring at this forever and can't see what I'm missing />/> ps, I haven't added in all my comments yet Binary tree template

//Binray tree template class


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C/C++ :: How To Print Binary Tree

Jan 14, 2015

I want to print binary tree in this form on screen

2 3
/ /
4 5 6 7
/ /
8 9 10 11

This is the code for creating Binary Tree:

struct node
int data;
struct node *right;
struct node *left;
struct node *root = NULL;
int main ()
struct node *child, *temp;


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C++ :: How To Build Binary Tree With Values

Dec 29, 2013

I am not sure how to build the tree with values:

struct Node *root = 1 root->left = 2
root->right = 3
root->left->left = 4;
root->left->right = 5;

Everything should be right except the main(). How to demonstrate this program correctly?

#include <iostream>
#include <stack> // std::stack

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Copy Control Of Binary Tree

May 17, 2013

I have implemented a copy control version of binary tree.. As I am a Beginner. I think i have made my mistake.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class TreeNode{
TreeNode(const std::string &val):value(val),count(new int(1)){}
TreeNode(const TreeNode& rhs):value(rhs.value),count(count),left(rhs.left),right(rhs.right){++*count; }

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Binary Search Tree With Templates?

Oct 27, 2014

I am trying to implement BST using templates. This is the code that i have written.

Code: template <class T>
struct node
struct node *left;


There are no errors but the program hangs. What is the mistake with this program ?

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C :: Find Sum Of Depths In Binary Tree

Jun 18, 2013

I need to write a program to find the sum of depths of a binary tree, where a depth is by definition the shortest distance between a node and the root. I am required to code this using recursion.

I was thinking of first coding a helper recursion to find the depth for each node. What would be the best way to do that? If I could move from the node to the root, I believe programming this helper recursion would not be very difficult. Is there a way to progress from the node to the root?

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C :: Binary Tree Insert Function

Mar 31, 2014

I am having trouble writing an insert function for a binary tree.

Here is the structure that I have to use.

I have the print function done, the insert function is the one I am having trouble with,


typedef struct bt_{
int value;
struct bt_ *right;
struct bt_ *left;


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C :: Deleting Binary Tree Node?

Feb 18, 2014

I am having trouble with my deleteNode function, using recursion I am trying to delete a node from a binary tree. My tree is displayed as the following...

Tree: (node)->[left child, right child]
(c)->[ ,e]


The result did show that it is erased but when I try to add the erase node "t" back into the tree it still exist. I am stumped on what to do when using recursion way of deleting node.

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C++ :: Height Or Depth Of Binary Tree

Feb 23, 2014

I'm in interested to know what will be the height of binary tree with say 5 nodes (consider it balanced) is it 2 or 3?

5 13
3 7

and for following tree also:

7 5
2 6 9
/ /
5 11 4

is it 3 or 4?

i'm asking because, not able to find correct/one answer.

the algorithm i find is:

depth(struct tree*t) {
if ( t == NULL) return 0;
return max( depth(tree->left), depth(tree->right) ) + 1;

According to it, ans for second will be 4

But as per image on wikipedia [URL] .... the ans is 3

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C++ :: How To Insert Item Into Binary Tree

Jun 30, 2013

I am trying to write a function that inserts an item into this binary tree in C++.

template <typename T>
struct BTree {
T val;
BTree<T>* left;
BTree<T>* right;
BTree(T v, BTree<T>* l=nullptr, BTree<T>* r=nullptr) :
val(v), left(l), right(r) {}

Here's my attempt.

template <typename T>
void insert(BTree<T>* tree, T item) {
if (tree == nullptr) {
tree = new BTree<T>(item);
} else if (item < tree->val) {
insert(tree->left, item);
} else {
insert(tree->right, item);
} }

I think this function may not be working because I am modifying `tree`, which is a local variable. How do I actually modify the current pointer that `tree` represents, not just `nullptr`?

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C++ :: Reading TXT File Into Binary Tree

May 30, 2013

How to store values from a .txt file delimited with semicolons (;) into a class which is then stored into a Binary Search Tree. After browsing Google for a few hours, and trying various examples of people using Vectors, I just can't seem to get my program to work using Object Oriented Programming with an instance of the class Person.

My two classes are Person, and BinarySearchTree as follows:

class Person{
string first_surname;
string second_surname;
string name;
int ID;

[Code] ....

Ok so my text file saves the data of each person in the same order as the class with each value separated by a semicolon.

i.e. First_Surname;Second_Surname;Name;ID;Telephone;Score;

void fillTree( BinarySearchTree *b) {
string input[7];
Person p;
fstream file("scores.txt", ios::in); // reads text file
if(file.is_open()) {

[Code] ....

I understand that I get an error because a vector is saved as integers, and I am using strings, my question is, any other way to read the .txt file and save each data separated by a semicolon, into the Person class?

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C++ :: Storing 234 Tree In Binary File

Mar 20, 2014

How would I store a 234 tree in a binary file?

I've never worked with trees or binary files before so it is very confusing.

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C++ :: How To Implement binary Tree Using A Class

Aug 23, 2013

I'm trying to implement a binary tree using this class:

class btree {
int key;
btree *left;
btree *right;
btree(){left=NULL; right=NULL;}
void insert(int key);

[Code] ....

gives me the following error:

albero_binario1.cpp: In member function ‘void btree::insert(int)’:
albero_binario1.cpp:34:18: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
albero_binario1.cpp:39:15: error: request for member ‘insert’ in ‘((btree*)this)->btree::right’, which is of non-class type ‘btree*’
albero_binario1.cpp:41:14: error: request for member ‘insert’ in ‘((btree*)this)->btree::left’, which is of non-class type ‘btree*’

what can i do?

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C++ :: Binary Search Tree Printing

Apr 19, 2014

I am not sure how to use the parameters ostream and enum type in a print function.

enum TraversalOrderType {preorder, inorder, postorder};
template <class ItemType>
void Tree<ItemType>::print(ostream & Outstream, TraversalOrderType order) {

[Code] ....

Is this the correct way to call the print function?

int main() {
Tree<int> tree1;
tree1.print(cout, preorder);
return 0;

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