Visual Basic 6.0 Programming :: Delete Rows With All Caps In Excel

Oct 22, 2013

I need VB code to remove any rows in excell that contain ONLY CAPS.

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Visual C++ :: Make Transition From Console Programming To GUI Programming?

Nov 30, 2013

my a book or website where I can make a transition from console programming to GUI programming. I'm totally confused about this. I know how to program in console and can make a whole program based on console. I also know the OPP programming, but it's clear that nobody uses console programming anymore.

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C Sharp :: Delete Rows In Gridview

Jun 3, 2013

I am having a problem with deleting gridview rows. I am populating my gridview by selecting value in a dropdownlist then by clicking the add button, value will be added in my gridview, here is my code:

In my aspx:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" 
                CssClass="mGrid" EmptyDataText = "There are no records to display">
                    <asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-Width="10">
                <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server"/>
[Code] ....

With the btnRemove codes above, If I clicked it, it'll remove all values in my gridview even the unchecked rows, what I want is that just the checked rows not all. And are there any other simple way of removing rows in a gridview than using checkbox? I am using c# with

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C/C++ :: Print Rows Of Ascending Digits - Delete Other Ones

Dec 14, 2014

That is sequence "aasdf123456785fg87" will be transformed into "aasdf12345678fg". I need to do this task in two variants: at once using getchar and putchar and then with strings. The object is done, but I think it could be done more easier. My codes:

char flag = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != '.')
if (isdigit(c))


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C Sharp :: How To Delete Multi Rows In Datagridview

Sep 14, 2014

I delete rows in datagridview using chcekbox column. I write the following code:

private void btndelpay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("delete row", "do you want to delete", 
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)

[Code] ......

my problem is /how to umcheck from rows in datagridview in chechboxes column when the user select dialogResult.NO

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C Sharp :: Filter Excel Sheets Through C# While Importing Excel Data To Database?

Mar 1, 2013

private String[] GetExcelSheetNames(string excelFile) {  
             OleDbConnection objConn = null;
             SqlConnection objSqlConn = null;
             System.Data.DataTable dt = null;  
             try {


Now I can fatch all the excel sheet belongs to the Excel File.But How can I check "If and Only If the sheets are havin Underscore in their name(eg. student_data,teachers_data) then only the data of the sheets will populate in tha data base"

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Visual C++ :: How To Use C# With Excel

Jan 2, 2013

Is it possible to create an app that can be saved on my desktop that can be used with an excel file that is saved on my desktop? I have opened VS 2010 and I have created a form design that has a button for every sheet name in my excel file. All of the sheet names are hidden with the exception of one. When a button is pressed on the c# form, I would like for that sheet to be shown in excel. Then once the updates have been made to that sheet in excel, I want a button to be at the top of the excel worksheet that will hide that worksheet again and return to the form c# form...can that be done?

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Visual C++ :: How To Create A Basic Window

Dec 29, 2012

I want to create a basic window using visual c++ 2010 express.

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Visual C++ :: Minimize Excel Window?

Mar 21, 2014

I'm trying to minimize an Excel window using c++. but it doesn't work.


//Save the PID
HWND hWnd = FindWindowA(NULL, (LPCSTR)pXlApp);
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &proccesID);
// Make it visible


I checked the HWND is not null, but is not visible....

Code: bool visible=IsWindowVisible(hWnd);

and visible=false, but the window is Visible (I see the Excel file)

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Visual C++ :: How To Define Name Range With Excel Automation

Mar 4, 2015

Using Excel Automation in Visual Studio 2010 C++, how do I define a name? As a user of Excel, you can enter a name that then can be used in formulas to refer to a range of cells. The range changes as the user inserts columns or rows. My program has worked with various versions of Excel dating back to the early 2000's.

I have a bunch of classes derived from COleDispatchDriver: CXLApplication, CXLRange, CXLWorkbook, CXLWorkbooks, and CXLWorksheet that have many functions, but I have no documentation... How to define a named range using functions of these classes (probably CXLRange)?

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Visual C++ :: How To Color Background Of Excel Cell

Aug 6, 2013

I am saving my data in Excel File Format.

I am using CDataBase class and its methods like OpenEx ,ExecuteSQL etc. The program is working fine.

Now I need to change back-ground color of some data base records.

How to do this in MFC ?

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Visual C++ :: Doubly Linked List And Basic Text Editor

Sep 23, 2014

I'm supposed to make a basic text editor using a doubly linked list, I have pretty much written most of it but keep coming across several problems. In certain places,all marked in the code, I get the error "expected a declaration" ive looked online and nothing ive found works. And secondly I also get the error" declaration has no storage class or type specifier" but i havent been able to find anything that works either.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Basic Settings - How To Configure Color Of Selected Text

May 4, 2014

How to configurate color of selected text. I am not sure why, but in Visual C++ it is not displayed as in other programs like notepad, which should be harder color. So I cannot find the selected text. Where can I configurate it or where to search it in desktop theme settings?

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Visual C++ :: Read Excel File And Storage In Array

Nov 4, 2014

I wish to read an excel file which contains the table shown at the picture below.

I don't really know how to code the direct storage of the values in the appropriate array.

For example I wish to store the countries in an array of a string type.

could I have some piece of code which illustrates it (I mean the reading of an excel file and the direct storage of his value in an array).

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Visual C++ :: Reading And Writing Values From Excel Spreadsheet

Jul 31, 2013

I just got a job programming a windows application. One of the requirements is reading and writing values from an excel spreadsheet. Looking online, it appears that C++ isn't the best (one of the worst?) languages for reading and writing values from excel files. Now the language I'm most familiar with is C++ and I've been looking at C#, and it appears to be much easier to read excel files.

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Visual C++ :: Write Number In Excel Cell - OLE Automation

Sep 23, 2013

I need to make a programm to write in a excel cell a number.

I must use OLE Automation. How i can do it??

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
void main(void) {
CLSID clsid;
CLSIDFromProgID(L"Excel.Application", &clsid);

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Arbitrary Sort Algorithm For Input (Bunch Of Rows)

Apr 5, 2013

C++ sort algorithm or library that can take input of a bunch of rows of data and then sort rows by an arbitrary defined order of one of the columns ... i.e., sort rows by value of the first column in this order (boba bobc bobe bobx) etc?

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Visual C++ :: Excel Automation - Window Doesn't Come To Foreground In Windows Server 2008

Feb 10, 2014

We have a C++ 5.0 app that does something like this:

Creates the excel dispatch, exports the data, etc...
then calls these functions:


This has always worked to display the excel spreadsheet in the foreground, most recently on Windows Server 2003.

Now, testing on Windows Server 2008, the excel spreadsheet is created, but in the background. How to force it to the foreground?

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Visual C++ :: Multidimensional Array Having 3 Rows And 8 Columns - Bubble And Selection Sort

Feb 19, 2014

You will write a program that uses a multidimensional array having 3 rows and 8 columns and sorts each of the rows using both a bubble sort and a selection sort.

You must declare the array inside of main. You will have a for loop containing the calls to bubbleSort and selectionSort. You need to pass into function bubbleSort and selectionSort the following: 1) each column of the multidimensional array, 2) the size of the column, and 3) a particular row number of the multidimensional array to be used for printing out the "pass" shown on the following pages.

I keep getting an error that the identifier for bubbleSort and selectionSort is not found. (Error C3861)

Also, I feel like I'm missing something in int main() to get it to sort properly.

# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int SIZE1 = 3;
const int SIZE2 = 8;
int arr [SIZE1][SIZE2] = { { 105, 102, 107, 103, 106, 100, 104, 101 },

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: How To Delete Records In TXT File

Nov 19, 2014

I have to ask the user if they want to delete any records. The user can enter -1 to finish deleting records. I have to write the remaining records in an output file. I have this, but 1) it doesn't let me enter more than 1 id, and 2 it doesnt output anything to my output.txt.

123 Jose Garcia 99
345 Luis Garcia 87
234 Jazlyn Soriano 79
456 Carter Sander 95
567 Natalia Soto 67
789 Isabel Santana 80

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Student {
int id;
string firstName;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Detect ItemID And Delete That Line From File

Oct 14, 2013

I have a text file name fruit.txt that contains the following information of fruit id, fruitName and fruitQuantity.


If let's say I key in 2, it will search for the id=2 and delete the whole line and the id of banana which is orignially 3, will become 2 and orange which is orignally 4 will become 3 etc.

I researched on how it can be done and most suggested to put inside a vector and fout the line.

I know how to put the values in the vector but how should I go about searching for the id and if the id is found it will delete that line inside the file.

ofstream fout;
ifstream readFile("fruit.txt");
while (getline(readFile, line)) {


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Visual C++ :: Delete Earlier Dynamic Controls And Redraw In Dialog

Apr 6, 2015

I've created a dialog based MFC app which input from user to create that many dynamic controls(Used checkbox to be created dynamically).

After user input that many checkboxes controls are created but if try to click again then not able to delete previous controls and again new no. of controls.

Code snippet to add controls on user input.

RECT rctA; = 51;
rctA.bottom = 80;
CString temp;
int noOfControls = _tstoi(temp);

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: How New / Delete Store Internal Info About Allocated Buffer

Dec 9, 2014

I am using C++ new/delete operators to allocate/deallocate the buffers. I think for each allocated buffer, there should be an additional info block stores the size and other info about the buffer. How to know more details about this info block? I need to override these two operators and find such an info block is useful to my implementation.

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C :: List - Why Delete Function Doesn't Delete

Dec 9, 2014

I have to manage a Clinic. I need to delete a booking (for example, if John said he's coming on March 22nd at 15:30 but then he say he's not going to come, I have to delete that booking so another person can use it).

idSearched: the id of the person that is not going to come. I have a lot of specialties and each one has a list. So I ask for the speciality to delete the node (the node contains John's booking). If I don't find it, I return (-1). searchSpecByID return a pointer to the list where the speciality is. So head will point to the first node of the list. In nodeToDelete I have the node I want to delete.

The program detects OK when is the first in the list and when not, but it doesn't delete the node.


typedef struct bookingList{
tSpecialty specialty;
struct nodo* intro;
} tList;


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C/C++ :: Run Basic Stats On 150 Tables

Mar 7, 2014

I need to run some basic statistics on about ~150 tables that are currently in dBase format. Rather than use excel to do them all individually, i was told to use s+ and write a code to loop through them, but I have never written any code and my experience with spotfire s+ is limited (the stat software i have available) ....

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C++ :: Basic Encryption And Decryption Program

Sep 29, 2013

I am having trouble with an assignment. The assignment consists of a basic encryption and decryption program already written for me, I just have to write the encryption function. What we have to get the program to do is enter an integer and a text, and get the program to increment each letter in the text by the integer given. I did this by using a for loop and incrementing each value in the string by the integer.

However, I still can't get it to decrypt and I need the program to work with only a-z letters (if I increment each letter by 3 and I have the letter Z, it should go to Z+3 = C).

I attached the description of the attachment and below are the codes: The first file does not need to be edited.

/*******************Programming Assignment 1***************/
/****************Caesar's substitution cipher**************/
/*****************YOU MUST NOT EDIT THIS FILE**************/
/****Substitute alphabets in a string using rotation key***/
/****Leave all other characters unchanged******************/
/****Confirm correct encryption by decrypting**************/

[Code] ......

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