Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: Class Of String Collections?

Nov 25, 2014

Is it legal in VC++ to create a class composed only of string colections. If it is how can I create it in VC++ and add it to my project?

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Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: Designing GUI - Ambiguous Symbol String Used

Jan 10, 2014

I am working on my project of gesture recognition using c++ and open cv and i am also designing GUI simultaneously. I am using system namespace for GUI part and cv namespace for gestures.

After compiling i am getting error as Ambiguous symbol String is used.

This the link for msdn error support : [URL] .....

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Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: Breaking Up Large Class Into Manageable Source Files?

Feb 9, 2015

I'm trying to make sure my code is written in smaller modules, so my first step is to create my initialization process in and external file to load the necessary data from external sources and set up things like the content of drop down list boxes.

My first attempt failed to give me access to the combobox items add function so I moved that code back into the form1.h file:

Form1(void) {
//TODO: Add the constructor code here
void AddDate(char *date, int ID)
this->comboBox1->Items->Add("line 1");

It compiles fine, but the call to it in my Initialize.cpp file

Gives error C2352: 'MarketView::Form1::AddDate' : illegal call of non-static member function

OK, so I change "void AddDate" to "static void AddDate" and now get the error that "static member functions do not have 'this' pointers" so I go back to the "MarketView::Form1::comboBox1" situation where there is no legal syntax after "Box1 to get me to Items->Add

I've been an old fashion programmer for over 47 years. It seems as is the concept of programming computers has changed from the concepts of logic to memorization of complex syntax.

There has to be a simple answer to do this other than to write thousands of lines of code in one Form1.h file. I refuse to believe that the new programming concepts will not allow you to write code in smaller more manageable modules.

What is the proper syntax for breaking up the larger file into more manageable chucks?

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Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: How To Create EXE File To Run It On Any Window

May 11, 2014

I have created a MFC application on Visual c++ 2012. My computer work in Win 7 - 64bits. When I see many tutorial about making the executable file which is independent on .dll library (by changing Configuration Properties ->C/C++->Code Generation->Runtime Library ->Multi Threaded Deburg (MT/d)) the compiler becomes error then I can not get the result as tutorial on internet.

Is there any other way to make the .exe file for this?

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Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: Message Loop In Windows Forms

May 13, 2014

I'm trying to port a Win32 application over to Windows Forms so that I can have better graphical control over the interface. The program itself is pretty simple; in the main message loop it listens for a WM_CopyData containing a certain char array, and occasionally sends WM_CopyData itself after the user clicks a certain sequence of buttons.

I found a couple of pages discussing how to completely override the Windows Forms WndProc, but I rather like having the framework do all of the control and would prefer to only latch onto it, rather than replace it. So, what would be the best way to have a Win Forms application listen for Windows Messages continuously and execute a function upon receiving them?

If I do need to override WndProc, what is the syntax? I found the following code:


protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
base.WndProc (ref m);
if (m.Msg==0x4a) // WM_COPYDATA {
// do your stuff here...

But when I stick that into my main.cpp file right after int main function, "protected" gets highlighted as a syntax error with the message "IntelliSense: expected a declaration".

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Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: Opening Forms With Buttons From Form 1 (With Conditions)

Jun 12, 2014

I'm pretty much newbie in creating a successful GUI in C++. Although, i managed to create 4 buttons that should show a certain form. Lets say, Form1 is my main form, therefore - Button 1 will open Form2, and Button 2 will open Form3..... But the conditions is - If there is a form that is already open, clicking again on the Button that should open it, will Close it, but all the forms (form1,2,3,4,5) can be enabled together.

Also, a very important note is that whenever i close a form, in any way of closing it (Not the main form) It will "save" the changes i made (Such as ticking checkboxes and so..) and won't reopen it, it will just use "Visible" i guess ?

Notes :

If i use Form2 ^form2show = gcnew Form2;

and then Form2->Show();

I will be able to simply ATTACK the button and open Billions of form2 ^_^

Although, when i use Form2->ShowDialog();

It won't let me open the form3,4,5.

Which isn't so bad, but when i exit from the form2, it won't save my changes (Such as checkboxes..)

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Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: How To Use Open File Dialog With Multiple Files

Dec 21, 2014

Right now, I have and application that opens a multi file dialog box. I want to take all of the files I highlight when the dialog box shows up and display a messsage box with the path and file names. This is what I have right now:

private: System::Void button1_Click_1(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
String^ folderName;
Stream^ myStream;
OpenFileDialog^ openFileDialog1 = gcnew OpenFileDialog;
openFileDialog1->Multiselect = true;

[Code] ....

Currently, it only shows the first file that I choose. I want to make it so that the message box shows all of the files that I select when the open file dialog shows up.

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Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: App That Shows Pixelated Picture In Window - Reference Image On Screen?

Jan 11, 2014

I am developing an app that shows a pixelated picture in a window. I am trying to capture the image, which is composed of a number of tiles processed from a mother image, but I am having difficulty since I can't reference the image on the screen. I have placed a rectangle around the image and my understanding is that I have get the window handle for the rectangle in order to save the Image as a jpg file. In the literature there is something about a Device Context and a window handle but my compiler throws out HWND and I don't really understand the device context. I am using Windows Forms, not native code.

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C++ :: String Class That Finds A Char In String?

Feb 5, 2013

A string class that finds a char in the string?

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C++ :: Can't Add A String Remembering Last Value In A Class

Jun 10, 2014

I have to compare the last value of 2 classes The 1rst is a notification class and the 2nd is a message class I have to remember the last value of each of them to compare them ( to not show message if dupplicate text in notification ) I have try to add a new string to memorize the last value in those 2 classes but that doesn't work , I always have nothing in my strings

Here are the points I have add to do it :
- Add declaration memorize strings in both xxxxx.h and yyyyy.h
- Add declaration functions SetMemo and GetMemo in both xxxxx.cpp and yyyyy.cpp
- Add functions source code SetMemo and GetMemo in both xxxxx.cpp and yyyyy.cpp

I have tested step by step :
- The SetMemo works well , it takes the value and save it in memorize string
- The GetMemo works too , take memo string and returns it but the value is empty

I use to develop with C# ... I'm not a C++ expert , maybe I forget something special in C++

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C++ :: Creating A Class Variable With A String?

May 12, 2013

I have defined a class in a header file; just the class, no templates involved. I have a program where I'm reading in data in string format. Each string consists of a word, a delimiter, and a variable name. Example:


I want to take that string and make it the variable name of that class type. It would be implemented along the lines of:

string str;
//read/process string here, get:
str = "mustard";
//pass string to creator function When the function is called, I should get the variable:
Class mustard;

Thing is, I'm not supposed to know beforehand what the variable names are, only that I create them as they are read in. It could be mustard, it could be Maynard_James_Keenan, it could even be bazinga.

My problem is, what do I do for createName()? I've looked into the concepts of pairing, Factory implementation, and maps, but I don't think they answer my question.

(P.S. if I run into the same variable name being read in twice, what steps can I take to make sure that a duplicate variable isn't created? Do I need to add in code, or does the compiler know to watch for multiple variables of the same name?)

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C++ :: How To Use A String To Create Class Object

Dec 24, 2014

I wanted to create a new class object and I want to name it from a string. Something like this:

string name = "Mike";
Customers name;
//to create a new object in customer class using the name string

Is there any way to do this?

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C++ :: Template Class - Convert String To T

May 23, 2013

I have encountered a problem with template class. I have made a template class that converts a value into a string, and then made another template class that converts string to T if its possible. Now I need to overload >> and << operators for type T.

template<typename T>
string toString (const T &value) // convert a value into a string {
ostringstream os;
//os << value;
return os.str();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Adding New Options To String Class

Oct 8, 2014

I'm giving the replace option to my string:

void replace(string oldstring, string newstring) {
int stroldstringpos=b.find(oldstring);

i have 1 error in these function that i'm confused. imagine the newstring size is more big than the oldstring, how can change the string, but only change the oldstring and add what left?
see these:

String test="hi hello world";

the result must be:

hello hello world

how can i change the replace function for it?

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C/C++ :: Printing A Map That Contains A String And A Class With Integers?

Dec 14, 2014

I'm new to c++, so how to print the contents of a map that contains a string and a class of integers for option 1. what formatting should I use?

#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include "IPHost.h"
#include "EncryptedConnection.h"

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Cannot Output A String From A Class Template

Dec 8, 2014

I have been trying to get this my class template to print out a string for me, however I am getting :

" error C679 ' No operator found which takes a right hand operand of type std:: string' "

I have tried various way to get this going however I cant get past this error. I understand that templates functions how ever i am not sure why i am not getting my string to be displayed.

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class BinaryTree {
struct Node {


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C++ :: A Call To A String Names In A Class Not Display

Apr 19, 2014

I created class called students which suppose to store students names of any sizes in an arrey but when I call the display function it does not show the names.

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE=5;
class students{
string names[SIZE];

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Initializing Array Of String Type In A Class

Apr 28, 2013

I want to use this array as part of my class. I have tried several different angles trying to get it to work but with out success. I have been checking to see if it works by simply using "cout << dayName[3];" It is printing nothing at all. What is the proper way to initialize this array of strings?

First I tried this:
const string dayName[] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"};

then I tried this:
const string dayName[7];
dayName[0] = "Sunday";
dayName[1] = "Monday";
dayName[2] ="Tuesday";
dayName[3] ="Wednesday";
dayName[4] ="Thursday";
dayName[5] ="Friday";
dayName[6] ="Saturday";

My implemetation file code and my header file code is here (header first):

//dayType.h, the specification file for the class dayType
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class dayType{

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Proper Way Of Using String Array Inside A Class

Jul 23, 2014

class myclass{
string myarray[5];
myarray[0] = "one"; myarray[1] = "two"; myarray[2] = "three"; myarray[3] = "four";
myarray[4] = "five";

this works in main function but doesn't work in the class;

1. Why this methods doesn't work inside class but works in main function?
2. What is the proper way of using string array inside a class?

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C++ :: Explicit Conversion From String To Class Reference?

May 10, 2013

following code that I'm reading out of the book "The C++ Standard Library".

class C
explicit C(const std::string & s); // explicit(!) type conversion from strings.


Now I understand that they are saying that an explicit conversion isn't allowed but what I don't understand is what explicit conversion would be happening if there was one allowed.

Specifically I don't understand the const C & elem syntax. How does this work since the collection holds strings. What would be the syntax for how this:

const C & elem

gets strings. I was thinking it was a class reference that someone how converts to a constructor function pointer or something but i'm really confused.

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C++ :: Matrix Class (strings But No String Header Allowed)

Sep 27, 2013

I am IT student and had a C++/C (oral + paper) exam today. One of the tasks was to write a 2D-Matrix (as the question said) class with following restrictions:

- No <string> header is allowed
- Only Dtor needs to be implemented
- No templates
- Following should be possible:

std::cout << mat1 + mat2 + "some randome string";
mat1 += mat2; So i did the following:
In Matrix.h i wrote: Code: Class Matrix{
int rows, cols;
char *arr[][];

[Code] .....

Now..this destructor made me loose some points since the Prof. said that it is not correct. The corrected version was:

for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
delete [] arr[i][j];
[Code] ....

Now, i agree on that error i made, but it is only in case we use the "new" keyword to reserve place dynamically for each string(for each char*). So this raised the question in my head about:

Since the following is allowed in C++

char* str1 = "hello";
char* str2 = "you";
arr[1][3] = str1;//arr[1][3] was initialized to "_" without new keyword
arr[6][0] = str2;//arr[6][0] was initialized to "_" without new keyword why would someone use the new keyword..

I mean like this:

arr[1][3] = new char*[sizeof("sometext1")+1];
arr[1][3] = "sometext1";
arr[6][0] = new char*[sizeof("sometext2")+1];
arr[6][0] = "sometextw";

What is happening internally in C++ in both the cases(with and without new keyword)?

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C++ :: Storing A Class With String Members Into Binary Files

Nov 17, 2014

Im trying to make a c++ program for a school project, and i need to store the information into binary files, but I'm having some problems trying to store a class with string members, for example:

class whatever{
string name;
(List of functions)

But if I do that, my code just dont work when I write and read a binary file, but if I change the string to char array, for example:

class whatever{
char name[20];
(List of functions)

It works good, so I wanted to know if there's some way to store a class wiht strings in binary files, or what am I doing wrong?

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C++ :: Class Constructor With String Const Pointer As Parameter

Feb 19, 2013

I know my product.cpp constructor is wrong but how can I set my private variables.



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C/C++ :: Implement String Class And Modify Specific Char

May 4, 2014

I tried to implement a string class and i want to modify a specific char in my string . I did operator over load but this code crash in this line

name [2] = 'k' ;

Why ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is my code

# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <assert.h>
class String {
public :
char *content ;
int size ;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Program To Compute Length Of String Entered By User By Class

Sep 30, 2014

I want this program by using only iostream.h & conio.h

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C/C++ :: Call To String Function To Display Names In Class Not Display

Apr 19, 2014

I created class called students which suppose to store students names of in array but when I call the display function it display only the first name. but I want it to display names depending on the array size.

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE=5;


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