C :: Write A Interrupt To Add Another Sensor For Robotic Car?

Mar 30, 2014

This is a program that is for a robotic car. The car has two light sensors on the front to detect when it veers off the road. When a sense is detected on one of the sensors the corresponding motor will halt until the sensor again detects the track. Again two sensors, left and right, and two motors (one per wheel). I have case statements to do the two left and right sensors.

how would I implement a third sensor with an interrupt to halt the car after it senses a stoping line. E.g. the sensor in the middle detects the stopping point so both motors halt.Here is the code I have so far...The cases are the sensor detections.


#include <hidef.h> /* common defines and macros */
#include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */
// Function Prototypes
void init_PWM(void);
void initLCD(void);


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C :: Using RA2 As Both Input And Interrupt

Feb 16, 2013

I brought some code from a PICDEM DV lab example into a simple program I'd written. The example showed how to use the external interrupt on the PIC16F690 to switch directions in a function.

I've been trying to use that RA2 pin as both the input (start) trigger for one of my functions and as an interrupt to get out of that function, too. So far the interrupt doesn't work, but the function trigger does. Should I use two pushbuttons or add a random timer to the for() loop to execute the function to roll the dice?

Trying to incorporate that example code also seems to have messed up the little random counter [a for() loop] that I used. The dice pattern was reliably random before adding this new stuff, and now I can clearly see repetition.

I'm only just starting a MC class.

#pragma config FOSC = INTRCIO // Oscillator Selection bit
#pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable bit
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer Enable bit


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C :: Disable Interrupt In ARM M0 Program

May 6, 2014

How do i disable the interrupt in this ARM M0 univesity design start program? The design is made for the M0 and echos an inputted char as an integer, it is part of a larger piece of code (which is ommitted for simplicity).Can i do it in the main program(attached) or will i have to edit the assembler code.


// Cortex-M0 DesignStart C program example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <rt_misc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C :: Function Of Sensor - Cannot Exit From While Statement

Aug 19, 2013

I am working on a project with rf2500 radio sensors and a state machine handles the whole fucntion of the sensor.. I have this while statement

__bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE);

which stop the sleep mode of the CPU every time the STATE_STATENINETYFIVE comes up. I want to make it like this

__bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE);

So if STATE_ABRRECEIVE or STATE_STATENINETYFIVE comes up exit the while too.

I read some previous post about and I thought to change the logical OR || with AND && but din't work for me... state is type of u_int8_t. Is it a logical error???

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C :: Sensor Values Reading Wrong

May 24, 2014

My whole code is working but when the results are sent to my phone only the temperature value is reading correct the light value is all jungled up and moisture and pressure values are reading as 0.


#include "taskFlyport.h"
#include "grovelib.h"
#include "barometer.h"
#include <string.h>
extern BOOL incomingSMS;
extern int incomingIndexSMS;
extern BYTE incomingMemSMS;


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C++ :: Sensor Values Reading Wrong

May 26, 2014

I am only receiving the correct temperature value. The other 3 values are reading wrong. My format string isent matching the variable list. What I need to do.

float data_bar = 0.0;
float data = 0.0;
float anVal = 0.0;
float moistureVal = 0.0;
while(1) {

// Get the new value using the get() function

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Delete Files After SIGINT Has Been Send To Interrupt The Process

May 12, 2013

I have a program that makes a directory (temporary) and in it some files that are necessary for computation while program is running. Now suppose a user decides to interrupt the program at some stage. what happens is that the program stops but my folder and files remain.

Q: How to override SIGINT command so that before the the execution stops the folder is deleted ?

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C :: How To Write COS / TAN / SIN

Jul 25, 2013

I know I need <math.h> and I know how to write tan(10) or whatever I need. However I need angles, like 100 / tan10 = 567.13. The 10 is degrees.

I am doing a fun project now that I feel more confident. However my textbook only shows me how to use the math library and only shows a few trig functions.

I am applying Trigonometric Functions to see if a car is speeding.

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C :: How To Get Program To Write Itself

Aug 27, 2013

For instance Code: int counter;
counter =0;
FILE *pfile;
pfile= fopen("g:myprog.txt" "w");
while (counter >100)
{ fprintf (case counter{something})}; how do I do this?

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C/C++ :: Write BST To File

Nov 12, 2014

I can only write one value to file:

get all, say for example barcode
char* bst:: get_bar(hwareItem*& root){


gets only one value depending on traversal orderI wish to get all values of BST

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C++ :: Using Outfile To Write Name?

Sep 4, 2013

I am trying to display my name using outfile vs. cout and I get errors I don't know how to fix. Here is the code:

//This program will calculate the monthly payment, the total amount paid back over the entire life of the loan,
// and the total interest paid over the life of the loan.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream outfile;


And here are my errors:

1>z:csci207program1practice.cpp(13): error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'const char [16]'
1>z:csci207program1practice.cpp(13): warning C4552: '<<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect

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C# :: Write Five And Convert To Int

Jun 10, 2014

i'm using TryParse to convert 5 in string to 5 int but i want to give the possibility to the user to write five not 5.

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C# :: Write WPF With Textbox

Mar 28, 2015

I was following a c# book to write a WPF with a textbox. When the textbox is selected(got focus) with keyboard or mouse, it will select all text in it. I followed the book and wrote this:

private void TextBox1_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
} private void TextBox1_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
var control = sender as TextBox;

[Code] ....

The book said having "e.Handled = true" is to stop the event in order to prevent the cursor being positioned on somewhere of the text instead of selecting all text. From my understanding, "e.Handled = true" is for stopping routed events. Is this means that something will run if "e.Handled = true" is not there? If yes, then what is it?

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C/C++ :: Using Write In A For Loop?

Sep 23, 2014

i am having some trouble with a piece of code im writing for class.

here is my code

for (j=7; j>=0; --j){
putchar((name[i] IF_STATEMENT);
write(1, " ", 1);

I am trying to use write to format my output so that it looks like this

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The formatting works fine when i use printf("%s", " "); in place of write but for some reason when i use write the format comes out like this


I dont understand why this is happening. Does write always work outside of a for loop or something?

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C/C++ :: Why Write Return 0 At The End

Jan 22, 2013

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main ()
cout << "Hello World";
return 0;

In the above code, why is it necessary to write getch() and return 0? What is their purpose?

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C++ :: Write In Log File Through DLL

Apr 26, 2013

so i have this dll with a DBTProc, whenever a window gets created i want to write something in a log file. Now everytime I run it it adds three times the text in this log file, but then it does nothing anymore. I do hear a beep everytime a window get created so it doesn't actually open my file to write in

if (code < 0)


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C++ :: Write A Calculator Using Two Stacks

Apr 13, 2014

I just started by defining a stack class (stackDouble). I need to write a program that accepts an infix calculator expression, with the following operators (**, exponentiation, /, division, and, -, subtraction. The operator precedence is exponent, division, and subtraction.I need to use a stack of doubles and a stack of strings, of which I can write two classes, or write a single stack template. The user will input the expression just via cin, and there will be a # before every number, a ! before each operator, and a . at the end of the expression. '#', '!', or '.' can be input into a char variable, numbers into a double variable and operators into a string variable.

For example, the following would output 6:

# 3 ! / # 2 ! / # .5 ! ** # 2 .

As stated above, I already made up a stackDouble class. What would I need to do to create the other class (I don't think I want to do it with a template)?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class stackDouble{


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C :: Read / Write To File

Mar 3, 2013

How can I erase the data stored in /tmp/a.txt after every run of this code?


#include <stdio.h> // IO operations
#include <unistd.h> //for pid, ppid, fork functions
#include <sys/types.h> //for pid_t type, kill function
#include <stdlib.h> //for exit function
#include <signal.h> //for kill function
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>


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C :: How To Write Powers Without Using Math

Sep 22, 2014

How would one write 3^i without using .math? (i being numbers 0-9)

More specifically, this is what I have:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void) {
int x, n, answer1, first;
x = 3;
n = 10;
first = 1;


And this is what I want it to produce:

1 0 1.0
3 1 0.333333343
9 2 0.111111112
27 3 0.037037037
81 4 0.012345679
243 5 0.004115226
729 6 0.001371742
2187 7 0.000457247
6561 8 0.000152416
19683 9 0.000050805

I believe I am only having troubles with the first column,

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C :: How To Write Scanf With Right Parameters

Jun 30, 2013

How can i upgrade my program I want to input a octal and binary number and convert them in base 2, 8, 10, 16..

how can I write the scanf with the right parameter in it??

scanf ("%x",&i); Code: #include<stdio.h>
int main() {
int i;
char buffer [33];

[Code] .....

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C :: Write A Program That Would Open A PDF?

May 10, 2013

I have a batch of .pdf files (~1000) with names 001.pdf 002.pdf ...etc. Still pretty new to C, but would it be possible to write a program that would open a PDF, prompt a new name from user, and when entered, close the .pdf and open the next one in the list?

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C :: Data Read And Write

Dec 22, 2013

My program needs to receive data continuously from one process and the received data is read continuously by another process.But when I am trying to create a pipe using mknod on fat32 file system in linux , it throws an error saying "mknod: operation not permitted".

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C :: Write Algorithm Using Stack

Jul 22, 2014

write an algorithm using stack to determine if an input of string is in the form xCy where y is the reverse of x.x and y are strings of A and B. eg : AABACABAA

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C :: Write To Screen Lowest N

Oct 31, 2013

My problem is :

Code: numbers[10]={25,27,17,19,47,3,98,5,124,10};

You write a program at do below processes for above array.

You want a number 1 between 10 at user.

if user enter N value,program write to screen lowest N. number at array. For example user enter 2,program write to screen lowest secondary number of 5 value at array or user enter 10 value,program write to screen maximum number of 124 value at array.

But write the program with don't use sorting algorithm.

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C++ :: How To Write A Step Reader

Aug 14, 2013

I need to develop a tool to compare geometric structure of point cloud from scanned objects with their CAD model. The CAD model is stored in step file. So how could I extract geometric information from step file? I am totally new for CAD.

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C++ :: Write To External File In GCC

Jan 16, 2013

I am trying to write to external file in GCC. So far I can get to this:

#include <iostream>;
#include <fstream.h>;
using namespace std;
int stream (int argc, char* const argv[]) {
ifstream in ("mcp.strings");

[Code] ....

I need to know if I am using the correct method to choose file name. And how to set a script(double) variable to print input text or choose an on/off (0|1) input to be written to a text file.

Any links to flags (i.e. pointers and how to use them).

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