C++ :: Reducing The Size Of A Compiled Executable For Easier Distribution?

Jun 19, 2014

I am looking at reducing the size of a compiled executable for easier distribution.

What factors affect the size of an output executable?

Would literally having defined and implemented less functions, would make the exec. smaller? Meaning that instead of have a DLL ( yes im on windows ), I would download the source code of a library and comment out the functions ( and code ) that I am not using -- Would this process decrease the size of my exec.?

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C/C++ :: Reducing Windows Library Size?

Sep 30, 2013

I am using

#include <vector>
#include <map>  

In my c++ project, and these 2 header files are included in almost 200 .cpp files and when i build a static library for the whole project in linux its size is around 10MB and when i did the same thing in windows its size is almost over 80MB, and one thing i noticed was both vector and map combinely takes 500KB in each .cpp file in windows. I am building the static library in windows using release mode.

I am using VS 2007. Any way to reduce the library size.

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C++ :: Creating A Class To Make WinHttp Requests Easier

Apr 11, 2014

I'm using Visual C++ 2010 Express on Windows 8. What I want to do at the moment, is to create a class to make WinHttp requests easier. This is the code that I'm basically using to build the class: [URL] ....

This is what I got so far. (Completely untested). Example of how I hope that it will work:

HttpRequest MyRequest;
MyRequest.Initialize("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0","","");
htmlCode = MyRequest.SendRequest("www.cplusplus.com","GET","");
cout << htmlCode << endl;

The code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <winhttp.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "winhttp.lib")
class HttpRequest {

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Reducing The Time Complexity?

Jul 21, 2014

I have a very simple program the time complexity of the function that I used in this program is O(mn)because it has a nested loop, I really need to reduce the time complexity to O(n)

#include <iostream.h>
int *char_count( const char* DNA, const int *starts, const int *ends, char letter);
int main()


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C :: Method Or Process For Reducing Redundant Code In Nested Loops

Nov 8, 2014

Have an assignment due in a few weeks and I'm 99% happy with it My question is is there a method or process for reducing redundant code in nested loops. Ie my code compiles and runs as expected for a period of time and after a few goes it omits a part or prints an unexpected out ext so basically how to find when the redundancy occurs with out posting my code so I can learn for my self?

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C :: File Which Can Be Compiled In Linux Via GCC

Aug 16, 2013

I have a c file which can be compiled in Linux via GCC , but when I compile it in NetBeans via Cygwin or MinGW , it doesn't work and keeps throwing a segmentation fault.

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C++ ::  Compiled Function In A File

Oct 9, 2013

Today I am given an assignment to find the zeroes of a function using Newton-Raphson method. Till now, the input I gave to a program was data. But now the function (whose zeroes are to be calculated) is also an input.

Is there a way where I can compile and build a function into a file and during execution of my program open the file and run the machine-language code in it and get the return value?

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C++ :: Compiled Program Error Win32 Invalid

Nov 30, 2013

I am using visual studio 2012 on windows 7. but, when I have compiled my programs and run them on an older pc to test out its functions, I receive an error saying that the program is not a "valid win32 application." I have even tested this with a very simple hello world console application, but the problem still remains. Where is the error coming from? is the application corrupted during transport? (upload to internet) or are programs compiled on win 7 incompatible with win xp

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C++ :: Computer Restarts Every Time Program Is Compiled

Feb 26, 2013

I have a weird problem, my computer restarts imidiately after program writen in dev-cpp is compiled AND run. When I run any program, it lasts about 1 second, then program closes, and computer reboots. It doesn't matter whether program is writen now or earlier, my dev-cpp version is Source code can be as simple as this:

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
return 0;

and it restarts anyway...

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C++ :: How To Make (compiled) Code That Other Programmers Can Use (cross-platform)

Mar 29, 2013

(C++ question) I need to be able make a compiled code (like a .dll?) which other programmers can use on linux, win,, mac, etc.

The compiled code would simply do calculations and spit out an answer in memory.

I need it to have certain functions that they can easily call and understand (without actually seeing the source).

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Visual C++ :: CryptUnprotectData Failing When Code Compiled On Windows 7?

Sep 24, 2012

I have a C++ code that reads the database password from the registry and decrypts it using CryptUnprotectData. We have to deploy this application on a Windows 7 machine.

When I compile my code on Windows XP and run it on the test Windows 7 machine, it works absolutely fine. When I compile the same code on my laptop having Windows 7 and run it on the test Windows 7 machine, CryptUnprotectData fails with GetLastError() return '87'. If I run this application on my own laptop with Windows 7 on it, it again works fine probably because my laptop has a lot of things installed including Visual Studio and all the service packs etc.

I believe I have missed out installing some dependency on the test Windows 7 machine but I am unable to figure out what is that. What is it that's making the Windows XP compiled code running fine on the test machine and not the code that's compiled on Windows 7.

Here is the call to CryptUnprotectData in the code:

if (CryptUnprotectData(
NULL, // Optional entropy
NULL, // Reserved
NULL, // Optional PromptStruct


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C++ :: Using Resources In Executable?

Sep 8, 2014

i have seen a lot of programs that have images inside their exe, dont use external ones. I tried to add image in my codeblocks project, but trying to use it failed. It seems that to use a resource i have to add some kind of header file, but how to do this???

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C/C++ :: Executable Performance When Using TCHAR

Aug 16, 2014

I have started to move over to using Unicode, wide character null-terminated strings in my Windows programmes. Accordingly I set the Use Unicode Character Set Visual C++ compiler option. It is my understanding that once you do that the many macros which determine whether you transparently call ...A() or ...W() API functions automatically shift over to calling the wide character variants. As this is a compiler directive, all the choices are made and hardcoded in to the resultant executable at compile/link-time BEFORE it is ever run. Therefore using for example the macro OpenFileName() in the source code instead of specifically calling OpenFileNameW() has no impact on run-time performance.

The next logical step, instead of explicitly using wchar_t is to declare null-terminated string character arrays as TCHAR*. Then, so long as I also employ the tcn... variants of CRT string functions and call TEXT() or _T() macros to create string literals the preprocessor will chose, again transparently whether to create an executable using standard multibyte or unicode wide characters - and their associated functions - all determined by the Use Unicode Character Set switch. That way I can cover both eventualities with the same source code.

So, with all that - I THINK!!! - properly under by belt, I am fairly sure that using TCHAR and its friends will not effect run-time performance at all. However, in his otherwise excellent article the author makes it sound as if using Unicode EXPLICITLY through wchar_t, ...W() API functions and tcn... CRT calls is faster than the TCHAR alternative.

At the end of the day my question is - have I got the right end of the stick; TCHAR makes no difference to executable performance?

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C/C++ :: Debug Executable That Needs Flags

Mar 20, 2015

I'm trying to step through the machine instructions of a c program. This program needs to be run with a -t flag.

This is what I tried
file prog
layout asm

When I try 'file prog -t' it doesn't work.

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C++ :: Output Compiled Script Into Binary File - Scripting Tool Algorithms

Dec 25, 2014

I am working on a script compiler that must output compiled script into binary file. Compiling etc is not a problem. The problem is detecting some specific cases. Nothing seems to work. If it works, then it breaks as soon as i modify the script.

Here is example "script1":

1VAR1 c1 = 44
2VAR2 c2 = 66

[Code] ....

Second example "script2", when there can be also some command between ENDIF and ENDIF. In this case: do_nothing command.

1VAR1 c1 = 44
2VAR2 c2 = 66

[Code] ....

The INDEXES before each line are not in actual script. They are just to point YOU to specific lines. Although the INDEXes are in compiled script!! This is very important. As you see there can be simple IF_ENDIF and nested (more complex) IF_ENDIF.

i.e IF_ENDIF inside another IF_ENDIF.

There are also IF_ELSE_ENDIF and some other ones, but im trying to make simple IF_ENDIF work first.

ENDIF is "SPECIAL" command, the IF, DO_NOTHING are "usual" commands.

"Usual" commands must always jump over(!) the ENDIF. ALWAYS!!

They must "ignore" them!

One strong RULE is like this for usual commands: always jump over any ENDIF, not matter what. If there is one, two or more ENDIF's in a row, then just jump over them to the closest NEXT usual block command. If there is some "usual" block command between multiple ENDIFs, then jump to this command and this command must therefore check whats next command right after it. And do the same: check if next command is ENDIF, if yes, jump over it, until "usual" block command is found.

This is the place im stuck. When i some time ago thinked about some ideas, i saw some patterns. One of them was that: Seems like if its nested IF_ENDIF, then every usual block command jumps out of it, i.e. right after the final ENDIF of this current nested IF_ENDIF.

But as soon as i added do_nothing between the two ENDIFs the so called "pattern" broke. In script2 above you see index 11 is do_nothing. Ok its in nested IF_ENDIF it should jump out to command index 17. But no, because there is do_nothing between index 13 and 16. If we jump out at index 11, the command 14 would never execute. This is a BIG NO. One idea i was thinking and trying was to use STL::FIND, STL::FIND_IF to find next "usual" command after specific index. But my code seems to crash sometimes and not work always.

bool NextNonENDIF(int i) {
return (i!=98);
int findNextBlockCmd(vector<int>&vec, int curidx)

[Code] ....

Here i pass him the vector that contains all the command TYPES in current script. Each command has its own TYPE or better called unique ID in which way compiler knows what is what. So in this case im trying to find a command thats NOT "ENDIF", in other words im trying to find next usual command after specific type of command. Lets just say the TYPE or unique ID of do_nothing is 555, im trying to find it.

How i should continue with this? What to use maybe stl::stack, some custom command indexing, some sort of labelling for usual commands in nested IF_ENDIFs or what?

In general, look script2, and i ask: There is index 11, this guy should look if there is any usual block command left for him before the final ENDIF at index 16. If there is, jump to it. If there is none, jump out of this nested IF_ENDIF to index 17.

Question: how to do it? What algorithms to use? I can use STL, BOOST, whatever. And i can use C++11.

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C++ :: GUI That Will Allow User To Conveniently Invoke Executable

Feb 12, 2013

I use g++ compiler and need some tips on how to get started with making a c++ GUI. The project I have will need a gui that will allow the user to conveniently invoke executable (the command-line args they take are long and inconvenient to enter manually) and basically print their output streams into a control (e.g. read only textbox). There will be a few graphics involved too (the input for those graphics will be from a file), so I'll need a library that will allow drawLine methods (nothing too fancy, I don't need a gaming library).

Making a GUI in c++. In Java the ability to make a GUI is a part of the native library, so the c++ way seems foreign to me.

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Visual C++ :: Prevent Executable From Running?

Aug 30, 2013

I would like to programmatically monitor a directory for new files, and if the file happens to be an executable, I want to prevent it from running. Something like a AV program.

However, I don't know where to start. Simple is best.

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C++ :: Sharing A Program - Sending Executable Files

May 22, 2013

I am just wondering if it is possible to send a project to someone via email - In a simple way, almost like you would install software from the internet, maybe a setup file, or something. The compiler I use "Dev C++" creates a .cpp file and an executable. Unfortunately, I cannot send that .exe file. How would you recommend sharing a program?

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C/C++ :: Eclipse Terminating Executable After Adding A Bit Of Code

Feb 3, 2014

I have the following code

#include "../header/FileIO.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
std::string FileIO::ReadTXT(std::string filePath){
std::ifstream input(filePath.c_str());

[Code] ....

When I run it in Eclipse, it does not open an SDL window, and simply says <Terminated> Test.exe [C/C++ Application]. I can build the project successfully, but it simply won't run. There are no errors displayed.

HOWEVER, if I replace the above code with the code below, it runs fine, and creates an SDL window.

#include "../header/FileIO.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
std::string FileIO::ReadTXT(std::string filePath) {
std::string output;
return output;

To make things weirder, if I run it in debug mode, even with the first piece of code, it will run and open an SDL window.

On an unrelated note, what does " Can't find a source file at "e:pgiawsrcpkgmingwrt-4.0.3-1-mingw32-srcld/../mingwrt-4.0.3-1-mingw32-src/src/libcrt/crt/main.c"

Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location." mean? I am using Windows 8, MinGW, GDB 7.6.1-1, G++ 4.8.1-4, and MSYS 1.0.1 with Eclipse CDT.

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C++ :: Completely Random Distribution Of Numbers

Feb 5, 2014

I'm looking to code a completely random distribution of numbers that doesn't affect performance using rand. I believe this code would be ideal but I don't understand how to use it. Where would I input the range of numbers and the quantity?

double uniform_deviate ( int seed ){
return seed * ( 1.0 / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) );
} int r = M + uniform_deviate ( rand() ) * ( N - M );

And for the seed...

unsigned time_seed(){
time_t now = time ( 0 );
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)&now;
unsigned seed = 0;
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof now; i++ )
seed = seed * ( UCHAR_MAX + 2U ) + p[i];
return seed;
} srand ( time_seed() );

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C++ :: Accessing Poisson Distribution Template?

Jun 21, 2013

I am using QT Creator 2.4.1 based on 4.7.4.

I wanted to generate a standard normal poisson distribution. So I used the template poisson distribution included in the header <random> by setting the value of mean to 0 and variance to 1.

I copied the entire example code for testing it but I get an error like "This file requires compiler and library support for the upcoming ISO C++ standard, C++0x. This support is currently experimental, and must be enabled with the -std=c++0x or -std=gnu++0x compiler options."

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C++ :: How To Create Final Executable File That Can Upload For Users

Feb 16, 2013

I develop a software using QT 5 open source IDE. Now my question is two-fold:

1. How can I create the final executable file that I can upload for my users? I understand that runtime DLLs shall be required and I have tried Enigma Virtual Box software for bundling runtime files. It does create the file that I can execute from any folder in my PC. However, surprisingly when I transfer that "boxed" file to another PC, it does not run. Both the PCs have Windows 7 installed on them.

2. Secondly, I see possible future issues with Antivirus Softwares. Apparently when I try to run the boxed exe file, it gets rejected by the Antivirus Software on my PC. Is there a way in which I can get my exe file verified/checked/registered by the Antivirus Softwares so that my users don't face any problems in executing the program.

I cannot afford the QT commercial licence, but I am prepared to buy any economical "setup file generating" software (if it exists).

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C++ :: Parse Executable Files - Registering Types To Be Used At Runtime

Jul 30, 2014

I'm writing a program that needs to parse executable files. I've got an "executable" base-class, and currently an "elf" class which inherits from it for parsing ELF files, and I will add more parsers (COM, MZ, PE, a.out, MACH-O, whatever) later on.

I want the program to automatically detect which kind of executable it's loading at runtime. It should be easy because every executable format I'm aware of/plan to support starts with a magic number. But because I can't have the parsers not check the file type (what if I re-use the code?), and I don't want to check each file twice (not just for performance, but also because only the ELF parser should know that ELF files start with "x7fELF", etc.) so I've come up with a pretty lazy solution: just try to parse the file with each known parser and have them throw an exception ("exe_type_error") if they can't parse it. If that exception gets thrown, try the next parser; if not, stop.

The remaining problem is how, at runtime, my program will know what parsers are available. I don't want to hard-code it in the main function; instead, I'd like the parsers to "register" themselves as available. That way, if I decide to go down the route of adding new parsers via dynamic linking, I will only have to add an API for dynamic libraries to register their parser, without recompiling any of the main program's code. I also want to do the same thing for another key part of the program (it's a static executable optimizer; it will run a series of "tests" (e.g. "is xor eax, eax faster than mov eax, 0 on this machine?") and optimizations ("if yes, change all mov eax, 0 to xor eax, eax") and I want to load those at runtime too).

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C++ :: ReadFile Function Cannot Read Entire Executable File

Mar 30, 2014

I am writing a program which compresses files into .zip files.

Here's my problem: Whenever I want to compress an executable file, my readFile function does not read the entire file. When I extract the .exe I get a very tiny and incomplete file.

Here's the function I use to read files:

std::string miniz_wrapper::readFile(FILE* f, int MAX_FILEBUFFER)
//MAX_FILEBUFFER has a default value of 65536 {
char* tmp;
std::string tmp_s;
int count = 0;

[Code] .....

Prior to reading, every file is opened using fopen with the mode "rb".

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C :: Normal Distribution Histogram - Random Numbers

Feb 6, 2013

Write a function that generates 1000 normally distributed (Gaussian Probability Distribution) random numbers. Range should be between -3 and +3. Numbers should be double floating point.

There's more to it than that, but I've got it from there.

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C++ :: Generate Skew Distribution Random Number?

May 27, 2013

How to generate a skew distribution random number? Or is there any place having refer the skew distribution random number?

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