C++ :: Recursive Function To Evaluate First N Terms In Series Specified

Oct 23, 2014

How to remake the code that i`ve written to have : a recursive function to evaluate the first n terms in series specified y= 1 - x + x^2/2 - x^3/6 + x^4/24 +....+(-1)^n x^n/n!

And this is my code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double power(int n, double x) {
double d =1;
for (int i = 1 ; i<=n ; i++)

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Error C2064 / Term Does Not Evaluate To A Function Taking 1 Arguments

Aug 7, 2014

i'm implementing a templated function callback.

I get this error:

"error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments"

I'm not sure why.

Here's the code for the template function in the timer class header:

template<class T>
void TimerEvent(DateAndTime DateTime, std::function<void(T)> Callback);

Now the class body:

template<class T>
void GameTimer::TimerEvent(DateAndTime DateTime, std::function<void(T)> Callback)
DateAndTime time;
if (time.Compare(DateTime) == 1)

and calling the class in the Engine:

int test1(int a)
void Main()
gameTime.TimerEvent<int>(gh, test1(1));

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C++ :: Quantlib / Error C2064 - Term Does Not Evaluate To A Function Taking 1 Arguments

Dec 8, 2014

The first call of my function works with empty vectors but fails when dimensions are introduced to the vectors.

When "uncommented, the commented out function call fails with the error above.

These links might be useful for those unfamiliar to QuantLib:


QuantLib: GeneralLinearLeastSquares Class Reference

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <qlmathgenerallinearleastsquares.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include "boostlambdalambda.hpp"


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C/C++ :: Approximate Sine Function With Taylor Series

Dec 22, 2014

Write a C program with a separate function which calculates the sine function from the first principles according to the formula below. The code should find the sine value in 5 stages and then final answer

formula below :

sin(x) = x −x3/3!+x5/5!−x7/7!+x9/9!

I have done the code and it just gives me a final sine wave

it should find a error then plus one so on till it gets the answer


These are images of what it should look like and the image of a the formula ....

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C :: Self Balancing Robot / PID Terms?

Oct 23, 2013

Im trying to tune my PID loop to make my robot balance but i dont know if im using the right terms for my robot? Im implementing a contemporary filter for my Gyro(98%) and Acc(2%).Is the following right?

error=robot angle --Balance point at 0deg
prev_error=--Previous error
dt=0.01 --10ms delay

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C++ :: Translating Recursive Function Into Iterator Function

Nov 27, 2014

How do I change the following recursive function into a iterator function and basically what should it look like?

int f(int i) {
return i;
return f(i-2)+f(i-1);

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C++ :: Changing Recursive Function Into Iterator Function?

Nov 29, 2014

I had the following question in my exam and received 3 out of a possible 4 marks

Here is the question:

Assume the following recursive function:
int f(int i)
if(i < 2)
return i;
return f(i - 2) + f(i -1);

Translate this function into an iterative version:

Here is my solution:

int f(int i)
int prev,next,final;
prev = 0;


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C/C++ :: Changing Recursive Function Into Iterator Function

Nov 30, 2014

I am trying to translate the following recursive function into its iterative function:

int f(int i)
if(i < 2)
return i;
return f(i - 2) + f(i -1);

This is what I tried to do:

int f(int i)
int prev,next,final;
prev = 0;
next = 1;
final = i;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Changing Recursive Function Into Iterator Function?

Nov 30, 2014

I am trying to translate the following recursive function into its iterative function:

int f(int i) {
if(i < 2)
return i;
return f(i - 2) + f(i -1);

This is what I tried to do:

int f(int i) {
int prev,next,final;
prev = 0;
next = 1;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Storing 10 Elements In Array And Delete Duplicate Terms

Jul 19, 2014

How to store 10 elements in an array and delete the duplicate terms ? ( its a single dimension array )

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C++ :: Write A Calculator - User Will Enter Terms And They Will Be Stored In Arrays

Jun 14, 2013

i'm trying to write a calculator. the user will enter the terms and they will be stored in arrays. i will be storing those terms in string arrays and then later turn them to double to work with them. but the user should be able to enter terms like sin(252) and the program should be able to recognize it and calculate it.

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C :: Feedback On Recursive Function

Nov 16, 2013

The recursive function is bolded, i got feedback and was told that the static variable made the function seem a lot like a iterative function but he did not say why.

#define MAX 100
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int checkPalindrome(char string[MAX]);
int checkRecPalindrome(char string[MAX]);

[Code] .....

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C :: Recursive Function - Add All Even Numbers From N To 2

May 5, 2014

I'm writing a program that starts at a given number n and adds all the way to 2:

n + (n-2) + (n-4) + (n-6) + .....

The following is my code, it compiles but after I enter an integer the program crashes.

int sum_even(int n);
int sum_even(int n){

[Code] ....

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C :: Recursive Function Not Working

Nov 9, 2013

the functions checks if the word is a palindrome like"level" "madam" etc. but with input "dfdfdfdffdfd" my recursive function fails.


/* main.c - Created on: Nov 9, 2013 - Author: Kaj P. Madsen*/
#define MAX 100
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int checkPalindrome(char checkString[MAX]);
int checkRecPalindrome(char checkString[MAX], int strLgt, int a);


results from "dfdfdfdffdfd" added some print to see that its the variables a and strLgt not functioning properly


The word is not a palindrome(iterative)
strLgt: 11 a: 0
a: d strLgt: dstrLgt: 10 a: 1
a: f strLgt: fstrLgt: 9 a: 2
a: d strLgt: dstrLgt: 8 a: 3
a: f strLgt: fstrLgt: 7 a: 4

The word is palindrome (recursive)

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C++ ::  From Recursive To Iterative Function

Jan 5, 2015

I am trying to make from f_rec (recursive function) to f_iter (iterative function) but I can't.

(My logic was to create a loop to calculate the results of f_rec(n-1), another loop for 2*f_rec(n-2) and one loop for f_rec(n-3);

But I'm wrong)

int f_rec(int n) {
return f_rec(n-1)+2*f_rec(n-2)+f_rec(n-3);

[Code] .....

I also think that my run time for the f_rec is 3^n ...

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C :: How To Print Out Recursive Function In Main

Feb 9, 2013

I am just practicing some recursion and I am having trouble with printing out a recursive function in main. Here is what I have:


// This function adds the squares 4, 5 = 4*4 + 5*5 recursiveley
int recursive_sumSquares(int m, int n) {
if (m < n) {
return m*m + recursive_SumSquares(m+1, n);
else {
return m*m;


I am getting an error that says undefined reference to 'recursive_SumSquares'

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C :: Converting For Loop To Recursive Function

Jun 10, 2013

I am working on a problem that requires a nest for loop to be converted to a recursive function. I am going to provide just the code instead of the entire program.


for (R1=1; R1 <+3, R1++){ //for loop
printf (something);
// the recursive function
void loopR1 (int R1, int max){
if (R1 <= max){
printf (something);


when calling the recursive function in main i am using the following statement...

loop r1(1,3)

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C :: Space Complexity Of Recursive Function

Jan 23, 2013

this function has to check if an array is not descending it has to be recursive and it's space complexity has to be O(log(n))


int is_sorted(int a[ ], int n) {
int check=n-1;
if(n==1 || n==0) return 1;
if(a[check]<a[check-1])return 0;
else return(is_sorted(a,n-1));

this is what i came up with. i know it's space complexity is O(n) how do i make it O(log(n))?

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C :: Recursive Function For Diagonal Winnercheck?

Oct 31, 2014

I am trying to learn so much C as possible by my own. I have learned a bit already and made my first game. I made a tictactoe with a 3x3 board that works great. But now i want to make it a NxN-board. But the problem right now is my checkwinner-function. I really don't know how I should check the diagonal for winner in the for loop. Earlier I have checked the diagonal manually like you can see down there.


for (Row = 0; Row < BOARDSIZE; Row++) {
if ((game[Row][0] == 'X' && game[Row][1] == 'X' && game[Row][2] == 'X') ||
(game[0][Row] == 'X' && game[1][Row] == 'X' && game[2][Row] == 'X') ||
(game[0][0] == 'X' && game[1][1] == 'X' && game[2][2] == 'X') ||
(game[0][2] == 'X' && game[1][1] == 'X' && game[2][0] == 'X'))
return 1;

I think I need two foor-loops in each other too and need to check the spots in the board like 0,0, 0+1,1, 0+2,2. Is that even possible?

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C++ :: Convert A Recursive Function To A Loop?

Dec 13, 2014

I am trying to convert a recursive function to a loop. However, it is not working.

//recursive function
int function(int x){
if (x % 3 == 0){


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C++ :: Libjson Non-recursive Parser Function

Oct 8, 2013

how to write a non-recursive JSON parser function using libjson in C++. libjson is quite useful librray. It's source code of libjson comes with an example C++ parser but it uses recursion to parse JSON arrays and child nodes. I am looking for parser function based on libjson that does not use recursion to parse JSON arrays and child nodes.

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C++ :: Measure Sorting Algorithm For Performance In Terms Of Number Of Steps And CPU Running Time

May 13, 2014

I have an school assignment that asks me to measure the most famous sorting algorithms for performance in terms of number of steps and CPU running time. ( Here I'm testing for running time)

I decided to test for bubble sort first:

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void bubbleSort(int ar[], int size) {
int temp;

[Code] ....

So basically what I want to know is:

1. Is this clock function giving the correct CPU running time?

2. Is there any way to write code that would measure the number of steps for each algorithm?

3.I need to test it for number of integers=100 then 200, then 300... Well you get my point, and I don't want to have to actually input 200 numbers with my keyboard. Is there any way to generate as many entries as I want?

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C :: Segmentation Fault In Call To Recursive Function

Apr 12, 2014

Task: To create a recursive function to sort elements in an array of integers.

The function must start the sorting from the first element, and the recursion calls must go on until the last element in the array is sorted. In each step of recursion, the function must work only with the subset of array elements that have not been sorted yet.

Problem: I am getting a 'Segmentation fault: 11' in the recursive call to the function (please, see the code below).

Environment: Mac, OS X = Mavericks

////////// Recursively sorting an array of ints.
////////// Arguments: array, array size, index from where to start sorting.
void sort_incr_array_int_recursive(int a[], int size, int i){
int tmp, idx_small, small = a[i];

// Locating the smaller element in the array section.

[Code] ....

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C :: Function To Find Starting Point For Recursive

Mar 6, 2015

I am trying to create a function to find the entry point of my map.But my program does not seem to be working correctly. I am trying to place a dot there because I will have to use recursion to fill up the whole map. But I'm not asking for the answer. I just need writing a function to locate the starting row for the first column of the maze (first non zero element). My code seems to have a bug in it when I try and call my function FindEntry. What I am trying to do is read in column by column until I can find the starting point and then place a dot there with ASCII character 249. This is my code so far:

#define HEIGHT 21
#define WIDTH 78


If you try and run it, it will give you a bug. But if you comment out the FindEntry function in the main it will work and look like this:

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C :: Reverse Array Of Characters Using Recursive Function?

Mar 15, 2014

Eg. User input : abcde
Program Output : edcba

I keep on getting weird ASCI symbol in return, I couldn't achieve what I need, and tried debugging for days,

Code: char ar[20];
int len,n=0;
printf("enter the string to be reversed :


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C++ :: Recursive Function Which Find Partition Of A Number N

May 18, 2013

I am supposed to write a recursive function which find the partition of a number n ,, for example if n=3 , it should print 1 1 1 , 1 2 , 3

I wrote the program but i am getting the two partition 1 2 and 2 1 which are the same ,, how can i avoid that ?
this is the code :

void PrintPartition( int n , int A[] , int j ) {
if( n<=0 ) {
printArray( A, j );
return ;
} for( int i=1 ; i<=n ; i++ ) {
PrintPartition( n-i , A ,j+1 );
} }

the first call of the function is : PrintPartition( n , A , 0 ) ;

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