C++ :: Order Of Expression Evaluation In If Statement

Jul 28, 2012

This feels to me like a relatively "deep" C syntax question. Reviewing K&R reveals some interesting, related specifications, but I could not nail this down. The issue is, What determines the order in which expressions are evaluated in an if() statement? Now, K&R gives details with regard to the precedence of operator evaluation, but otherwise I could find only 2 sections detailing the order of expression evaluation (I mention these below). A simple code example demonstrates why this is a burning question to me:

int checkit(int* pi, BOOL bHavePosValue) {
if ((NULL != pi) && *pi > 0) {
bHavePosValue = TRUE;
return (*pi);}
bHavePosValue = FALSE;
return (0);}

So what if pi is passed in NULL? Is it possible for the *pi expression to be evaluated Before the (NULL != pi) expression? If so, you could have an access fault. If not, what rule of C ensures left-to-right evaluation? Is this a simple case of the left-to-right associativity that K&R shows on page 49 (in the table of operator precedence) for the && operator? Or is there some more general rule that applies?

The two mentions in K&R I did find are that function argument evaluation order is Not defined (pg 86). Also, beyond the order specified in the reference section for operators, they state there is no other defined order. In particular, they state:

"Expressions involving a commutative and associative operator (*, +, &, |, ^) may be rearranged arbitrarily, even in the presence of parentheses; "

That surprised me! I suppose the point is that compiler-made changes in this case cannot change the result. I wonder whether this or other similar rules in C were superseded in C++ ?

In a similar vein, what about the expression evaluation order for the for(,,) statement - does it have guaranteed left-to-right order?

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C :: Loop Statement To Print Numbers From 1 To 10 In Reverse Order Separated By Star

Apr 21, 2013

Write a for loop statement to print the numbers from 1 to 10 in reverse order separated by star :


i try to do it but it show me like this :


how do i write to show me like the first one ?

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C++ :: Program To Order Pizza - Empty Controlled Statement Found Error

Aug 25, 2013

I am creating a pizza program for ordering a pizza and I have removed all the errors except for two. I have tried everything I can think of to fix this problem so it will compile, but to no avail. The only errors left are:

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Pizza Order App Midterm, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> stdafx.cpp
1> Pizza Order Midterm.cpp
1> Pizza Order App Midterm.cpp
1>c:usersindia-n-jerrydocumentsvisual studio 2010projectspizza order app midtermpizza order app midtermpizza order app midterm.cpp(57): warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?

[Code] ....

The entire code is listed below seperated into 1 header and 2 cpp files.

// OrderPizzaApp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Pizza_Order.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// prototypes
Pizza_Order createPizza_Order();

[Code] .....

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C++ :: GPA Evaluation System Through Array

Jun 2, 2013

Computerized GPA Evaluation System using Array

You are required develop a computerized GPA evaluation system of your class using array. The basic idea is to calculate the GPA (Grade Point Average) of each subject and then calculate the GPA of whole semester of all the students of the class and on the basis of that GPA calculate the grade and remarks of each student of the class. Suppose that the total students of the class are 50. Your system must also provide the facility of the following:

1.Searching a student result according to his/her roll number.
2.Updating the obtained marks of the students in case of any mistake in entering marks.
3.Display the result of student who is the topper of the class
4.Display the result of the student who got minimum CGPA out of the class.
5.Display how many number of students got greater than or equal to 3.0 CGPA.
6.Display how many number of students got greater than or equal to 2.00CGPA and less than 3.00.
7.Display the total number of students who got A grade in the semester.
8.Display the total number of students who got B grade in the semester.
9.Display the total number of students who got C grade in the semester.
10.Display the total number of students who got F grade in the semester.

Detailed Description:
You are required to take the student’s marks for four subjects (Programming fundamentals, Calculus, English and Computing) as input from the user at runtime. After that calculate the GPA of each subject and the whole semester. Assume that total marks of a subject are 100 and each subject is of 3 credit hours except programming fundamentals. Programming fundamentals subject has 4 credit hours.

Complete Assessment system is given below in the table:

S.#Percentage (%)GradeGPARemarks
280-84A-3.75Very Good
565-69C+2.50Above Average
850-54D1.0Just Pass
9Below 50F0Fail

Table: Assessment Scheme
•Percentage of a subject = (obtained marks / total marks) * 100. Percentage works to find the grade of the student.
•GPA of whole semester = multiply GPA of each subject according to the percentage of obtained marks by the number of credit hours for that course, sum up the GPA of all the subjects, and then divide this sum by the total number of credit hours taken in semester.

For example suppose the GPA in subject X is 2.5, in subject Y 2.6, and in subject Z is 3. Assuming that each subject is of 3 credit hours then GPA of whole semester will be calculated as:
GPA= (3 * (2.5 + 2.6 + 3)) / 9
GPA= 2.7

On the basis of Semester GPA, you have to give grade and remarks to the student. You have to study the above table for other types of remarks according to grade.

•If a student has less than 50 marks in a subject, a message should display that “you have to repeat this subject “.


main() {

char a,b,c,d;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Analysis And Evaluation Algorithms?

Mar 25, 2015

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <list>


The problem is it's not finding the shortest path.

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Visual C++ :: Analysis And Evaluation Algorithms

Mar 25, 2015

Undirected graph G = {V, E} is given by the list next to the DS. Let u, v of V. Construction of two paths algorithm A1 (u, v) and A2 (u, v) such that no edge in common and have the shortest total length.

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C++ :: Transfer If-else Statement Into Switch Statement?

Sep 7, 2013

How to make if else code below into SWITCH STATEMENT?

cout << "Enter the temperature: ";
cin >> temp;
cout << "Enter the pressure: ";
cin >> pressure;
cout <<endl;


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C++ :: Expression Must Have Constant Value?

Oct 23, 2013

line 27 and line 88 Im having a hard time figuring it out what the error is.

#include <cmath>


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C++ :: ATM - Expected Primary Expression Before Else

Mar 29, 2014

I keep getting an error here and cant quite figure out why,

else if (mainMenu == 3){
cout << "Please make a selection" << endl
<< " 1) Withdraw from account" << endl
<< " 3) Back to main menu" << endl;
cin >> withdrawMenu;

if (withdrawMenu == 1){

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Expression Must Have A Class Type?

Apr 3, 2014

I am making a program that allows you to add two big numbers that are larger then what int can handle together. I think I have done everything to accomplish this but when I try to instantiate the program I get a error Expression must have a class type.

Here is my main file that is supposed to instantiate the program.

Code: #include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include "LargeIntegers.h"
using namespace std;


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C :: Expected Expression Before Token

Jun 18, 2014

I wrote a program, that generates 20 random integers, and stores them in an array. Then I decided, to build more functions to it, i.e why not have it to display the lowest integer of an array. I created my function,

int minValue( int field[ ] )

and got my code in side, which (technically) works. In my main() function I'm calling

printf( "The smallest value of an array is: %d
", minValue( field[] ) );

and I'm getting an error trying to compile it.

randomArray.c:62:74: error: expected expression before ']' token
printf( "The smallest value of an array is: %d
", minValue( field[] ) );

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C :: Building NFA From Regular Expression

Oct 23, 2013

I am trying to create a NFA from a regular expression. I have a grasp on reading in the regular expression and being able to make a stack from it. The part I am struggling on is mapping the characters in the regular expression to an integer indicating the variables order in the expression. I am just not sure how to go about this.

My code so far...
#include "stack.h"
int main(void)
char expression[80];//array to store regular expression

[Code] .....

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C :: Syntax Error In Expression Near If

Feb 3, 2013

I am using code::blocks for c programming and when i take debugger in below code it show ..

a syntax error in expression near "if"..

I am just checking debugger ...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char s1[100];

[Code] ....

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C :: Calculation Of A Bitwise Expression

Mar 6, 2015

I would like to ask about how we calculates the following bitwise expression.


unsigned char ch[2] = {0x49,0x49};
ch[0] | ch[1] << 8; I'm thinking ch[1] << 8 as 0x00 ...

So, I think that the above expression converts to 0x49 | 0x00 ... and the complete expression should be 0x49 for me.

But, the compiler gives me the result of 0x4949 as two bytes.How does the compiler calculate this expression as two bytes?show me the steps included in the calculation of this expression?

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C++ :: Expected Primary Expression Before INT

May 26, 2014

This is what i have example code in c++:

#include <iostream>
class Foo{
void bar(){
std::cout << "Hello" << std::endl;

[Code] ....

After compiling it is giving error as :
foo.cpp: In function ‘int Foo_max(Foo*)’:
foo.cpp:26:37: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’
foo.cpp:26:46: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’

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C++ :: Expression - Value Returning Function

Dec 17, 2014

How is the definition of the term "expression" affected by value returning functions, and why?

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C++ :: How To Create BST For Arithmetic Expression

Jan 15, 2015

I am a c++ leaner, I am trying to create a BST tree for this expression: 2346*+/8+, and do inorder and postorder to get the in-fix version, and postfix version of the expression. I am having difficulty to create the binary tree for the expression. Here is my peso code:

inorder fn{}
postorder fn{}
input the file;

[Code] ....

The tree I want to create is like this
(/) 8
+ 2
* 3
4 6

My problem for this code is that after create (4*6) tree, I cant link (+3) with (4*6).

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C++ :: Cannot Appear In A Constant-expression (list)

Aug 4, 2014

Why do I get the error 'rec' cannot appear in a constant-expression ?

I have the following definitions:

... string rec[6];
list<rec> musicList;

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C++ :: State Of Variable In One Expression

Mar 27, 2014

I thought that an operator performs a permanent change in a local variable. For example, if x is 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011 (a 32 bit unsigned integer that resolves to value of 3) and p is 2, in the expression "return (x >> p) | (x << (s - p))", the right shift would permanently change x to 0 and the time we evaluate x again in "(x << (s - p))", x will already be 0. If that's the case, then this function doesn't make sense. This function makes it seem like that the >> and << operators do not change the value of x. It makes it seem like first we right shift x to 0 and then left shift by 20 bits to make x 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000. If that's the case, then the function does exactly what it is supposed to do (rotate the bits). So which is it?

unsigned int rightrot(unsigned int x, unsigned int n) {
size_t s = sizeof(x) * CHAR_BIT;
size_t p;
if(n < s)
p = n;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Expression Parser Implementation?

May 5, 2014

How can we implement an expression parser in C++.

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C :: Calculate Value Of Math Expression Using Strings

Nov 4, 2013

Here is my objective: Write a c program that calculates the value of a mathematical expression comprised of positive numbers and the operations "+" and "-" . Specifically, first prompt the user to input an expression, read itin as a string, and then print the value of the expression. You may assume that the expression does not contain spaces, maximumsize of the expression (including digits and operators) can be 20,and that all numbers are single digit numbers.

Note that, the digits would be read in as characters; you will need to translate them to numbers (recall the ASCII table). Implementation Requirements:

Write a function called "evaluate" that takes as input a mathematical expression(as a string) and returns the value of the expression. The prototype of the function is: intevaluate(char expr[]);

Sample Output:
Input: 4+2-1+7 Output:12

int main()
char expr[21];
int a,ssum;
printf("Input: ");
scanf("%20s", expr);

[Code] .....

the program runs, but the output is not coming out correct.

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C :: Error - Invalid Use Of Void Expression

Mar 14, 2014

I keep getting an error "Invalid use of void expression" on line 12.

void initialiaze_array( int size );
void print_array( int size );
void replace( int num, int i );

[Code] ....

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C :: Multiple Expression Arguments In If Else Chain

Jul 9, 2013

Ok, I got everything else to work in a two part exercise except for the 2nd part.

The first part had me take up to 20 grades, calculate total, average, and then list the grades with a '*' next to ones that were lower than the average... good to go.

Now in the 2nd part of the exercise I have to also associate a letter grade with the grades in the list. I have done a "if else" chain, but am having an issue with multiple arguments and not sure if I have gone the right route.


//Cameron Taylor
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAXARRAY 20


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C++ :: Calculating Equation Using Expression Builder

Jan 22, 2014

How do to calculate the following equation"5+((56+8)/2)" using expression builder

Note: the equation may change "50+((26+8)/12)"

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C++ :: Unexpected Expression Compiler Error

Jul 30, 2013

My compiler (GCC) keeps expecting an expression where it shouldn't in 1 specific piece of my code:

int zxcNewWindow( HWND parent, TCHAR *text, zxWINDOW *kid,
UINT style, int x, int y, int w, int h, int type )
// right here
*kid = zxDefWINDOW;

The project contains only 2 files right now and the settings are just the default for an empty Code::Blocks 12.11 project. Both files are in UTF-8 format (tried in ASCII too), I just cannot see why this is not compiling correctly. I'll post the files in the next two posts.

Edit: For those of you who didn't get what the error was from the above here's the full log:

mingw32-gcc.exe -Wall -g -DzxDEBUG -c C:MePrjscppzxGUImain.c -o objmain.o
C:MePrjscppzxGUImain.c: In function 'zxcNewWindow':
C:MePrjscppzxGUImain.c:39:10: error: expected expression before '{' token
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
1 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds)

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C++ :: CXX0030 Error - Expression Cannot Be Evaluated

Mar 13, 2013

Any alternative method to what I'm trying to do if possible (not vectors, though). The error in question is on line 9.

#ifndef _TEST_H_
#define _TEST_H_
const int NUM = 10;
class CTest {
public :

[Code] .....

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