C++ :: Memory Cost On The Loop Of Menus?

Jun 26, 2014

I have a question on the wasting of the memory on the use of menus. What is the task: I have mainMenu, subMenu1, subMenu2, subMenu3, ... Entry from mainMenu, and chose 1(or 2, 3,..) to subMenu1. If tasks done, go back to the mainMenu.

The Codes:

void mainMenu(){
//input 1-3 by user
switch(choice) //choice is the input


My problem is: the call for mainMenu() in subMenus looks like a recursion, which means the memory would be reallocated again for the called maniMenu. Is that right?

If so, times of the memory space for mainMenu function are required if going back to mainMenu several times from subMenus. But what i wanna just a choice and I dont want to wast the memory.

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Visual C++ :: Caching MFC Menus

Jul 13, 2013

I have an VS 2010 VC++ project. I have changed a few things in the .rc file but the changes are not appearing when I debug the program. I have taken the .exe to another computer and the changes appear. Is there something that caches the resources? There are no errors when I compile or debug the program. I have tried "build clean", "rebuild" and "build solution". I have also tried to remove the whole debug directory. I have looked at the .res file in the debug directory and it has the changes.

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C :: Food Calculator Doesn't Calculate - Choice Menus Not Display Properly?

Dec 7, 2013

I'm new to c i've been trying to write code everyday, and recently ive been reading a book and decided to write my own program with what ive learned with it, basicly you get a choice for how many different main courses you would like to have (right now you can only choose 1) and then you can choose which course you would like, it then asks for the amount of guests you would like and calculates how much food you will need to feed the guests. My code compiles but the program doesn't work properly


float guests;
float lbs;
int guest_att(guests)
puts("how many guests will be attending?");
scanf("%d",& guests);

[Code] .....

and this is how the program runs

Scotts-MacBook-Pro:learnc scott$ ./wed
how many main course choices will you have?

Please make a selection.
1. Chicken
2. Fish
3. Steak
invalid choice

Please make a selection.
1. Chicken
2. Fish
3. Steak
how many guests will be attending? 55

You need 0.000000 pounds of of chicken

Please make a selection.
1. Chicken
2. Fish
3. Steak
invalid choice

Please make a selection.
1. Chicken
2. Fish
3. Steak

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C :: Create A Program That Will Calculate A Shipping Cost?

Feb 16, 2015

So im trying to create a program that will calculate a shipping cost. I'm stuck on trying to calculate the actual milage and cost. Example being 1400 miles for a 2lb package would be $2 for every 500miles. so it would cost $6. But Im having trouble getting the program to round up the 1400 to 1500 so it charges the correct amount.

I know there would have to be a way to do this without programming all the conditions.

Also the course has not reached loops yet.


// This program will calculate the shipping charges.// The shipping rates are based on per 500 miles shipped.
// They are not pro-rated, i.e., 600 miles is the same rate as 900 miles or 1000 miles.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C++ :: Write Program That Uses Function To Compute The Cost?

Nov 1, 2013

Write a program that uses a function to compute the cost of a pizza with given diameter and the number of toppings. Constant will be the cost per toppings and cost per square inch. It will contain a reputable structure as well.

number of toppings=3

//complier directives


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C/C++ :: Declare And Initialize A Pointer To Variable Int Cost

Mar 2, 2014

this question would their be a different process if they asked "declare and initialize a pointer to the variable int cost[N][N]" Here's what I have so far

int main() {
int a; // Step 1
int *ptr; // Step 2
a = cost; // Step 3
ptr = &a; // Step 4

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Calculate Cost From Wholesale To Final With Percentage Markup

Apr 15, 2014

Program calculates cost from wholesale to final cost with percentage markup!

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int calculate_retial(int,int);
int main () {
int wholesale;
int markup;
int cost;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Calculate Total Cost Given The Tax Values - Getting C2784 Error

Sep 3, 2014

// Purpose: calculate total cost given the tax values

#include <iostream>
#incluse <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double purchasePrice, stateTaxAmt, countyTaxAmt, totalCost;
//Display purchase price

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Equation That Determines The Lowest Possible Cost For Laying Power Line

Apr 9, 2013

I need an equation that determines the lowest possible cost for laying power line.

The variables are as follows:

1. The width of a river
2. The distance a factory is downstream from a station on the other side of the river.
3. The cost for laying line underwater.
4. The cost for laying line on land.

All these variables will be user input each use of program.

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C++ ::  Minimum Cost Path Visiting Half The Cells In A Grid?

Mar 11, 2013

I am trying solve this a problem: [URL] .....

In short:
1. Input is an N x N grid with a non-negative integer in each cell.
2. We can move from one cell to any of its adjacent cell in all four directions.
3. The 'cost' needed to move from one cell to another is the positive difference of their values.
4. We have to find the minimum cost such that we can visit atleast half of the cells with that cost;

I am not being able to think of any solution that runs in time O(N2) or better (N2 because of the size of N, any algorithm worse than it will not run within the time limit) for this problem.

So I need a hint on how to solve this problem optimally.

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C :: Calculate Cost For Production Of Open Top Cylinders - User Defined Functions

Feb 20, 2013

I have this program I wrote to calculate cost for the production of open top cylinders and how to translate it into user defined functions. Here are the user defined functions I need to use instruct() get_area() comp_area() and print_area_cost() so the program will be in 4 parts.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{double radius,height,cost,single,all;
float surface_area;
int count;
double pi=3.14159265;
printf("Enter the radius of the base in cm^2:

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Word Counter - Calculate Number Of Letters And Give Total Cost

Nov 4, 2013

I am currently working on an assignment.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char letter;
int count = 0;
double ppl = 0;
double finalCost = ppl * (count - 1);

[Code] ....

I am trying to create a word counter program that asks for the price per letter and then asks for the sentence they are writing. The app should then calculate the number of letters and give the total cost similar to:

You have 40 letters at $3.45 per letter, and your total is $138.00.

Everything compiles fine but when I run it the inputs don't work and it outputs:

You have -1 per letter, and your total cost is $-0.

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C/C++ :: Parking Garage Cost Calculator Based On Type Of Vehicle And Time

Nov 3, 2014

There are a few functions for this code and I am not very good with functions yet(we just learned about them last week).

//This program will calculate the cost of using a parking garage
//based on the type of vehicle and the time of parking.
using namespace std;
//define rates

[Code] ...

Error List:

Error1error C2100: illegal indirectionc:userscodydesktopgaragecodegaragecodesource.cpp971GarageCode
Error2error C2100: illegal indirectionc:userscodydesktopgaragecodegaragecodesource.cpp1051GarageCode
Error3error C2561: 'main' : function must return a valuec:userscodydesktopgaragecodegaragecodesource.cpp1161GarageCode

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Calculate Total Of Monthly Costs Of Expenses And Show Annual Cost

Oct 5, 2012

The point of this is to calculate the total of the monthly costs of these 6 expenses and then to show the annual cost. However, there's just a couple of things that's giving me problems and it's the calcMonCost in my code. The error says that it is more than one instance of overload function and also that an unresolved external symbol. Everything else is fine. What does this mean?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void calcMonCost (double, double, double, double, double, double &);
void calcAnnCost (double, double, double, double, double, double &);
void getData(double &lnPymnt, double &insure, double &gas, double &oil, double &tires, double &maint);

[Code] .....

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C :: Loop Does Not Work And Program Quits Without Displaying For Loop Function

Oct 13, 2014

We are making a program--but every time we input a value for scanf, the following for loop does not work and the program quits without displaying the for loop's function. We are not getting any errors.

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C# :: Use Loop To Load Two Forms Back And Forth Then Stop At Loop 4

Feb 15, 2015

I have tried to submit this topic before but i didn't submit my whole code and it was removed. So here it is. All I am trying to do is load form2 from form1 then back to form1 from form2 for a certain number of times the get out of the loop. I am new to C-Sharp and it seems as though I cant seem to figure out a way to do this.

Here is form1 and form2 code. I have commented out a few things I have tried.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;


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C :: Extra Loop Being Executed In Do-while Loop

Jul 1, 2013

#include <stdio.h>
void try5t(){

char choice;
int choiceint;

[Code] .....

Loop is repeated an additional time as shown in the screenshot:

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C++ :: How Much Milliseconds To Loop Through For Loop

Feb 20, 2014

Given a for loop:

int i;
for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

How many nanoseconds, or microseconds or milliseconds does it take for each iteration? And why do some use it as a timer mechanism?

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C/C++ :: How To Change For Loop Into Do While Loop

Apr 19, 2014

I already made a nested for loop into a while loop (below this) and now I'm trying to make the outer for loop into a do while loop, but it's not working.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
int len;
int j;
int i;


And I can't make this code do the same thing. It stops after one loop, instead of continuing to the end. Why won't the loops continue?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int len;
cout << "Enter a number: ";

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Convert A While Loop To A For Loop?

Mar 25, 2012

I need to convert the following while loop:

count = 1;
while (caloriesForItem != 0, count != numberOfItems )
cout<<"Enter the calories: ";
cin >> caloriesForItem;
totalCalories += caloriesForItem;

This is what I have come up with:

totalCalories += caloriesForItem;
for (count = 1; caloriesForItem != 0; count != numberOfItems)
cout<<"Enter the calories: ";
cin >> caloriesForItem;
cout << "Total calories eaten today = " << totalCalories << endl;

However the output is not the same?

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C++ :: Memory And Int Not Being Declared

Mar 19, 2013

I had a quick question regarding a program I am trying to complete. I have the basics worked out, and everything seems to be done, but I am running into two issues.

1= The program keeps telling me "Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'order' is being used without being initialized."
2= When I reach my output screen I receive "Unhandled exception at 0x7751c41f in CISC 192 Project 3.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std:Out_of_range at memory location 0x002eefb8.."

While the first one isn't necessarily a deal breaker the second one definitely is.

// Bookstore Project 3.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// Declarations
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <istream>

[Code] ....

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C++ :: GMP Library Memory

May 11, 2013

I'm trying out the gmp library by building a simple pi calculation program (original, I know!). On a million digits of Pi I've debugged the program and seem to have about a megabyte too much of memory at the end of the program (I start with around 250k before any allocation begins and end at around 1200).

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//set a//
int digitsofpi =1000000;
mpf_set_default_prec(log2(10) *digitsofpi );

mpf_t a;
mpf_init (a);
mpf_set_ui (a,1);


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C/C++ :: How To Run A Process From Memory

Mar 8, 2013

I am looking for a way to run a process form memory, without having any executable. The application will be kept inside a resource and will be extracted during run time. It should be then started as a new process. I couldn't find a solution that works also on x64

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C++ :: How Much Memory Allocated

Nov 6, 2014

We have a proprietary third-party library that we make calls into via an API. Through a series of API calls, this library manipulates specific sets of data. Prior to making these calls, there are some API calls that are necessary in order to initialize the library in preparation for a specific set of data. One of the calls tells the library to allocate some memory and then perform whatever initialization is required. This particular API call returns a pointer to char (char*) that is later used as an argument for a few other API calls. My question is... Is there a way, or maybe some kind of trick, to tell exactly how much memory was allocated? It doesn't matter whether or not the solution (if there is one) is C++ related, or some series of OS commands. FYI: We're running on Redhat Linux 6.2 and using GNU C++ 4.4.6.

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C :: Manipulating Data In Memory

Jan 31, 2015

So, it seems I have a bug in my code:


char *mem = malloc(9), *bottom = malloc(3), *in = "abc";
int position = 2, i;
mem = "onetwo";
printf("OLD mem = %s
", mem);


What I'm trying to do is insert "abc" in the 3rd position of "onetwo". Results would be "oneabctwo", but all I get is crashing.

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C :: Reading RAM Memory Directly

Mar 27, 2014

Is there any way to read RAM memory directly. For say i want to access memory location 0x0100 to 0x120. How to do that. how to declare the variable, is it unsigned int. what is the type of read values it hex or ascii. how t cast it.

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