C :: Does Function Compare Word With Spaces
Sep 7, 2013I was wondering about the function strcmp(), does the function compare word with spaces? eg: If I have two same words "Harith Javed"; will it match both words??
View 8 RepliesI was wondering about the function strcmp(), does the function compare word with spaces? eg: If I have two same words "Harith Javed"; will it match both words??
View 8 RepliesI have an assignment where i have to make a palindrome program. As you can see i have already done the basic palindrome prog, however i am now stuck since the program goes into a infinite loop whenever a word with whitespaces is added.
I have also tried searching for methods online however they do not seem to work for me...
void CPali::check() {
length = strlen(palin);
for (int i = 0, p = length-1; p>i; i++, p--) {
if (palin[i] == ' ')
[Code] ....
I'm trying to put my array value within a conditional against a word, but what can I check that
if(char[1]= "word")
AGEW2.Text = string.Format("{0} "whatever" {2}", split);
I'm trying to read a string and then compare it to a word.
My code:
char* cmd = "start";
std::cin >> cmd;
if (strcmp (cmd, "eval"))
eval ();
When the program gets to the cin part, it breaks.
I am building a linked list and i need to display function i have. The display function displays all the letters of the word entered instead of the word itself. below is my struct, one of my functions and the display function.
//-----------struct ------------//
struct Node
char data;
struct Node *next;
How can I declare a set of strings that i want to be ordered by a boolean function Comp? Like the one you would write in
sort(v.begin(), v.end(), comp);
I tried
set<string, Comp> S;
but it doesn't work
And the same question for priority queues, can you specify the function you want your elements to be sorted by?
I have an assignment in my OOP c++ class and I had to create a class called date and one of the member functions is a compare function that compares two dates that are taken in. It is suppose to be something like this:
Date d1(12,25,2003);// Dec 25, 2003
Date d2(5,18,2002);// May 18, 2002
d1.Compare(d2);// returns 1 (since d2 comes first)
d2.Compare(d1);// returns -1 (calling object is d2, comes first)
Then if d1 and d2 are equal then it returns 0.
This is what he gave us to start with the function:
int Date::Compare(const Date& d) {
I am developing a program that will read a function (x^2+2x+4 or other function) and then comparing and start assigning variables. My idea is with an array:
int i,x;
char xs;
char function[20];
cin.getline(function, 20);
cout << "Your function is: ";
[Code] .....
Well this is my basically idea, but when the program detect an ^ this will be associate with the exp(x,n); well in general the user enter a function: x^3+3x^2+4x-8 give a value for x for example 3 and the program will convert in -- exp(3,3)+3*exp(3,2)+4*3-8 --, but I don't know how.
I am trying to bend my head around polymorphism but I can't figure out how to use the virtual method properly. I have the following superclass:
Code: class comparable
virtual bool compare(comparable &other)=0;
}; and the subclass:
Code: class score : public comparable
score(string player,int highscore);
bool compare(comparable &other);
string name;
int highscore;
My problem is that I do not know how to define the virtual function compare in the subclass score:
Code: bool score::compare(comparable &other){
if(this->highscore > other.???){
How do I tell the compiler that the type is of score?
Modify your code by adding your own tests to see if your functions work right. Include at least 6 separate tests, of your choosing.
For example, test the compare function with the first parameter as a blank string -- then with the 2nd as a blank -- then both. Test compare with the first string shorter than the second -- then the other way around. Test your copy function with long strings.
I am struggling with how to use the compare function with a parameter as a blank string. I tried leaving the first parameter blank but doing ("",text) but I don't think that is the correct way of doing this.
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int myStrLen(const char[]); // return length of null-terminated string stored in char array
[Code] ....
The question is to write a recursive boolean function that compares two stacks and returns true if they are identical. This is where I get stuck:
If the top items of both stacks are the same, the recursive call always returns true, because 'true' is saved on top of the return stack.
Here is my code:
template<class Type>
bool identicals(stackType<Type> s1, stackType<Type> s2) {
if(!s1.isEmptyStack() && !s2.isEmptyStack()) {
if(s1.top() != s2.top())
[Code] ....
I'm trying to write a function which can recognize whether a word is a palindrome. if it's the case , it must return 1 on screen, otherwise 0. This is the code which return 0 even in case of a palindrome...
int IsPalindrom(char String[]){
int i,l;
int counter=0;
for(i=0;;i++){ //counts the number of array elements
[Code] ....
Task: - Write a function `index` that converts an int from 0 to 5 into its word. (It should take an int and return a string.)
0 -> "zero"
1 -> "one"
2 -> "two"
3 -> "three"
4 -> "four"
5 -> "five"
anything else -> "other"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
string index(int x) {
return "zero ";
else if(x==1)
[Code] .....
It compiles but doesn't print anything.
I've written a function that has to receive a word as parameter, and then has to find the amount of times that word (uppercase & lowercase) occurs in a text file:
For example, if the word "the" is sent as a parameter, the total amount of times the words "the" and "THE" occurs in the text file, has to be calculated.
However, my function is not displaying the correct amount, what is wrong with my function:
int WordCount :: countWords(string wrd)
int counter=0;
string temp = "";
Basically I have a text file called words. I'm supposed to extract a word randomly form the file and have the user guess the word. If they guess the word correctly in x number of tries they will receive the definition.
I'm having trouble receiving that random word and I'm getting the definitions from the file.
Here's my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
[Code] ....
This is what is in the words.txt file
apple#the usually round, red or yellow, edible fruit of a small tree
boat#a vessel for transport by water
horse#a solid-hoofed plant-eating domesticated mammal with a flowing mane and tail, used for riding
television#a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens
soup#a liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables, etc.
bottle#a container, typically made of glass or plastic and with a narrow neck
barber#a person who cuts hair
toast#sliced bread browned on both sides by exposure to radiant heat
radar#a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects
red#of a color at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet
I'm learning programming, and C++. I've got a question, but I couldn't solve my problem so far. I need to use arrays and only basic stuff to solve this:
Create a program that reads a word from the user and then print (cout) this word on contrary. It's simple, I know, but I can't do it,. I've tried some stuff but I don't get how I will get the proper values to do this. All I know is that I can use variable.lenght().
I have a problem to open word document into turbo c++. i don't know how to open if the documents are in word format.
View 1 Replies View Related I want a program to display as follows..
if i enter mohandas karamchand gandhi i want output as M K Gandhi.....
i want the c++ code for this program..my error is i am not able to erase the letters of first 2 words..ie my output is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi..
I've taken part the text into 1 word per line, but I can't figure out how to printf every word only once and then add (%d) in the end to show how many repetitions of that word there are.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char *oneword;
[Code] ....
I have text (string) and I want to find a given word (it's ok!) and then insert another given word after the first word. The original string is beeing copied into a new string. But something is going wrong!!! Where is my mistake?
(I have some patches...)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//insert "new_word" after each occurence of "word"
int main(){
char A[100]="In the sentence words the and the.";
int countTextWords(ifstream * file)
string textWord;
int wordCount = 0;
while((*file) >> textWord)
return wordCount;
for some reason, (*file) >> textWord will not read words into the string. What am I doing wrong?
ow to read word by word from a line in file into struct. Say for example:
12345 Joe Lim KH879.00
12233 Kay Suet Yee35.98
struct master {
unsigned short int IDnum;
char name[30];
float salesCustomer;
How can I extract the number out of the string:
string my_sting = "item code = 9";
I want to get the '9' out of the string and store it in a separate int variable. I tried using sstream library and was having trouble.
i'm making a program for basic data entry.i have also included search feature which uses strcmpi() function.if i have a file name'report on tigers' and someone searched for 'tigers' then that person will not find the required file.any way i can overcome that ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am practicing with C++ since I done most of C already and I have a problem with reading spaces from a .txt file.
I created a little program that creates a wannabe Cube in wannabe 3D xd, well to appear as 3D like:
cout << " O------O" << endl;
cout << " / /|" << endl;
cout << " / / |" << endl;
cout << " / / |" << endl;
[Code] .....
The actual code is a bit longer since it offers you to input the size and then it draws the pic. Now that wasn't so hard and I've done that but now I wanted to implement the "MessageBox" func for output.
I managed to write the cube in file cube.txt but when I'm reading from it 1 char at a time since I need to output as char array it avoids all spaces and new lines and just puts all symbols in the same row.
I didn't have that issue with C and I've found on stackoverlow a solution using strings & getline but I need it to be in "char" form.
How to actually read spaces and newlines? This is my current code for reading from file:
ifstream di("kocka.txt", ios_base::in);
char c[5000];
int br=0;
while( di >> c[br])
MessageBox(NULL, c, "Kocka", MB_ICONHAND);
di.close(); P.S kocka = cube (in croatian )
I'm unable to print out or return the inputted string modified.
//remove_spaces(char* given_string)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char* remove_spaces(char *given_string){