C++ :: Const String Array To Int Array

Jan 16, 2013

Ok so I am back in school and it has been to long since I have used c++ I can not find or figure out how to convert a char array into a int array so i can add numbers really large numbers. the string is being passed into the function as a const char*...

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C :: Getting Const Char Array From Function

Jun 7, 2013

Now I am stuck with getting const char* array from function to main.


const char* values[3];
", values[1]);
", values[2]); function: Code:
const char* strings_to_array()


First, I cant get strings printed out in main.

Second, is here way to get number of such elements which array contains like higher languages have "count" or "ubound" or such?

Third, next function which need that array assumes that array of const chars* is 1 based. Can that be set in C or here are allways zero based arrays?

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C++ :: Wild Output From Const Char Array

Nov 20, 2014

I have data that is coming into my buffer via popen (process data, not a file). Every seven records is a new set [0-6]. I am trying to 'print out the array line/element value' and 'change the value of element [2] to 0', but my loop appears to be looping through every character and not just every line?


char* Data(){
char buff[BUFSIZ];
FILE *fp = popen("php order.php 155", "r");
std::string::size_type sz;
while(fgets(buff, sizeof buff, fp) != NULL)


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C++ :: Wild Output From A Const Char Array?

Nov 20, 2014

I have data that is coming into my buffer via popen (process data, not a file). Every seven records is a new set [0-6]. I am trying to 'print out the array line/element value' and 'change the value of element [2] to 0', but my loop appears to be looping through every character and not just every line?


char* Data(){
char buff[BUFSIZ];
FILE *fp = popen("php order.php 155", "r");
std::string::size_type sz;
while(fgets(buff, sizeof buff, fp) != NULL) {
const char * cstr2 = buff;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i){


expected output:

2014-11-16 10:09:34
Found String!
2014-11-14 15:10:10
Found String!
2014-11-14 15:10:13
Found String!
2014-11-14 15:11:14
Found String!

raw inbound data [URL]

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C++ :: Calling Custom Constructor Of Element In Array Whose Class Has Const Members?

Apr 15, 2013

If I have an array of some class, and that class has const members, is there some way I can call a custom constructor on elements of the array?

I can't seem to reinitialize an element in foos in the example below. A thread on stack overflow mentioned the copy constructor show allow it, but I get "no match for call to '(Foo) (Foo&)'" when I try it.

class Foo {

Foo(int x, int y);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: String To Const Char Error

Jan 15, 2013

I'm currently finishing up an assignment that was half written by my professor. Below in the testGrades section of code there are two errors both are the same message.

Error: no matching function for call to Grades:: Grades(const char [15])

Test Grades

//Purpose: Test program for the class Grades
// Create stu1 Grades object
// Add 5 grades to stu1 - only 3 can be stored in stu1 - other 2 discarded
// Create stu2 Grades object
// Add only 2 grades

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Grades.h"

using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Convert Binary Search With Int Array To Use String Array

May 8, 2014

I'm having trouble converting this binary search with an int array to use a string array..


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Function prototype
int binarySearch(string [], int);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Initializing Const Struct When Data Is A String Literal

Feb 23, 2015

I have a struct like this:

struct String{
char* data;
std::size_t size;

I would like to be able to create const variables of this type for string literals.

const String message;

Is there an elegant way to create a const String like this when data is a string literal?

I tried this:

const char *string_data = "Hello";
size_t string_size = strlen(string_data) + 1;
const String string = {string_data, string_size};

The problem with that is that string.data isn't considered const during the initialization of the String struct so the compiler throws an error. It doesn't feel very elegant to do it like this either way.

Is there an elegant solution to this problem? I would like to avoid making a copy of the string literal.

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C++ :: Class Constructor With String Const Pointer As Parameter

Feb 19, 2013

I know my product.cpp constructor is wrong but how can I set my private variables.



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C++ :: Changing Array Of Characters To A String Array?

Apr 7, 2013

I have an array titled: char TypeOfSong[arraySize] where the array size is 15. I am reading data from a file into this array and the characters can be either 'C', 'D', 'E', or 'R'. Each of these characters stands for a word (sting) and when I output the array, I need the strings to show up, not the characters. I have been reading online and in my book but I can only find information on turning one array with the same characters into a string. How would I go about changing this character array with different characters into a sting?

The characters stand for:

C = Country
D = Dance Party
E = Elevator
R = Rock

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C++ :: Calling Const / Non-const Overrides

Oct 5, 2013

Are there other ways of calling a const/non-const override? I want to defined some functions in terms of others, particularly accessors which might or might not require constness- in order to not copy & paste code. This is my current solution:

struct dumbArray {
dumbArray(unsigned int size):
m_array(new int[size]){
delete m_array;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Difference Between Const And Static Const

Dec 7, 2013

difference between const and static const, more effectively. I know the basic concept of const and static but I need clear explanation of declaring "const" and "static const"


const int a;
static const int a;

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C++ :: Casting Non-const Variable To Const

Jun 19, 2013

Is there any way to cast a non-const variable to const one?

I want to read variable n from file and then use it to declare array "int arr[n]", but because n is non-const, the compiler doesn't allow me to do that.

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C/C++ :: Taking String As Input And Making It As Whole Array (string Literal)

Oct 19, 2014

Very new to programming, and I know that there must be another way on inputting a string into each array cells not by just inputting it one by one, but as a whole. My code at the meantime is: [URL]

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C Sharp :: How To Record String From Label To Array String

Nov 19, 2013

I just i would like to know how to record a string from a label to an array string ?

string[] stringArray = labelone.Text

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C++ :: Input String Text Into String Array

Jun 26, 2014

/*assume array is already initialized and declared and is of array type string.*/

int i = 2;
int j = 1;
string newvalue;
cout<<"Current value at array[i][j] is "<<array[i][j]<<endl;
cout<<"Enter new value "<<endl;
array[i][j]= newvalue; //PROBLEM IS IN THIS LINE.

I'm having lots of trouble with storing a cin string text into a string array. It just seem that after I cin newvalue, the program crashes. Is this way of storing it considered illegal? I'm just a beginner with 5 months of coding experience in C++.

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C++ :: Char Array To String - String Becomes Garbage

Apr 20, 2013

I'm trying to "tokenize" a string using std::string functions, but I stored the text in a char array. When I try to convert it to a string, the string has the first character right but the rest is garbage.

// Get value from ListBox.
char selectedValue[256];
memset(selectedValue, NULL, 256);
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LB_CURRENTSCRIPT), LB_GETTEXT, selectedIndex, (LPARAM)selectedValue);
// Convert to string.
string val(selectedValue);

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Enter String Into String Array Via Cin Or Getline

Mar 29, 2014

Ok so I searched this site, and google string arrays, but I couldn't find anything on how to create an array to accept string input. In other words the strings are unknown, until the user inputs them..

so code would say input a name..user enters Tom, and its inserted into the array.. and if another name is entered ..lets say Lisa..Lisa is added to the array..so now in the array we have tom and Lisa..

Everything I read only shows the array already having the strings declared...

string n;
string name[n]={};

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C++ :: The Difference Between Const And Non Const Key

Jul 13, 2013

So I start thinking about what's the difference between this 2 code

map<const int, float> map_data;

map<int, float> map_data;

But it seems I can't find the difference, is there any difference between this 2 code ?

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C++ :: Compare A String To Certain String In Array?

Feb 25, 2015

i'm trying to compare a string to a certain string in an array, my code is as follows:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int tu;
int nu=0;


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C/C++ :: Copy A String To Array Of String

Mar 27, 2014

I am trying to copy a string to an array of string. I have used these two examples before and they have worked so I don't understand why they won't work this time. I am getting a segmentation fault.


I remembered to initialize everything.

char *strings_mneumonic_table[503] = {0};
char mneumonic[20] = {0};
int start_address = 0;
int hash = 0;
if(line[0] == 32)


Here is my output

hash is 2
little start
32 group
mneumonic is START
hash is 2
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

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C++ :: Array From String

Dec 27, 2013

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s="Last Assignment/n";


i dont understand how it printing each element of whole string.like L a s.but i did not declared array.

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C/C++ :: Array Of String As Zero

Feb 23, 2012

I want to initialize an array of string as zero in C. How can I do it?

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C++ :: Returning A String Array?

Jun 15, 2014

I am trying to return a string array but am only getting the first char. I want to return something like this:

8C TS KC 9H 4S

so I can do my proper checks.

void PokerFile::splitHands(std::string playerHand) {
for (int i=0; i<=13; i++) {
for (int j=14; j<30; j++) {


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C++ :: Char Array To String

Oct 19, 2013

I have some code:

char cHomeTeamFaceOffsPercentageWon[100];

After this, for example, cHomeTeamFaceOffsPercentageWon is, "29%".

Then, I use

std::string szwPercentageWon = std::string(cHomeTeamFaceOffsPercentageWon);

szwPercentageWon is then, "2". Shouldn't this convert correctly, to "29%" as well.

Or is there something I'm missing? Maybe the termination character, or something.

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C++ ::  Access To Array By String Of Its Name

Jul 31, 2013

I have an array called abee1.

int abee1[4][3];

I have done some string function (like: "abee" + "1" ) and have "abee1" as string which is the same as abee1. How can I copy the data of abee1 into another array with same size, for example abeeTwo[4][3], using only the name of abbe1 as string ("abee1") not by abee1 directly.

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