C# :: Writing A Program To Display Multiplication Table?
Feb 3, 2015
i need the output to display the product of every whole number from 1-3 in a table format.
this is the code i have so far. i know some brackets are missing but i just pasted the meat of the code. when i run the program i keep getting the number 1 displayed in a straight line going on forever
Write a program that prints a multiplication table using nested loops. In main ask the user for the smallest column number , the largest column number and the size of the increment. Ask the user for the same information for the row values.
In the example the column values entered are: 5, 15 and 2 and the row values 3, 6 and 1.
Given those numbers you would generate the following table.
Multiplication Table | 5 7 9 11 13 15 ___|___________________________________ | 3 | 15 21 27 33 39 45 4 | 20 28 36 44 52 60 5 | 25 35 45 55 65 75 6 | 30 42 54 66 78 90 Print the 24 values with the grey background. The other numbers show the values to be multiplied.
Code: #include<stdio.h> main() { int a,b,c,d,e,f; int i,j,total; printf("Please enter smallest column number: "); scanf("%i",&a); printf("
[Code] ....
Challenge: As an added challenge try to print out the column headings (5 7 9 11 13 15) and the row headings (3 4 5 6)
Write a program that creates and displays a table of temperature conversions. Get the starting temperature from the keyboard in degrees Celsius (do not allow input of a value below absolute zero). Also get an integer value to represent the number of degrees to increment for each of a 20 row table (do not allow the increment value to be less than one. The first column will be a row number starting with one, follow by the Celsius value and then the conversions into Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Rankine. Be sure that all columns are neatly right aligned for a variety of inputs.
Thats what i wrote so far:
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { double C,F,K,R,n,a; cout <<"Enter starting temperature in Celsius: "; cin >> C; [Code] ....
Thats what the instructor looking for:
Enter starting temperature in Celsius: -500 ERROR: Temp must be >= -273.15: -273.15 Enter increments in degrees Celsius: 100
I want to declare a 2D 4*4 array, and fills the array with the multiplication table of an integer x from the user, for example: x*1,x*2,x*3, ....., x*16 and how to pass that array to a function to print the array and to another function that swaps a column with another column chosen by the user.
I would like to print a multiplication table, with the dimension n given as input. I attached how the table looks like for n=7.
How do you output the character "-" in that sequence? The first and last numbers have 13 "-" characters before and after them, but the numbers in between have 8 "-" characters.
This program to find the multiplication table, need explanation this step : printf("%d * %d =%d ", n, i, n*i);
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int n, i; printf("Enter an integer to find multiplication table: "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=10;++i) { printf("%d * %d =%d ", n, i, n*i); } return 0;
This is the question; Write a function that builds a two-dimensional multiplication table with arbitrary sizes for the two dimensions.
This is what I have done. I have allowed the user to input whatever size table they want by arbitrarily choosing what value they can input. However I cannot get the board to have blank squares. I thought the char would do it.
Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; char SQAURE_CHAR = {' '}; const int Board_Size = 14;
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int n; int m; char input[20]; int num; int main() { int num0;
I'm supposed to write C program that will generate a 5 X 5 multiplication table starting with the number of the users choice. The program is supposed to operate within a loop and run until the user indicates that they no longer wish to enter any more numbers. I can get the program to run but am wondering what I need to do to get the program to ask for another number and how to make the program stop when the user no longer wants to play. Should I start with "Do you want to enter a number" if yes, run back through loop if no, goodbye?
So the latest challenge from jumping into c++ is as following.
Code: Write a function that builds the multiplication table of arbitrary dimensions This chapter also talks a ton about 2d arrays.
So I've built my program thus far as this.
Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int drawTable(int,int); int main()
[Code] .....
So basically, the idea is that I can use the arrays dimensions as a placeholder, and just multiple them to get that specific spot, so table[0][0] = 0, [0][1] = 0 and so on. However the output actually seems to be randomly generated numbers so I'd like to ask, what am I doing wrong? Am I on the right track? Or have I missed the bus stop completely.
I am having an issue with my sort function. This is one part of the Hash table program. The main issue is that I am trying to sort the pointer table after all of the values have been entered. The ptr_sort function is not a class function and so I am therefore unable to use the class variables psize and pTable. Is there another way I should be trying this? it is a Vector should I use the sort() function from the vector class in STL?
I am trying to write a program that will display a table with "seconds" and "Distance". Where Seconds goes from 1-12 and the distance is displayed according to each second. However I am having trouble getting the distance variable to display any values. By the way I am also using a second function in this program besides main(), called FallingDistance(). Below is my code for the program so far.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; double FallingDistance(int, double); int main() { int Seconds; double Distance=0; int distance;
get my code to display a table with values from a file. my current code fills up all the sections of the table with the same data. here is what I need: from a file .txt I upload numbers that should show a table like this :
Lake Beach Average E-Coli Level Recommendation Ontario Kew Beach 47.12 OPEN Huron Goderich 51.13 CLOSED Simcoe Sibbald Point 0 INSUFFICIENT
my problem is in the last two columns. The ave. E-coli has one value for all which should look like the above table but my code doesn't. Also my recommendation shows the beach # instead of open close or insufficient.the data is:
And how to rewrite the code so that it display the MySQL table data for a specific user I already have a string called username and that stores the username entered on the login form. I want the code to use the username string to search for the name and display that users info.
My table contents are: username First name Last name Position Employee Id Airline
I just want to know the code of the program: Write code to accept matrix as aurgument and display its multiplication matrix which return its multiplication matrix.
I just started Linear Algebra for my programming degree and to full understand everything I want to put it into code and make my own "matrix calculator." I have all the theory but I am having issues keeping the matrix variable and moving it around the class' functions to create it and output it. Once I know I have it saved I think I can get the addition/multiplication to work. Here is the code I have so far:
#include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class matrix {
I have made a Biginteger class that performs multiplication operation according to Karatsuba's algorithm. But it seems that the code is not working perfectly.In the class I have made a function named karatsuba(BigInteger a1, BigInteger b1)that performs the Multilplication operation. There might be problems in this function as I have tried to store the original digits(neglecting the leading zeros) of the two big integer values into two integers or there might be problems in somewhere else. corrected version of this function? My code is given below:
I have made a Biginteger class that performs multiplication operation according to Karatsuba's algorithm. But it seems that the code is not working perfectly.In the class I have made a function named karatsuba(BigInteger a1, BigInteger b1)that performs the Multilplication operation. There might be problems in this function as I have tried to store the original digits(neglecting the leading zeros) of the two big integer values into two integers or there might be problems in somewhere else.My code is given below: