C++ :: Storing Words In TXT File And Reading Them?
Apr 12, 2013
I would like to store the titles of a CD and then read them. I have started a program but not sure how to display or make sure it is storing it in the .txt file.
I'm trying extract words from a text file and then put then them into a set. I want to delimit all the spaces as well as the periods. My code is working fine for spaces but its leaving out the periods at the end of some words.
And all of the above information is one person. As is "John,Peter,23" is first name, last name, age. When there are multiple people in a csv file how can i parse through and separate the information in a string and int for later use?
I know how to do this in c++ with fstream and std::string and getline and so on and so forth. Im writing my code solely in c however. I can't get g++ installed so figured it was a good excuse to learn c instead of using the equivalent c++ abstracts.
My problem is, I'm making a game in c that I have made in c++ but have ran into an issue with my map. I want to read in my map from a file which just looks like this: Name of Town * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * etc...
so i tried using fscanf to first read in the name of the town (stored in a char*) then read in the characters (in this case '*')(not including white spaces becuase i can just print those) into another char*. what is the better way to do this?
So i need the name of the course in one variable, the course code (ex 0360-141-01 for line 1) in another variable and the term (ie W2015 for line1). So i got the name done but cant figure out the course code since i need more than one value that is seperated by a comma. my code is:
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> typedef struct CourseInfo { int courseID;
I've created a class that is supposed to store first name, last name, date of birth, date of death, and a fact about a person (all variables within the class). Im trying to fill these variables with a read function. it reads a .txt file like this
Firstname Lastname 1987 1988 this guy did this
The problem is, I don't know how to handle the last variable. the variable needs to hold the entire "this guy did this" sentence. i made it a string, just because i was clueless, and as expected, it only holds "this"
this is my .h:
#include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Person { public: Person(); Person(const Person & person);
[Code] ....
Here is the read function in the .cpp:
bool Person::Read(ifstream & input) { return (input >> fname >> lname >> dob >> dod >> fact); }
I am trying to read and store a txt file with format below:
2.5;abc;2,4000 2.5;bef;3,2000 2.5;ref;3,1000
I try the fscanf( pFile, "%d;%s;%d,%d", buffer,buffer2,buffer3,buffer4 ); to store 2.5 to buffer, abc to buffer2, 2 to buffer 3 and 4000 to buffer 4 on first line.
However, it doesn't work. How can I achieve this? I want to read the 2nd line and so on.
Im tasked with reading a data file, this is an example snippet
list of trophy winners year facup leaguecup 1stdiv 2ndiv 1960/61 Tottenham Hotspur Aston Villa Tottenham Hotspur Ipswich Town 1961/62 Tottenham Hotspur Norwich City Ipswich Town Liverpool 1962/63 Manchester Utd Birmingham City Everton Stoke City
The file starts in 1892 and is up to 2011/12, there is data missing for some years due to the wars etc,
once ive read the file, i need to store the data, for me to re-use.
There are a lot of useful link regarding reading data in, but they tend to be with very small files with say 10 lines of numbers.
I've a text file : Random.txt which comprises of Jade 12MS234 Male 18 Rocky 12MS324 Male 18 Marx 12MS632 Male 18
Now in my program i've a class class stud { char name[10]; char reg[10]; char gender[10]; int age; };
Now I've to write a code in c++, where i've to read the given data and store this into 3 objects of stud class(array of objects) ...then further i've to manipulate the above stored data. I think i'm getting error while storing...variables are showing random characters... give me the code.for this program..in C++
I need to read input from a file , which contains multiple sentences of varying lengths. After each new line char, i need to store that sentence into an array.
I am trying to read a file use the data line by line to create into an object. The current file I have is like this and the code reading the file will be found below.
1223 Fake1 Name1 60 70 80 24 89 add1 Male 1224 Fake2 Name2 61 70 81 80 24 add2 Male 1225 Fake3 Name3 63 70 82 80 89 add3 Male 1226 Fake4 Name4 63 70 83 80 88 add4 Male
The problem I am having is that I need to put delimiters in the file so that a person can have more than one name and also the address can now hold multiple strings until the delimiter.
I would like to change my file to this;
1223 : Fake1 Name1 : 60 : 70 : 80 : 24 :89 : This will be address1 : Male 1224 : Fake2 Name2 : 61 : 70 : 81 : 80 :24 : This will be address2 : Male 1225 : Fake3 Name3 : 63 : 70 : 82 : 80 :89 : This will be address3 : Male 1226 : Fake4 Name4 : 63 : 70 : 83 : 80 :88 : This will be address4 : Male
How can I update the code below so that it can use the delimiters to create an object?
void loadFile(Person people[], int* i) { ifstream infile("people2.txt"); if ( !infile.is_open()) { // The file could not be opened cout << "Error";
I am trying to read in player names (ex: first last) from a text file into the people[].name data struct. I can successfully read in my card file, but I cannot get this to work. I get a seg fault. I believe this is because nothing is actually being read in for my while loops. I can't use std::strings so these must be c-style strings aka char arrays.
// deck of cards // below are initializations #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <ctime> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string>
using namespace std; //globals const int maxCards = 52;
Type two or more lines of text into a file. Write a program to open the file, reading each word into a vector<string> object. Iterate over the vector, displaying it to cout. That done, sort the words using the sort() generic algorithm
But I'm stuck unfortunately.
#include <iostream> #include<fstream> #include<vector> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream infile("about.txt");
keyinputter is an array of size 30. The first while loop finds the number of words in a file so that I can calloc the correct amount of space for the double pointer, keywords. The second while loop is supposed to read the words into the double pointer, but when I run a print statement to print the string at keywords[0], it only prints null and not the word. Am I assigning the strings to the double pointer in the wrong way?
I am reading data from a text file into a program. I am well aware of the subtle distinctions in the mode of data input/entry when using the stream extraction operator, the get() function, and the getline() function.
My problem is that all of them do not read and/or store the newline character alongside the data read!
Any function that reads and stores data and the terminating newline character together??
I have a program I have to do that counts the number of words in a text file. I have tried the code on 2 computers now since my programming teacher told me the code was fine. Here is my code:
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream infile; infile.open("tj.text" , ios::in);
I am trying to store the Title, Artist, and date published of a list of CD's. I can't seem to be able to get it to print the list or not sure if it is actually storing it. This is what i have so far.
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { char names[5][100];
I was reading this earlier [URL] ..... and I was trying to figure out how to pick one of the words randomly from my text instead of using all the words in it.