C++ :: Sorting 2 Corresponding Arrays?

Nov 21, 2013

I am trying sort my Calorie array and day array corresponding to each other but how to start i cant grasp the concept for some reason. I want it to sort by calories in descending order.

So instead of this...

Day: Calories:

1 200
2 500
3 400
4 600
5 100

I want this.....

5 100
1 200
3 400
2 500
4 600

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int getDays(int);
void getCal(int*,int);
float calcSum(float,int*,int);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sorting Integers Without Arrays?

Jan 29, 2015

I have been tasked with sorting a text file with some numbers in it. For example, there can be 5 numbers in it: 1,2,3, 4, and 5. However, they are out of order (3,2,4,1 and 5). I need the numbers in numerical order. How can you sort the numbers into a new file?

Bubblesorting? I can not use arrays in this program. I have already determined the minimum number in the file.

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C++ :: Sorting Two Arrays Of Structures?

Mar 26, 2013

I wanted to sort two structure-arrays according to their element values and get their indices changed accordingly.For example if my array is

A[]= { 2 4 1 8 6}
indices[]={ 1 2 3 4 5}

then after sorting it should become

A[]= { 1 2 4 6 8}
indices[]={ 3 1 2 5 4}

I tried implementing it using the following code but I failed to get correct output.


using namespace std;
#define inf 100000
struct array
int x;
int y;


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C/C++ :: Sorting And Indexing Arrays?

Apr 22, 2014

I am trying to create a program that will read data from a text file into a string. Afterwards I need to sort the data in ascending order and print it. So far my program reads the data but I'm not sure how to go about indexing the array.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C/C++ :: Counting And Sorting Arrays?

Nov 7, 2014

I'm trying to write a program that should output, in a tabular form, the name of the algorithm, size of the array, number of comparisons and number of swaps. I am really, really, really bad at arrays and comprehending how to output variables from several. Especially in tabular form />

Here is what I have written thus far:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_ARY_SIZE 10


My questions:
1 - How do I make the array size change from 10 to 100 to 1000?
2 - How do I populate the array's with random non-repeating numbers?
3 - How do I make each algorithm count the # of comparisons and swaps?
4 - How do I return the counted comparisons AND swaps (in one return function??) and then print them?

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C :: Print Two Arrays On Same Table After Sorting

Jul 11, 2013

Having trouble with homework involving (title). Here is the assignment:Write a program that allows the user to enter 10 numbers from the keyboard. Sort the numbers using any sort routine you wish. The output from your program should be 2 columns of numbers. The left column should be the numbers in the order they were originally entered and the right column should be the sorted list. The columns should be labeled. You will need 2 arrays to accomplish this.

Use separate functions for input, sorting, and printing.So, I have to use separate functions for each of these. I would think it would be easiest to do the input in Main() and then the sorting and printing in another function, but of course since you can't return arrays I am kind of stuck on how I return the new array after sorting. I thought about doing the sorting in Main(), but then I would need to still do the original arrays input in a function and would still run into the same problem.

Here is what I have so far:


//Cameron Taylor
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXARRAY 10
int highLow(int[], int);
int print(int[], int[], int);
int main (){
int unsorted[MAXARRAY], i, j, temp;


I know it seems simplistic right now, but I am just trying to get it to work first and then go back and beautify it up a bit.

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C++ :: Merging Arrays And Sorting The Resultant

Jan 10, 2015

Write a program using user-defined function to merge the contents of two sorted arrays A & B into third array C. Assuming array A is sorted in ascending order, B is sorted in descending order, the resultant array is required to be in ascending order.

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C++ :: Sorting Arrays In Ascending Order

May 28, 2014

// OK this program outputs an array of numbers which are read from two .txt //files which are set1 and set2.

// set1.txt has: 8 37 29 31 40 25 18 38 4 45 34 39 12 21 24 3 5 23 26 44

// set2.txt has: 46 42 25 20 19 29 49 4 32 2 10 12 39 17 33 6 3 15 45 21

// But the problem is that when you run the program, the numbers do not come out // in numerical order.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>


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C/C++ :: Sorting And Searching Two Arrays (int / String)

Apr 2, 2014

Write a function to read and display the contents of names and marks. You then ask the user for a name and using the linear search return the index to the user. If -1 is returned then the name is not in the file. Otherwise write out the name and mark for that student.

Next, sort the arrays, write them out and then ask the user for a name to search for. This time use the binarySearch to return -1 or an index. Display the student's name and mark if found.

void getNames(ifstream& inStream, string names[], int marks[], int numElts);
int linearSearch(const string names[], int numElts,string who);
int binarySearch(const string names[], int numElts,string who);
void selectionSort(string names[], int marks[],int numElts);
void displayData(const string names[], const int marks[], int numElts);
[Code] ....

Now I have worked up some stuff in parts but I am so lost and confused with these specific requirements: Previous questions asked me to sort out a linear search, a binary search and


int searchList(int list[], int numElems, int value) {
int index = 0; // Used as a subscript to search array
int position = -1; // To record position of search value
bool found = false; // Flag to indicate if value was found

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Sorting Parallel Arrays?

Apr 4, 2014

Class programming project where we declare two arrays, a sting array containing the names of the boroughs and an int array which which holds accident number for each borough. The main function calls getNumAccidents() function to fill the array. it then calls findLowest() to learn which borough had the fewest accidents. It should print out the accident numbers for each borough and then out the borough and accident number with the fewest accidents.

I'm able to get the program to kind of work. When I run it everything works fine but I am not able to get the arrays to sort and match up correctly..

using namespace std;
class combineSort {
combineSort() {


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C++ :: Sorting Arrays - Int Numbers From Highest To Lowest

Oct 29, 2014

For my program i need to sort my int numbers [5] from highest to lowest but it seems that i made it go from lowest to highest ...


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int numbers[5] = {3, -6, 10, 1, 130};
int counter1, counter2, tempNum;
//Highest to Lowest

[Code] ....

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C :: Sorting Arrays Of Pointers - Assigning Data To Gene

Feb 11, 2013

typedef struct {
name_t name;
float beta[beta_num];
} gene_t;

[Code] ....

Is gene an array of address ? How come the compare function doesn't work ?

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C/C++ :: Quick Sorting Arrays Created With Random Integers

Feb 9, 2014

I am having some problem with my quick sort problem. My program is supposed to create 5 arrays with 5,10,15,and 20 random integers, respectively. Then it should sort those arrays, where the numbers are bigger or smaller than the middle element in the original array! The program I wrote should do that but, its not! The program just keeps running infinitely!

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void p(int k[],int left, int right) {
int i = left, j = right;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sorting Strings / Arrays In A User Defined Lexical Order?

May 7, 2013

I previously tried to put strings in an array, but i couldn't modify the first index in the string that is in the array. I changed my code later.


Suggest a function that sorts the inputs vertically according to the order given by the user? I made this one

void order(string order, char index[][15]){
int counter=0,line=0,i=0,j=0;
{for(j=0;j<=15-1;j++) {


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C++ :: Using Arrays As Sources Of Data For Arrays In A Structure?

Feb 6, 2014

I define "Comwords" as a string, but apparently it takes the members as chars, then I can't set strings in a structure equal to the chars.

I see to also be having unknown problems with the ComMAL array and loading it values into another element of the same structure.

How to correct this? I was thinking of casting char elements as strings, but could find no reference in my library book regarding how to do that (lots on casting int's a doubles...)


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
int comm = 10;
int targ = 5;
int death;
struct AI_WORDS


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C :: Assigning Values To Arrays / Printing Arrays

Jul 1, 2014

Using a for loop, construct two 100 element arrays, x and y, such that element i of x stores the value sin(2*pi*i/100)) and the corresponding element of y stores cos((2*pi*i/100)). Print the values stored in the elements of x and y as you calculate them.

I have attempted to solve it but I'm not sure why the value 0 is only being printed, maybe I haven't assigned sin(2i/100)) and cos((2i/100)) to the arrays properly?

int main () {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Ranged For Loop With Arrays Of Arrays

Dec 17, 2014

int arr[4][5];
for (int(&row)[5] : arr){
for (int &column : row){
} }

Why do we name it row instead column?

int arr[row][column]

Wouldn't this be like

int arr[4][5];
for (int(&column)[5] : arr){
for (int &row: column){

It just seems funny to me because we use row[5] which should be 4 if we meant row? Or did I read it wrong in C++ prime !?

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C++ :: Dynamic Creation Of Arrays Of Pointers To Arrays Of Pointers

Apr 15, 2013

I'm trying to write a function that takes a 32bit address and a data to store at this address.

I'm wanting to take the 32 bit memory address eg 0x12345678 and split it
into 4 x 2 bytes
12, 34, 56, 78

then each of the 4 entries is at most a 256 entry array.eg

So in this example, 0x12 points to 0x34 in the second array, which points to 0x56 in the third array, which finally points to 0x78 in the last array. This last array holds the actual data.

After successfully doing 0x12345678, say I might get a read for 0x1234AABB. So, the first and second pointers already exist, but I then have to create and write to dynamically created arrays.

The arrays need to have all entries set to NULL so that i know whether to follow the pointers to overwrite a previously entered value or create new arrays and pointers.

It all looks good and simple in the pseudo code I've written up but I'm having trouble coding it. I'm currently trying to deal with the first entry case, ie all array elements are NULL, but I'm getting confused with the pointers and creation of new arrays.

void cpu::store(unsigned int mem_add,unsigned int mem_val) {
int first = (mem_address&4278190080)>>24;
int second = (mem_address&16711680)>>16;
int third = (mem_address&65280)>>8;
int fourth= (mem_address&255);

[Code] .....

A1 has been declared as
int* A1[256] ;

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C++ :: Before And After Sorting Net Pay

May 14, 2014

I'm working on a program for payroll that will calculate and display a list of payroll variables (including net pay) then run again sorting the net pay. So the program should run once display all the variables with the net pay not sorted then run a second time with the net pay sorted.

I've written a program. It is working. But it only runs once and it and it only displays the results with the net pay after it's sorted. What I need to do in order to get it to run a first time without sorting the net pays before it runs the second time sorting the net pays.

My input file reads:


My Output for Net Pay Post Sorting reads:

My Output for Net Pay Pre Sorting should read:

My Program Reads:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//function prototypes
int readalldata(long int id[], string fname[], string lname[], int hoursworked[], float hourlyrate[], int n);

[Code] ....

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C :: Sorting Four Numbers

Mar 2, 2013

I'm trying to take a users input and break it up into four separate numbers, then take those numbers and arrange them from smallest to largest.So far I can't seem to get them working right.


# include <stdio.h>main ()
int inputVariables[4]; //where userinput goes after being broken up
int arrangedValues [4];// the user values arranged lowest to highest
int i;
int j;


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C++ :: Sorting First And Last Name With Netpay

May 14, 2014

So my ongoing work sorting my net pay program continues.I've got it working to the point where it sorts the net pay and only the net pay. I've been told I can comment out the other variables (hours worked, hourly rate, etc...) with the exception of First Name, and Last Name which I need to sort along with Net Pay.I need to sort First Name and Last Name along with Net Pay so that while Net Pay is being sorted it still corresponds to the same individual.

Right now as I'm only sorting Net Pay and individuals end up with different Net Pays as the sorting occurs. This is the programs current output (Pre Sorting)

John Doe 900.00
Jane Smith 720.00
Chris Davis 450.00
Sara White 832.00
Alice Baker 756.00
Laura Jackson 486.00
Jack Benson 405.00
Kate Russle 1400.00
Matt Jones 880.00
Fred Shultz 1150.00


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C++ :: Map Inside A Map Sorting

Feb 21, 2015

I have a map which contains a multiset and another map

std::map<std::multiset<int>, std::map<int, int> >

And I need to sort the whole map according to the mapped value of the inside map, then output the data from the keys i.e. from the multiset and the first value of the inside map. I have tried to create a vector of pairs

std::vector<pair<std::map<:std::multiset<int>, std::map<int, int> >, int> >

and populate the first element with the map and where the second integer of the pair will be the mapped value to sort. I have tried iterating over the map to populate the vector but I'm not sure how to do so.

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C# :: Sorting A ListView?

Apr 22, 2014

at the moment I lack access to the pc with the code on it, so for now I will try to keep my question basic.

now here is my problem: I have a listview witch is populated by user input(lets say for the ease of argument that the input is "first-name" "last-name" and "e-mail adres") all of with get there information from textboxes.
then all the information gets stored in a list and on closing that list is stored in a xml-file in the following format



the input, saving and loading is no problem. when you open the file this listview is in view = List so that you only see the last-name(I prefer it that way since I know how to code that) and when you click it it fills the textboxes with the corresponding information.

what I am trying to figure out it how to make it that it sorts itself(preferred sorting when something is changed).
I tried the ListView.sorting = SortOrder.Ascending; when I do it that way it messes up the corresponding information(is it clear what I mean or do I need to add an example).

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C/C++ :: Sorting By Name / Surname

Apr 15, 2014

I have a text file containing the names and surnames of enrollment numbers and grades of students

(looks like this:
RIKI Rikic E2345678 10
JUPI jupic E1232345 9
Etc ......)

I'm interested in sorting by name and surname, registration number and grade.My example:

struct student {
string name;
string surname;
string enrollment;
int grade;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sorting Values In Array?

Feb 8, 2015

I tried sorting arr2 from lowest to highest value, but it only gives me 4 values and then the rest are zero.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << fixed << setprecision(1);


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C++ :: Bubble Sorting Of Strings

Sep 20, 2013

I have to read data from a text file, load it into an array and then bubble sort it! Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>


Basically what i am trying to do is that sort the names of 10,000 movies and then write those names to a text file. It gives an error in the nested loop by underlining arr and tells that no suitable conversion function from std::string to const char* exists.

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