C :: Segmentation Fault On 2nd Call Of Specific Function

Sep 21, 2014

I`ve almost finished the program I am working at ( not commercial, it`s for me ). And I still can`t get what is wrong. I get segmentation fault on 2nd call of specific function. I have 2 lists of strings. One for directories, one for files. A function to walk a directory recursively, and to add to front in both lists respectively for files and for dirs. Then do something on these files. Here is my code for the functions I am using and will explain where I am failing.

DList.cpp Code: DList* createList(const char* message) {
DList* dl = (DList*)malloc(sizeof(DList));
dl->head = dl->tail = NULL;
printf("List created at %p; message:[%s]
", dl, message);
if ( dl != NULL ) return dl;
else return NULL;

What fails? Well after the first press of p/P, it lists and prints the dir/filse. On second press it gives me a segphault. Really no idea what I got messed up. I`ve listed all the functions I am using ....

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C :: Segmentation Fault In Call To Recursive Function

Apr 12, 2014

Task: To create a recursive function to sort elements in an array of integers.

The function must start the sorting from the first element, and the recursion calls must go on until the last element in the array is sorted. In each step of recursion, the function must work only with the subset of array elements that have not been sorted yet.

Problem: I am getting a 'Segmentation fault: 11' in the recursive call to the function (please, see the code below).

Environment: Mac, OS X = Mavericks

////////// Recursively sorting an array of ints.
////////// Arguments: array, array size, index from where to start sorting.
void sort_incr_array_int_recursive(int a[], int size, int i){
int tmp, idx_small, small = a[i];

// Locating the smaller element in the array section.

[Code] ....

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C :: Segmentation Fault At Free Call

Jul 7, 2014

/* h(a)=abcab,h(b)=acabcb,h(c)=acbcacb */
void h_i(int i, char *w, char *a, char *b, char *c)

[Code] .....

Above program increases string like this example.

Let say h(0)=01 and h(1)=10 and let say our first string is w=0 h(w)=01, h^2(w)=0110 h^3(w)=01101001..etc.

We have used h map, which is given in the program comment statement. Same thing, program is doing for three letters. These three letters we have passed as argument in h_i function. e.g. h_i(2,w,"a","d","g") function will apply the 3 letter map h(definition is given in commented form in program) 2 times on string w.

In program w=a; and three letters are a, d and g. /* h(a)=abcab,h(b)=acabcb,h(c)=acbcacb */ here b=d and c=g.

Above program gives core dump at free(w2) free(w1). if we remove these free statements then it gives correct answer. But, we want to free w1 and w2 in the above code. How can we make free both w1 and w2 strings?

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C++ :: Segmentation Fault - Memory Error When Looping Over Function?

Mar 24, 2014

It is been several days that I am stucked with the segmentation error and I do not know anymore what to do I try to do a loop over my function but it is working only for my first iteration. Here the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>


I would like to iterate over solvep (since h is changing at each iteration..I usually add other fct but now I try to debug why the loop is not working.).The first iteration is working fine but not the other iterations.

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C :: Function That Sorts Dictionary List Alphabetically - Segmentation Fault (core Dumped)

Oct 9, 2013

Write a function that sorts a dictionary list alphabetically. Here's my code:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct entry
char word[15];
char definition[50];

[Code] ....

It's compiling ok, and displays the first call to the printf function from main. However, after this I get the 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)' at the terminal, presumably from the call to the dictionarySort function.

I had a little look around and found it is something to do with non-existent or not available memory addressing, I think? Even so, I can't figure out what is causing the issue in my code.

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C :: Catch Segmentation Fault With GDB

Jan 23, 2013

I am working on a distributed application in C. My program gives segmentation fault and aborts execution. But, when I try to run it through gdb, it keeps on running although without giving a useful output. I realize that I do not put much information in my query. But, what general causes could generate this behaviour. I am interested to find the cause of segmentation fault.

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C :: Why Program Keeps On Getting Segmentation Fault

Jul 21, 2013

I can't understand why my program keeps on getting "Segmentation Fault". The last time I checked (in UBUNTU) it was already working, now I'm testing it in Windows and I keep on getting "Segmentation Fault".


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
char string[1500];
char word[100];


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C :: Keep Getting Segmentation Fault Error

Oct 28, 2013

Writing a program to search a file and print out the occurrences of each letter in the alphabet.


#include <stdio.h>
char input[500];
int input_c[26];
int i;
char count=0;


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C++ :: Using Gdb To Detect Segmentation Fault In Sh?

Jan 16, 2015

I am using scientific linux. In the directory user/project/Build, after I ran 'make' to compile and link all the cpp files,I had no problems. But then, when I went to directory user/run/run.sh, which runs the project binary in user/project/Build/bin/project, I get a segmentation fault error. In the directory user/run, I enter 'gdb' in the command prompt and get the message "*** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop." What am I supposed to do to detect the segmentation fault?

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C++ :: Get A Segmentation Fault With Program

Jun 28, 2013

I can't work out why I get a Segmentation Fault with my C++ program.

Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>


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C++ :: Getting Segmentation Fault Using Maps?

Dec 7, 2014

#includes ...
class GameMaster


I get the segmentation fault whenever it tries to insert the first player.. however whenever i do this :

void MakeSquad(char type, string name, int coordX, int coordY, char dir, int squad)
GameSpace::MapSquadType MapOfSquads;​
MapOfSquads.insert(make_pair(name , Squad(squad)); // Squad( int ) just converts the int squad number to the Enum.

I do not get any errors or segmentation faults..

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C++ :: Segmentation Fault And Also Bad Initialization

Feb 25, 2012


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define FILEPATH "./input.txt"
#define FILEPATH2 "./copy.txt"

[Code] ....

The problem is probably the fact that I'm using the variable s in the wrong way, but as I'm very bad at C and C++, at least so far anyway, I've no clue what's wrong. Is it my size that I passed in the marked method?

Also, how do I tell it, later, once this starts to work, to pass the file name of the file it'll copy to as the first param and the file it reads from to the pipe as the second param?

I'm supposed to be reading from a file, and as I was given some code, but it's probably in C and not C++, even if it is, I'm still not that great at C++ either, but anyway, I'm to have the program read from the file and write to the pipe and have the child read from the pipe and write to the output file.

FileCopy copy.txt input.txt

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C++ :: Get 15 Names And Then Hash Them - Segmentation Fault

May 3, 2013

The point of this code is to get 15 names and then hash them. After one name is entered I get a segmentation Fault and the program crashes.

//driver file
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Argv To String Segmentation Fault?

May 29, 2013

I have this piece of code that causes segmentation fault:

Code: .... check argv[2] exists ....
std::string* op_file;
std::cout << "argv[2] is: " << argv[2] << std::endl;
op_file = new std::string(argv[2]);

The result I am getting is:

Code: argv[2] is: somefile.txt

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

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C :: Segmentation Fault In Header File?

Apr 26, 2013

I have written a small program for a class to convert decimal to binary and the program itself works, however, I am storing the binary bits in a stack that is in a header file (which I have used successfully before). It appears to push the bits to the stack just fine, however, when I use the printStack function I get a segmentation fault.

Here is the stack.h header file:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct stackNode {
int data;
struct stackNode *nextPtr;


And here is the main program that does the conversion:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "stack.h"
int binary (int x);
int main() {
int choice = 0;


One other thing of note, whenever I try to modify the printStack function, that function then seems to not work at all.

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C :: Segmentation Fault Could Not Find After Debugging

Apr 15, 2013

I want to know what was wrong with my code when I submitted. It's a Traveling Salesperson Problem, and the code is complete for the most part. I just can't seem to find what's causing the segmentation fault even after attempting to debug with gdb. Something is supposed to be wrong with line 76, but I don't see how my arrays are messing up. I've looked through this code countless times, and I know I'm just missing something small. I just don't want to end up making whatever mistake I made on this again in the future.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 20


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C :: Random Variable - Segmentation Fault

Feb 18, 2013

I am having trouble running the following code. I am getting a message segmentation fault (core dumped)


main() {

int iuser;
int irand;

[Code] .....

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C :: Memcpy Resulting In Segmentation Fault

Nov 6, 2013

Despite seeing the correct data in gdb when I

p *(DownloadFileChunkResponse.DownloadFileChunkResult)->__ptr@100

The following C code gives me a SEG FAULT

calloc(NewMediaChunk, ChunkSize);
memcpy((void *)NewMediaChunk,
*(DownloadFileChunkResponse.DownloadFileChunkResult)->__ptr, ChunkSize);

How I got this wrong. BTW The data I am attempting to memcpy is the frontend of an MP4 file containing a number of NULLS.

Code: 00000030ftypmp4200000000mp42mp410000 dfree

BTW ChunkSize is 64000

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C :: Segmentation Fault For Larger Values

Apr 11, 2013

On compilation the following program does not give any error and when i run this program then sometimes it gives the segmentation fault. Specially with the larger values. I made sure that the values i inputted are not crossing any range of data types i used. I cannot get what is making my code to give segmentation fault error.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()

[Code] ....

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C :: Sscanf Causing Segmentation Fault

May 30, 2014

I have a problem in my code and after hours of looking I really cannot find out what is the problem.I use scanf to to parse lines of a file, let me copy only the important part:


/*File read...everything is fine*/
int seq_1, seq_i2;
int len;
while(fgets(&line[strlen(line)], line_length, file)!= NULL) {


if (num_sc ==4) //the wanted format, do something So I am allocating all variables, and giving to sscanf pointers, so I really don't get where the segmentation fault appears.I checked with the debugger, the first line of the file is read, but at the second it crashes at the line of sscanf! The two lines don't have the format I want in sscanf but therefore I check if this number is 4 and then do other stuff to the data...

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C :: This Account ID Does Not Exist - Segmentation Fault

Apr 11, 2013

It is suppose to display the message "This Account ID does not exist" but why do I get "segmentation fault"??I was able to compile and run the program so it shouldn't be a problem of the compiler.


#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>
struct Account {
char* Account_ID;
char* Account_Type;
char* AccountOwner_FirstName;
char* AccountOwner_LastName;
float* Balance;


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C :: System Will Show Segmentation Fault

Mar 11, 2013

i'm writing a C code, can it can be compiled, however everytime I run this program, after I typed in the number the system will show Segmentation fault (core dumped).

Code is here
C code - 278 lines - codepad

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C :: Segmentation Fault -> Main Not Initializing

Mar 14, 2013

This program is compiling just fine but is not running. Even, Main is not initializing, Here is my code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int pow2(int n) {
int pow = 1;

[Code] ....

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C :: Segmentation Fault When Accessing Array

Aug 27, 2014

Write a program that reads in the names and the ages of ten people. Store these data in two arrays (make sure that the entered names are not longer than the array size you choose). Then produce a table of ten lines, with each line giving the name and age of a person along with the (positive or negative) deviation of that person's age from the average age. The code I wrote to fill in the arrays looks as follows

int main()
{ // begin main()
// array length


When I compile it, it gives me warnings that few of the variables I declared aren't used, but that is not affecting the program at all. When I run the program, it allows me to pass the names and ages into the arrays, but when it comes to displaying them, I'm getting a 'Segmentation fault'. I used very similar code in Java to write the program, and it worked fine so what is the problem with C then?

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C :: Char Array Segmentation Fault

Jun 4, 2013

i want to enter a URL in as a string, and extract just the URL part.

eg: Code: input: URL....

output: URL....

Input: URL....
output: URL....
part of our header file which we cannot edit (the url is always less than 140 characters):


char url[140];
function i am having problems with
Code: void init_url(char new_url[])
This function sets the variable url to new_url and url_size to the number of characters in the url
It also initializes url_error_flag


whenever i try a URL like the second one above with no '?' i'm getting a segmentation fault error which is becase i'm trying to access an invalid index. i'm not sure what an array is initialized to when i do not explicitly assign it anything, for example


char values[140] = {0};

i've read it depends on whether it is a global vs local array or something? i know this could all be fixed with simply assigning the array values to 0 but i'm not allowed to edit the header file.

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C++ :: Getting Segmentation Fault In Parser Code

Dec 23, 2014

For some reason when i put cout<<endl i'm getting segmentation faults in my Parser code. It's really weird some inputs of strings using cout is already faulting. However sometimes printf doesn't fault, but sometimes it will, it seems really unstable.

The court can basically be anywhere in the Parse(string) function, i have a cout at line 254 which faults.

Here is the code:

#include "Parser.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Parser::Parser() {

[Code] ....

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