C :: Seg Fault When Reading File Of Names Into Array

Jun 19, 2014

I am having trouble reading in a file of 10 names into an array. Ive already allocated the memory, I just keep getting a seg fault when I try and read in the names.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_STRING_LEN 25

void insert_data(char **strings, const char *filename, int size);
void allocate(char ***strings, int size);

[Code] ....

And then the list that I have to read in is as follows:

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C++ :: Reading Names In Array Separated By A Comma

Jul 7, 2013

I'm trying to read names separated by a comma using array.

For example, the expected input would look like the following:


I know you can use getline function and set the delimiter to comma. So like ....

getline(cin, lastName, ','); getline(cin, firstName);

But the program only read the last name and ignore the firstname.

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C :: Reading Text From A File And Trying To Set Names To Structs

Feb 5, 2013

I am reading text from a file and trying to set names to structs. Here is the input file

Quincy Richard Steven
Donna Elizabeth Francine
5 2 9
4 5 7
5 9 6
4 6 5
7 8 9
6 9 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_CHARS 20
// Structure that has 2 properties: name and scores.
struct person

[Code] ....

In the nested for-loop it should read in the name of each men and print it out, like so:

Code: Quincy Richard Steven

However it is printing out:

Code: QuincyRichardStevenDonnaElizabethFrancine

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C :: Reading File In But Receive Segmentation Fault

Sep 28, 2013

question regarding some segmentation fault I receive while running the code I have been working on. I am working on a card program and this is my input:

9D JH 7H JD 2S QS TD 2C 4H 5H AD 4D 5D
6D 4S 9S 5S 7S JS 8H 3D 8C 3S 4C 6S 9C
9C 6S 4C 3S 8C 3D 8H JS 7S 5S 9S 4S 6D
5D 4D AD 5H 4H 2C TD QS 2S JD 7H JH 9D

What I am trying to do is read in 52 cards name into array, set up the game and play it, when the game is done, I read the next 52 cards and play it again.

However, I encounter segmentation fault while running the program. Here is my code

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
#include "header.h"
extern FILE *open_file();


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C++ :: Get 15 Names And Then Hash Them - Segmentation Fault

May 3, 2013

The point of this code is to get 15 names and then hash them. After one name is entered I get a segmentation Fault and the program crashes.

//driver file
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

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C :: Array Of File Names

Feb 9, 2013

I am trying to create an array of file names such that when I want to open one of the files, who's name is given in the array, I can call that element of the array. My code for making the array is the following,

char file_name[40];
char *file_locations[N]; // array of N names (*)
for(ii=0; ii<=N-1; ii++){ // printing the names of all the files P1_8mag_1.txt - P1_8mag_N.txt
sprintf(file_name, "P1_8mag_%i.txt", ii+1);


The problem with this is that in the first step: all elements of the array "file_locations" are the name of the last file in the loop (in this case "P1_8mag_N.txt")What is wrong with this?

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C :: Reading From Stdin And Printing - Segmentation Fault

Mar 8, 2013

I'm writing a program that reads from stdin and prints it back out. I'm getting a bunch of garbage then a seg fault.


double numbers[256];
memset (numbers, 0, sizeof (numbers));
for (;;) {
double num = scanf ("%255lg", numbers);
if (num== EOF)
for (int i = 0; i < (int)sizeof (numbers); ++i) {
printf ("%g
", numbers[i]);

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Visual C++ :: Reading Into Array / 2d Array From Mixed Text File?

Jan 18, 2014

I know to read a strings into array and tables.. what is they are mixed up?? strings are just names ( 3 characters) and there are bunch of table.. the max size was set to 60

ex. text file

.... and so on

should i use a while loop?

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C :: Writing Array Into File And Reading Array From File

Apr 20, 2014

i've been trying to write array into file and read them into the same program again, but the output is all wrong.


int main()
FILE *fp;
char name[3][7];
int x;


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C/C++ :: Reading A File Into Array Then Reversing The Array

Jan 19, 2015

This is what I am supposed to be doing with this problem: Read the integer values in the file "numbers.dat" and display

* them in reverse order (that is, display the last number in the
* file first, the second-to-last second and so on). Use an array to
* store the values. It is safe to assume that the file contains no
* more than 100 values.

I have gotten far enough to read the file and display as an array, but it is displaying vertically rather than horizontally. So it is displaying 10 and a 1 on the first line then the 0 on the second line. Before I can work the reverse part out, I need it to display each number as 10 line 1 -235 line 2 so on and so forth.

This is my code so far:

void display_array_reversed() {
ifstream fin ("numbers.dat");
if (!fin){
cerr << "Error opening file" << endl;

[Code] .....

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C :: Reading From A File And 2D Array?

Apr 25, 2013

So if I have a file that has a list of scores and the name of the student, how am I going to read the scores and names, and print to output? For example, the text file will look like:

83 75 89 90 75 67 John Doe
67 92 78 64 88 95 Jane Waters
76 65 87 70 97 76 Billy Bob

And they'll be printed like that too.

I made a 2D array for the scores and names, and was able to scan the scores into the scoreArray, but I am stuck for the names. Do I use fscanf, fgets, etc? And how do I use these for a char array?

insert Code:
int main {
int scoreArray[NUM_ROW][NUM_COLUMN];
char nameArray[NUM_ROW][SIZE];
...........opened file, etc.

[ for (row=0; row<2; row++)
{ if(row>0)

[Code] ....

When I run this, I get the scores and names (somewhat) in a jumbled mess.....

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C++ :: Reading In TXT File To 2D Array?

Mar 27, 2013

My assignment is to read in from a .txt file two things: an integer and a string. After reading in these 2 items I have to put them into a 10x10 2D array so that both the number and the character can be manipulated by the user. Here are the contents of the text file:

Dr. J's Garden
0.21,B, 2.80,G, 4.96,B, 2.66,B, 4.48,B, 0.61,T, 0.40,B, 3.50,G, 3.63,B, 3.91,T,
2.33,T, 4.51,G, 1.15,G, 4.95,T, 2.76,T, 4.51,T, 2.54,G, 4.04,T, 2.38,B, 0.62,B,
4.54,G, 3.38,T, 1.57,T, 3.92,T, 3.03,B, 4.72,G, 0.23,B, 4.02,G, 4.69,G, 0.66,G,
1.34,T, 2.21,G, 2.48,G, 4.85,T, 3.25,G, 3.55,G, 4.78,B, 0.81,G, 0.74,G, 2.55,G,
3.35,G, 4.52,G, 4.81,G, 2.67,G, 4.97,B, 0.87,G, 1.28,G, 4.58,B, 1.91,B, 3.69,B,
3.02,T, 3.15,T, 1.08,T, 4.68,G, 1.10,B, 3.17,G, 1.97,T, 0.99,G, 4.50,T, 3.87,T,
3.36,G, 1.60,T, 3.73,G, 2.14,B, 3.68,B, 2.44,G, 3.10,G, 4.54,B, 0.25,B, 0.25,G,
1.79,B, 3.02,G, 2.21,T, 0.22,G, 3.67,B, 4.46,G, 2.14,G, 2.31,G, 0.80,T, 3.83,B,
1.56,B, 1.41,T, 0.80,G, 1.27,T, 0.08,B, 1.20,G, 2.88,B, 2.78,T, 3.30,B, 1.75,B,
2.60,G, 4.72,T, 4.55,T, 0.89,B, 0.52,B, 2.06,T, 0.28,G, 4.36,T, 4.41,G, 0.36,B,

One number and one character need to be assigned to each element of the array. I know exactly how to fill a 2D array when it's just numbers, but the characters and the commas are giving me a lot of trouble.

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C++ :: Reading File Into Array?

May 10, 2012

i'm reading a file which has 20 rows and random number of columns, i want to put them in array/vector which i did but the problem is that array is filling a cell with a garbage value at location where i don't have a value in the data file.

suppose i have data file like following (there is tab between each column and each row has different number of columns)

20 30 10
22 10 9 3 40
60 4
30 200 90
33 320 22
here is my code

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>


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C++ :: Reading A File Into Array Of Struct

Nov 20, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct inventory


This is my program output Enter the file name : "filename".txt ..... (Nothing shows up)

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C :: Reading A File Into Array Of Pointers?

Mar 24, 2013

why when I print out "array[2]" nothing prints? It just prints blank space. My file definitely has text in it, but when I try to assign "text" into the array of pointers it won't show any text. I know fgets() appends a newline at the end of the string, not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I've tried printing everything that should be in "array" with a for loop and I get nothing.

#include <stdio.h>
#define FILEPATH "/home/user/Desktop/text"
int main(){
FILE *myFile = fopen(FILEPATH, "r");
if(myFile == NULL) return 0;
char text[100];
char *array[100];
int idx = 0;
while(fgets(text, 100, myFile)){
array[idx++] = text;

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C :: Reading File To Array Of Structures

Jun 9, 2013

I have to write a program that reads from a text file, which contains a list of stock hourly prices and the company names. Something like this:

78.52 82.56 75.10 71.97 Water Company
22.40 25.68 21.37 22.96 Mega Shipping Inc

There's suppose to one array of companies, where each company will be kept in a structure that contains: a pointer for the name, an array of the prices, and the average price for the day. The structures will be kept in an array of structures.

My question is, how do I read the data from the file and put the data from each line into the next structure in the array of structures? I read the numbers in fine. I just use:

Code: fscanf(fp, "%f", &companyAry[i].hourlyPrices[j]);

But my program crashes when I try to read the name.

Code: fscanf(fp, "%[^]", &companyAry[i].companyName);

I'm thinking it has something to do with the fact the companyName is a pointer.

My structure looks like this:


typedef struct {
char *companyName;
float hourlyPrices[NUM_PRICES];
float avgPrice;

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C :: Reading Values From CSV File Into Array

Jan 21, 2014

My problem is that I need to take a csv or excel file with tens of thousands of datapoints, write all points in a section of column to an array, perform calculations on them, and then write it back into another column.

I've been looking all over the internet for ways to do this easily. So far I have not found anything that I can follow and implement.Some codes have been slightly useful, but they aren't commented in a way I can understand. How to write code to take, for instance, lines from column b between 500-1000, write them to an array, and write another array 500 characters in column c. If that code could be commented, I have tried a few different techniques (counting commas), but haven't gotten anything to work.

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C :: Reading Data Into 2D Array From A File

Apr 29, 2013

I'm having issues reading to a 2d array from a file. When I try to read the data from my file into my matrix variable it simply doesn't read anything and leaves the variable unmodified. I've tried just reading the first piece of data in the main function and it doesn't work there either. I'm really perplexed at this point since I've never had an issue reading from a file before. Here's my relevant code:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
double matrix[MINSIZE][MINSIZE]={0}, vectors[MAXSIZE][MINSIZE], ans[MAXSIZE][MINSIZE];
FILE * inFile;
inFile = fopen(FILENAME,"r");
printf("File does not exist.

[Code] .....

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C :: Storing A Value In Array From Reading In From A File

Sep 12, 2013

Is something like this possible and if not how can I make this work?

fscanf(in, "%d %d %d", &i, &x, &arr[i+x]);

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C++ :: Error Reading File Into Array

Feb 6, 2013

I am working in Eclipse, and it keeps giving me this error that I do not understand. In the fillTable function, "is >> kP[i]" Eclipse says: no match for 'operator>>' in 'is >> *(((TranslationTable<int, std::string>*)this)->TranslationTable<int, std::string>::kP + (+(((unsigned int)i) * 8u)))'.

#include "KeyValuePair.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>


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C++ :: Reading Int From Text File With 2D Array

Nov 3, 2014

Reading in a maze into a 2D array. The first two reads will give me the dimension of the maze(ex. m x n maze). So in order to create the 2D array i need the first two reads. Then after it is created it will read the rest of the data which are 1s and 0s. I have to create a program that will solve the maze but i cant test my movement code if i cant read in the data first. the entire program compiles but to test if i read the file i have a function to print it. But it says "There are: 0 rows and 0 columns " so it didn't read anything since rCount and cCount are initialized to 0. and basically the maze has nothing in it.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stack>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "position.h"

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Reading Strings From File To 2D Array?

Apr 27, 2013

I have a text file with scores and names.

I have to read the score into an array and the names into an arrays also

27,Tom Jefferson
23,Ozzie Osborne
18,Wilt Chamberlain
15,Marie Antoinette

I've gotten the score to display correctly, but i cant get the full names. My function only reads the first names

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C++ :: Reading From A File - Getting Empty Array?

Nov 30, 2013

I started making something for my class and the thing im getting stuck with is this function:

void ucitajOdgovore(string asocijacija[21]){
int brojac=0;
ifstream fajl;
string putanja;
/*srand(time(NULL)); int random=(rand() %5) +1;

[Code] ....

In the main, i pass real string array "asocijacije" in function which i use in it, and when i use it after this fun. i get an empty array. Its like it didnt happend and i cant see where i went wrong.

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C++ :: Reading A File Into Array Of Struct

Nov 21, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct inventory {
int barcode;
char description[512];

[Code] ....

This is my text file
Sugar packet (1 kg)
Milo 3-in-1
Salt (1kg)
Nescafe 3-in-1

This is my program output
Enter the file name : "filename".txt
..... (Nothing shows up)

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C++ :: Reading Lines From A File Into Array?

Sep 1, 2014

The first part of the exercise is to read the lines from a file placing each line into an array. I thought my code looked correct however nothing but garbage prints out. Here's my code.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>


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C# :: Reading A File Into A Byte Array?

Jun 25, 2014

I basically want to create a save editor application that will enable people to alter various values in the save by clicking on releveant buttons and then also for the editor to auto update the checksum when changes are done.

The save file is in hex so from what I can gather I would need to create a button to open the file using 'open file dialogue' and then read the file into a byte array so that the values can be called at any time when a particular butto is pressed and the application will then seek to the point in the file to make the required changes.

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