C :: Memory Overlap And Memcpy Function

Jul 21, 2013

int main(void) {
char str[20] = "HELLOSIR";
memcpy( str + 2 , str + 1 , 4 );
puts( str );
return 0;

If I have understood well the above code can be a typical example that decribes a memory overlap. Some of data to the destination (str + 2 ) will be copied before its copy.

Code: void *memcpy( void * restrict s1, const void * restrict s2, size_t n );

According to the above example I think there is no quarantee even the restrict to the pointer that we won't have overlap.It is legal to use the same pointer and not other in order to have access on the data.So for this the behaviour is not undefined right?

But how memcpy works? I mean I am taking

Code: HEELLOIR as output rather than
Code: HEEEEEIR So the behaviour due to overlap is undefined?

The const on const void * restrict s2 denotes that data can't change from s2 itself?

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C :: Two Array Overlap

Nov 27, 2013

For some reason my array is getting push over to other array. see the output. I couldnt figure out why it doing that.I have two functions and when output the array inside the function it fine. However, when I tried to output it through main() after I called the other function its overlap.


void setYearTotals (struct NameRecord records[], int size, int yearRangeTotal[]);
void setNameYearTotals (char theName[], struct NameRecord records[], int size, int nameTotal[]);
int main (){ char name[31];
char upstr[31];
FILE* fp;


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C :: Memcpy Between Void Pointers

Feb 13, 2014

I am trying to add data to a queue with the following simplified code:

typedef struct Queue {
void * data;
int head;
int tail;
int elementSize;

My question is, how do I move the queue->data pointer to the correct memory location in order to copy given data to head? The code above inside memcpy gives med the error: "expression must be a pointer to a complete object type".

Do I need an extra pointer to be able to navigate between the queue's head and tail, and keep queue->data as a reference to the first byte of the allocated memory, or is it possible with only queue->data?

Edit. Just noticed I have mixed up head and tail. The enqueued data should probably go to the Queue's tail and not the head. However, the problem is still the same.

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C++ :: Undefined Reference To Memcpy?

Apr 26, 2012

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/libstdc++.so: undefined reference to `memcpy@GLIBC_2.14'

Why is this happening and how do I fix it? I installed g++ with rpms, and all of the dependencies were handled.


I don't understand how memcpy can't be there, it's been standard for 40 years. And I'm not using memcpy in my code, it's likely coming from one of the STL containers I use.

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Visual C++ :: Memcpy Error In MFC

Jun 19, 2013

I load an image(768*256) using a file path(OpenImageFilePath).

After load an image, I start to read the loaded Image data using GetBits method and plot the same image data(768*256).

I'm using the memcpy method, for that i'm getting the below error. memmove function also giving the same error message.

File Name : memcopy.asm
rep movsd ;N - move all of our dwords

Code for your reference

void CDlg :: FileOpen() {
CFileException CFileEx;
CStdioFile ReadFile;
// szFilters is a text string that includes two file name filters:
TCHAR szFilters[]= _T("Image Files (*.bmp)");


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C :: Memcpy Resulting In Segmentation Fault

Nov 6, 2013

Despite seeing the correct data in gdb when I

p *(DownloadFileChunkResponse.DownloadFileChunkResult)->__ptr@100

The following C code gives me a SEG FAULT

calloc(NewMediaChunk, ChunkSize);
memcpy((void *)NewMediaChunk,
*(DownloadFileChunkResponse.DownloadFileChunkResult)->__ptr, ChunkSize);

How I got this wrong. BTW The data I am attempting to memcpy is the frontend of an MP4 file containing a number of NULLS.

Code: 00000030ftypmp4200000000mp42mp410000 dfree

BTW ChunkSize is 64000

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C++ :: Building Multicast Packet - Memcpy Casting

Aug 19, 2014

I am just getting back in to C++ after 10 years not doing any, contributing to an open source project. I'm adding in some functionality and am hitting a road block.

I need to send a multicast packet out on the network that is structured in a certain way. I have the definition, and know what data is going in each byte. I can successfully send a message using multicast, I now just need to send the right message.

I have used a char array to hold the message, as each char represents 1 byte, and I can transmit the array.

I am having trouble putting all of the data in the right place though. If my source data is a string, then I seem to be able to convert it, but if it is a short or int, then I keep getting errors when compiling. Similarly, two of the lines, (version and type) i initially tried using char arrays with a length of one.

Should I be using memcpy or a different function, or even be doing this in a totally different way altogether? This is the code that I am using, along with the packet structure:

//Construct a Zone Query packet
// 4 bytes - Signature "Ohz " = 0x6f, 0x68, 0x7a, 0x20
// 1 bytes - Version = 1
// 1 bytes - Type (0 = Zone Query, 1 = Zone Uri)
// 2 bytes - Entire message length = 12 + zone length
// 4 bytes - Length in bytes of the zone ID
// n bytes - Zone ID to query

[Code] ....

The errors that I get are:

error: invalid conversion from ‘short int’ to ‘const void*’ [-fpermissive]
memcpy(buffer + 6, packetLength, sizeof(packetLength));
[Code] ....

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C :: Function That Allows To Allocate Memory To Variable

Nov 8, 2013

I am trying to make a function that allows me to allocate memory to a "mem" variable and setting each of its chunk's status to FREE. FREE is defined as 0. Below is my code of the function.


int allocate(mem *mm, int num_chunks, int chunk_size) {
int i;
mem *temp;
if((mm = (mem *) malloc((num_chunks + 1) * chunk_size)) == NULL){
perror("Failed to Malloc


mem; If my function works the way it should, it should print out five 0 because that is how I set them in the function, but this is not the case. I've looked at my function for 2 hours, but I could not figure out any logical error. Now, I think my problem lies with my limited knowledge of pointer arithmetic. On the other hand, when I insert 1000 as the second argument into my function, it gives seg faults, which is not the case for smaller values like 5, 10, 15, etc.

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C :: Malloc Memory Freed When Function Exits?

May 16, 2014

does memory reserved by malloc() get freed when the function it is called in finishes?

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C :: Cycling Through Memory To Print String With And Without Function

Feb 10, 2014

Anyways, I have a problem where I'm trying to cycle through memory via pointers to print a string. Here is my code:


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
char word[]="hello there";


This seems to effectively portray what I want

How do I print a string using the same method for(;*pointer!='/0';pointer++) without a function?

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C++ :: Allocate Memory In A Function And Call From Main

Aug 30, 2013

So my assignment is to create a program that calls for a function in main that dynamically allocates an array[3] and then have pointers with multiple levels of indirection and pass them by reference so they are not lost after the function. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>


Next part is to ask user for two non-negative numbers and then get the length of those numbers and create an array. for the size of each number they input. Then to separate those numbers and add the cross-sums.

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C++ :: Segmentation Fault - Memory Error When Looping Over Function?

Mar 24, 2014

It is been several days that I am stucked with the segmentation error and I do not know anymore what to do I try to do a loop over my function but it is working only for my first iteration. Here the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>


I would like to iterate over solvep (since h is changing at each iteration..I usually add other fct but now I try to debug why the loop is not working.).The first iteration is working fine but not the other iterations.

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C++ :: Virtual Function Table Pointer Misplaced In Object Memory

Jul 29, 2014

I have found that when I dump a C++ object from memory to a file - it seems that there is a misplacement of the last Virtual-Function-Table pointer - in that appears at the beginning. The result is that the gdump information based on this object dump (using green hills) is incorrect. I copied the contents of the gdump information below. The executable is compiled in linux.

Basically MEIO::CameraStatus contains an item that relates to its parent class (line 188). Then it has 18 items that are all Diagnostics::EventsCounter items. Now for each Diagnostics::EventsCounter item there is a Virtual-Function-Table Info Pointer as its last item. All is fine and good except that the last item of MEIO::CameraStatus which is _selfReset is missing its last item of 4 bytes (which is the Virtual-Function-Table Info Pointer ). On the other hand - right before the first Diagnostics::EventsCounter item ("_vidErrors") - there is an extra 4 bytes which happens to be the Virtual-Function-Table Info Pointer. As I said the gdump information file does not see this.

Why the object memory "moves" the last Virtual-Function-Table Info Pointer to the beginning (right before _vidErrors) and is there a way to "fix" this?

"MEIO::CameraStatus" val:0x000002f0 ind208,-1) Struct-Begin Info
188: "" offset 0, Parent-Class Private Info C++ Struct ref = 114
189: "_vidErrors" offset 160, Member Info C++ Struct ref = 128
190: "_vdiErrors" offset 480, Member Info C++ Struct ref = 128

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Memory And Int Not Being Declared

Mar 19, 2013

I had a quick question regarding a program I am trying to complete. I have the basics worked out, and everything seems to be done, but I am running into two issues.

1= The program keeps telling me "Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'order' is being used without being initialized."
2= When I reach my output screen I receive "Unhandled exception at 0x7751c41f in CISC 192 Project 3.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std:Out_of_range at memory location 0x002eefb8.."

While the first one isn't necessarily a deal breaker the second one definitely is.

// Bookstore Project 3.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// Declarations
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <istream>

[Code] ....

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C++ :: GMP Library Memory

May 11, 2013

I'm trying out the gmp library by building a simple pi calculation program (original, I know!). On a million digits of Pi I've debugged the program and seem to have about a megabyte too much of memory at the end of the program (I start with around 250k before any allocation begins and end at around 1200).

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//set a//
int digitsofpi =1000000;
mpf_set_default_prec(log2(10) *digitsofpi );

mpf_t a;
mpf_init (a);
mpf_set_ui (a,1);


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C/C++ :: How To Run A Process From Memory

Mar 8, 2013

I am looking for a way to run a process form memory, without having any executable. The application will be kept inside a resource and will be extracted during run time. It should be then started as a new process. I couldn't find a solution that works also on x64

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C++ :: How Much Memory Allocated

Nov 6, 2014

We have a proprietary third-party library that we make calls into via an API. Through a series of API calls, this library manipulates specific sets of data. Prior to making these calls, there are some API calls that are necessary in order to initialize the library in preparation for a specific set of data. One of the calls tells the library to allocate some memory and then perform whatever initialization is required. This particular API call returns a pointer to char (char*) that is later used as an argument for a few other API calls. My question is... Is there a way, or maybe some kind of trick, to tell exactly how much memory was allocated? It doesn't matter whether or not the solution (if there is one) is C++ related, or some series of OS commands. FYI: We're running on Redhat Linux 6.2 and using GNU C++ 4.4.6.

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C :: Manipulating Data In Memory

Jan 31, 2015

So, it seems I have a bug in my code:


char *mem = malloc(9), *bottom = malloc(3), *in = "abc";
int position = 2, i;
mem = "onetwo";
printf("OLD mem = %s
", mem);


What I'm trying to do is insert "abc" in the 3rd position of "onetwo". Results would be "oneabctwo", but all I get is crashing.

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C :: Reading RAM Memory Directly

Mar 27, 2014

Is there any way to read RAM memory directly. For say i want to access memory location 0x0100 to 0x120. How to do that. how to declare the variable, is it unsigned int. what is the type of read values it hex or ascii. how t cast it.

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C :: Dynamic Memory Allocation

Jul 14, 2013

I have declared a global variable as pointer. The program performs certain number of iterations. After every iteration, the size of memory required for the pointer changes and this pointer variable is to be accessed by different functions. Now, here is my doubt:If I allocate the memory for this global variable in a function, will the contents of the memory be lost once I exit that function. In my opinion, it should not be the case as the dynamic memory allocation takes place in "heap" and should not be affected by the call of functions.

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C :: Malloc Memory Allocation?

Oct 17, 2014

int *p, ar[100];
p = (int *)malloc(sizeof ar);

.. *p is a pointer variable, but what means another * here --> (int *)?

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C :: Dynamically Allocating Memory?

Sep 18, 2013

I have created a database for music cds:


#define array
typedef struct cd_database


When I am using malloc instead of arrays the code is not working properly after exit. I have tried alot but can't came up with a way

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C :: Error Allocating Memory

Jun 1, 2014


# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <malloc.h>


I am compiling it on a 64 BIT ubuntu machine having 64GB ram using gcc 4.6 compiler. I am getting the following output Error allocating memory. But (914*866*2724) is approximately 8 GB, Whats wrong with the code?

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C :: Use Realloc To Extend The Memory?

Feb 24, 2013

I need to use realloc to extend the memory when it goes out of bounds but I am not getting a correct output.

this is how i am trying to realloc


if(strlen(theString) - strlen(searchFor) + strlen(replace) >= size -1) {
size += 80;
// theString = strcpy(theString,theString);


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C++ :: Dynamic Memory Errors

Feb 15, 2013

I am new to C++ language and I am still learning.I'm doing basic stuff to better understand dynamic memory. I was wondering why I keep getting memory issues.*/

#define SIZE 15
class word {
char* str;


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C++ :: How To Allocate Memory When It Comes To Using Templates

Oct 25, 2013

I'm currently learning templates -- & my logic is in a knot with what I am trying to do which is the following:

-Create a function name load
-Accepts a filename (the filename is a text file of integers)
-Open the file
-Create an array(dynamically allocating an array) filling it with the elements read in from the file & returns the array(so that the return type of the array is a pointer to the element type of the array).

//Header file:
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
void load(std::string filename, T *&arr, int *size);


how to allocate memory when it comes to using templates..

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