How to to interface my digital camera or webcam with the c++ so that the camera can capture continuously when the camera or webcam detect a badminton shuttlecock. I am using Dev C++.
I'm making my view follow around my players ship, so it is always in the center, however at any angle other than 0/90/180/270 the player sprite starts shaking, more so when speed is increased and when the angle is closer to 45/135/225/315
I'm using SFML2, I would take a screenshot but it only captures one frame, which doesn't actually show it shaking.
Still working with SDL2 and c++ my map collision is messed up since I implemented my Camera.
I do understand that everything has a relative Position on the Screen, depending on the camera.
Problem No. 1: The camera is not moving as fast as the Player, despite having the absolutly same velocity (4/-4)??? How can this be O_o
Problem No. 2: My tile collision is totally messed now. Probably its because of the difference between the Player Position and the camera :/ So if you can solve Problem no. 1, Problem number 2 might work out on its own :)
How to print a year like DIGITAL CLOCK NUMBER for any input four digit number ...
For example if input 1000 the output should be 1000 but each number should look like this in the block form for example number 0 is, don't mind those stars, i did not know to print it here, that is number zero ...
The above code is all I have so far. I got confused when I got to the part where my book on C tells me I need to use the cvCalcOpticalFlowFarneback() function to compare 2 consecutive images from the webcam and create the optical flow, and then measure movement between the frames to detect whether or not a person is moving through the room. How to do this, and the OpenCV wiki wasn't very descriptive on how to set it up for beginners. Honestly, the parameters just confused me and I didn't see a return value listed, or how you would get data from it.
I am trying to switch between 2 states, and the event that determines which state i am in is based on the key i've pressed. So in this case i want the webcam to start automatically, and when key is pressed it then turns it off. The way I've done it is like this :
bool webcam_on() { int c = 0; VideoCapture cap(0); if ( !cap.isOpened() ) // if not success, exit program
[Code] .....
The problem with this method is that cin.get() blocks the video stream.. I wanted something that the webcam turned on until i press some key, which would trigger the release.. How can this be done?
I am doing a project, which requires me to create a program which would calibrate the camera. The code is below.
#include<opencvcv.h> #include<opencvhighgui.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<vector> using namespace cv; int main() { int numBoards = 0;
I plan on creating a desktop application that utilizes external hardware such as cameras and scanners and captures pictures and scans for use within the application. Is using straight C++ the way to go, or would a mixture between C++ and C# be beneficial? (I heard they can be used in conjunction but is it more hassle than benefit?)
Is GUI development any better in one language over the other? I am hoping to be able to choose a language with less installation requirements for the end user.
I understand that certain requirements are placed on the end users computer depending on what you are developing with (I would be using Visual Studio 2012).
I want to write a program that is going to turn on my webcam and then display whatever the webcam is pointing at on the app. But I am more interested in knowing how I can get a video recording as input from the webcam to one of the program functions, because I suppose that is what should happen.