C++ :: How To Install High Precision Arithmetic Library

Jan 12, 2013

One of my programs I recently created, needs higher precision then what doubles can provide. So I am wondering how I install a library like this [URL] .... I don't quite understand exactly how to install them. Im using visual studio 2012 ultimate right now!

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C :: How To Install GMP Library

Feb 19, 2013

How do you install the gmp library.How do you use it?

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C++ :: How To Do Precision With Ostrstream

Jul 25, 2013

Setting precision for the float value .. E.g..

ostrstream out;
float fvalue = 2.7889
out << fvalue;

if I take the value of out.str() i should be able to get 2.78 only.

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C++ :: Set Precision With Floating Point Numbers?

Feb 25, 2014

I'm displaying a table of floating point numbers with setprecision(5). If the number is "1.25" it will display "1.2500" which is what I want. However, if the number is "0.25" it will display "0.25000"

How can I make numbers with a base number of zero display properly?

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C :: Convert Floating Point Scientific Precision

Mar 31, 2014

Can we change the floating point number format from scientific format to below example format ?

2.06374E-03 ---> 206370-8
-4.30311E-01 ---> -.430310
-4.28146E-04 ---> -42815-8

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C :: Getting Correct Float Value Without Having To Write In Width / Precision

Jul 16, 2014

I have this

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
float number1, number2;
printf("Enter two numbers separated by a comma ");
scanf("%f,%f", &number1, &number2);

[Code] ....

When it prints the values, it prints them as I want. the problem is, what happens when someone puts in values with different width and precision? Here I had to write in the width and precision to display the values that are specified in the book. but what happens when someone puts in something that doesn't have those width/precision?

I end up with a lot of zeros after the number. initially I got 24.000000 (zeros are not accurate amount) I needed to show just 24. (with the decimal)

So I included %2.0f which gave me 24 (without the decimal point) what if some one put in 24.556. I got 25 as a result.

Does the width mean how many numbers in total including the decimal point and that is a minimum?

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C++ :: Polynomial Coefficients Are Memorialized In Field Of Real Double Precision Numbers

Mar 19, 2013

I am starting to learn C++.Designing class CPolynom to work with polynomials. The polynomial coefficients are memorialized in the field of real double precision numbers. Implement the following functions:

-Constructor, which defines the order of the polynomial CPolynom(int order)
-method to add the appropriate grade Coef(int exp, duble coef)
-method of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division two polynomials
-method to add a field coefficient
-method for nala

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C/C++ :: Download And Install Gcc Compiler?

Jul 20, 2014

how to download and install gcc compiler?

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C++ :: Install CPP Unit In Solaris?

Apr 3, 2013

How to Install CPPUnit in Solaris? I don't have gcc in Solaris and all the packages I have downloaded for CPPUnit needs gcc to be compiled.

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C# :: How To Install File One By One In Folder

Aug 23, 2014

i get the name of file upon every OK click in the list of array.

i want the file name to be written in command prompt to install the file like

C:WindowsSystem32msiexec.exe filename.exe /quiet

fi is array representing the files

following is a code ..

foreach (FileInfo fiTemp in fi)
p2.StandardInput.Write("msiexec.exe ");

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C Sharp :: Unable To Get Service To Install?

Oct 17, 2014

I am trying to get my service to install into services but it will not. When I go to the command line and run the InstallUtil.exe service.exe it fails miserably. This is what I get on my console:

The Install phase completed successfully, and the Commit phase is beginning.

See the contents of the log file for the C:publish codeImportImport. exe assembly's progress.

The file is located at C:publish codeImportImport.InstallLog.

Committing assembly 'C:publish codeImportImport.exe'.

Affected parameters are:

   logtoconsole = true
   logfile = C:publish codeImportImport.InstallLog
   assemblypath = C:publish codeImportImport.exe

No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be found in the C: publish codeImportImport.exe assembly.

Remove InstallState file because there are no installers.  

The Commit phase completed successfully.  

The transacted install has completed.enter code here    

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C++ :: How To Install Glew For Code Blocks On Windows Vista

Apr 29, 2013

I downloaded glew 1.9.0 files and dragged the lib, include, and bin of the glew into the mingw folder within Code Blocks. I don't know if this is the right thing to do I don't understand how this stuff works. Anyway, I tried to compile my openGL 3.0 program that uses glew and I got this error: The procedure entry point _glewBindArray could not be located in the dynamic link library glew32.dll, How do I install glew properly?

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C# :: Programmatically Install / Remove INF Driver Through Button Event

May 14, 2014

How to install/remove an INF driver though a button click event. So far I have some code for installing the driver, however it doesn't work.

private void installDriversToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (SetupCopyOEMInf("./PS3MCADriver/PS3_Memory_Card_Adaptor.inf", null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0, null)) {
foreach (string device in devices) {
UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices(IntPtr.Zero, device, "./PS3MCADriver/PS3_Memory_Card_Adaptor.inf", 0, false);

[Code] .....

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C# :: Nickname Won't Appear On High Score

Mar 28, 2015

I've made a game and a dialogbox to show up asking to enter a nickname.

The problem is After entering the nickname, it won't show on the highscore list below (textbox)

Where can the problem be? Below is my code:

private void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (txtName.Text != "") {
Settings.Name = txtName.Text.ToString();

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: How To Add Local Database In Install Shield Limited Edition

Nov 26, 2014

I have small Project In Vs 2013.i have to deploy it.but i did through Installshield. Project is working same PC but when i try to deploy another PC i cannot loin in to my project.it seems to me that i didn't add database .

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C++ :: Installed Cygwin - Mingw Install Required In Order To Use DirectX?

Jan 20, 2014

Goal: I want to use cygwin g++ to write DirectX applications.

I know that one of the mingw packages contain directx libraries.

Now that I have installed cygwin, can I use directx also?

BTW, does netbeans open a mingw project using cygwin tool chain?

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C++ :: How To Declare High Order Vectors

Sep 21, 2013

I suspect that C++11 would make it possible to declare high rank vectors such as Code: int N = 15; // chosen arbitrary rank vector<vector<vector<...<vector<double>>>>..> vec; // N layers of nested vectors Is there a way to declare such a vector of rank N (given a fixed integer rank N)?

Heuristically I would like to write the declaration like this: Code:

vector<double> A;
vector<A> vec[0];
for(int i=1; i<N; i++)
vector<vec[i-1]> vec[i];
} Is there a way to use the new variadic templates to make this work?

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C :: Using Variable Names When Calling MC PIN High Or Low

Feb 9, 2013

I haven't tried to run my program yet, but maybe I will save some trouble if I ask this question first.I am using MC PIC16F690, and I could make a pin high or low by writing RCx = 1 or 0, where x is the pin in the C port. However, I want to use the counter variable from a for() loop as the pin number. Will RC(variablename) = 1 work, or is there another syntax?

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C++ :: Calculating High / Low And Average For Grades

Feb 6, 2015

The bottom three functions do not work. Nor are the finished to the extent. I do not know how the data members are being accessed and is only giving me the last output. The overall goal of this program is to output the highest grade with student name and age, lowest grade with student name and age, and the average of all grades. The file is given and is commented out for you to see what the file looks like.

// Header Files
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Global Constants
const int STD_STR_LEN = 10;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: CPP High Frequency Trading

Jul 15, 2014

I have taken a keen interest in writing trading programs. I have some Python background, a little C# but no C++.

The example below was provided in a book on HFT and I would love to see how the results look. I was hoping that I would just compile it and away you go!

That didn't happen. To start with the author listed this as a function, so I converted it to a main program. Still having issues with my path and where to see the output. Here it is..


void HFT_AvellanedaStoikov() {
FILE* fin, *fout;
double lambda_a, lambda_b, d_lambda_a, d_lambda_b;
int hh = 0, mm = 0, ss, nb = 0, na = 0, prevnb = 0, prevna = 0, prevm = 0;
double bid, ask, prevbid = 0, prevask = 0;
char * p1, *p2, buffer[1024], fname[512];

[Code] .....

Here is some data:

14 49 24.37 24.38
14 49 24.37 24.38
14 49 24.37 24.38
14 49 24.37 24.38
.... and so on ....

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Visual C++ :: Deployment (install) Project Built Fails To Replace DLLs

Oct 15, 2013

I have a few VC2008 projects whose solutions also includes deployment projects, in which the primary output of several DLLs are included along with the primary apps EXE file. These DLLs are all part of the solution. Now because of the way I do my DLLs, which for lack of better phrase I'll call a true DYNAMIC link (the .LIB file can be discarded), and because I'm careful to ensure full backward compatibility in any new DLL versions, I would like to tell my deployment project to ALWAYS replace existing DLLS with the new versions, or at least offer a choice if it shouldn't be done unconditionally. Unfortunately it never seems to do that!

I'm being careful to create new overall project versions within the deployment project itself, as well as keeping my version resources, attached to each DLL up to date, and always do a full rebuild of everything in the solution (including the DLLs) prior to building the deployment project. But time and again the old DLLs stay un-updated after the install, and the person running it would have no way to know that without examining the target directories and examining file dates and/or versions. A customer shouldn't have to go through all that. I've gotten into the habit of instructing installers to fully un-install old versions before installing a new one, but as you probably know uninstalling from the control panel won't remove shared DLLs.

I was starting to think maybe the latest DLLs weren't being included in the deployment project at all. But if I manually delete those DLLS and do the install, the latest greatest are then always placed.

If I can't find a setting in the deployment project to change this behavior, I'll have to write a separate little console app to force delete (or at least archive) all the relevant DLLs as a pre-installation step. Or maybe supply a BATCH file to do all that, and run the install last. But it seems like a reasonable thing that a setting to make a deployment (MSI) file unconditionally overwrite DLLS, whose version or creation date is newer, ought to be an obvious feature. But if such an option exists, I've missed it completely.

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C++ :: Structures - Keeping High Scores Of Users

Jun 1, 2013

Write a program that allows a user to enter high scores of a game, keeping tracking of the name of the user and the score. Add the ability to show the highest score for each user, all scores for a particular user, all scores from all users, and the list of users.

This is the program I am trying to write, however I am having difficulty storing the users name and high score, I know I need to store an array for the score but getting confused because of the structure. (By the way I have to use structures as it is a problem from the structures chapter of the ebook I am doing). Below is my code so far. .


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct highScore
string user;
int score;
int highestScore;
int allScores;


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C++ :: QLabels And High Speed Updating Causes Crash

Jun 26, 2014

On a project I'm working on, I need to update many QLabels very quickly. Each label needs to be updated at about 20 to 50 hertz and there can be over 50 labels at any given time. The problem I'm having is after running the program for about a minute, the labels freeze and the whole program crashes about 10 seconds later. If I comment out the setText() and setNum() calls and reroute the outputs to the console, it runs fine and never crashes. Why does calling SetText() and setNum() so quickly cause the program to crash and how can I prevent this?

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C# :: High RAM Usage On Postback Caused By Datatable

Dec 23, 2014

I basically have a listbox that has postcode areas i.e : AE,CW,GU etc etc.

The user selects this and then a postback occurs - an sql statement is builts and a database query operation is performed and the results are returned to a datatable called tempdata.

So far so good. I then need to loop through this datatable and copy the records to my main viewstate datatable which is the datasource for google maps api.

DataTable tempstore = GetData(querystring, "");
//check tempstore has rows otherwise add defaultcust as default otherwise map will be blank
if (tempstore.Rows.Count == 0)


So my main datatable can grow and grow as users add more postcodes. However when it gets to around 500 rows or so I get a huge memory spike only on postback and then it settles back down.

My ram usage goes from 2gb to 3gb and if even more postcodes is selected it maxes the memory and crashes my pc.

If I remove the:


the memory spike goes completely, obviously because the main datatable has no rows. I thought you only run into memory issues when you have thousands of rows?

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C++ :: Create Symbol Table For High Level Language?

Jan 21, 2013

How to create a symbol table for an assembly language and high level language in c++?

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C# :: Generate Prime Numbers With Considerably High Upper Limit?

Aug 30, 2014

I was investigating for the first time how to generate prime numbers with a considerably high upper limit, around 10^6 or so. I read about sieve's algorithm and tried to implement it using c#, as I had previously brute forced the generation. In Sieve's algorithm, instead of marking the values that were not prime I simply eliminated them, but I don't think that would make any difference. The issue is that my implementation of sieve's algorithm must be wrong, as when I establish the limit as 10^5 I get the following output:

Brute force:
Computation time: 00:00:00.0643539
Sieve's algorithm:
Computation time: 00:00:20:6934223

I have already checked that their generation of primes is correct, but I do not know why one is significantly slower than the other. Here is my code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;


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