C++ :: Gather All Input Data And Write To A File

Dec 13, 2014

I'm trying to use a function to gather all inputted data and write that data to a file. I'm having trouble getting it to work.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int totalExpenses(double[], double, string, int);
int totalIncome(double);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Input Data From File / Write Data To File

Mar 8, 2013

Ben has been administering a MBTI personality test. Now he has all the responses, but the task of scoring and compiling results seems daunting. The personality test* is a series of 70 questions for which the available responses are ‘A’ and ‘B’. Based upon the answers to the 70 questions, a personality profile is determined, categorizing the degree to which the responses place the person on four scales:

Extrovert vs. Introvert (E/I)
Sensation vs. iNtuition (S/N)
Thinking vs. Feeling (T/F)
Judging vs. Perceiving (J/P).

Each of the 70 questions relates to one of the four scales, with an ‘A’ response indicating the first of the corresponding pair (E, S, T, or J) and a ‘B’ indicating the second (I, N, F, or P). For instance, an ‘A’ response on the question: At a party do you:

A. Interact with many, including strangers
B. Interact with a few, known to you indicates an Extrovert rather than an Introvert; just the opposite for a ‘B’.

For this test, each question is designed to influence one of the four scales as follows:
questions 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 … are used to determine E/I,
questions 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 … and 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 … to determine S/N,
questions 4, 11, 18, 25, 32 … and 5, 12, 19, 26, 33 … to determine T/F, and
questions 6, 13, 20, 27, 34 … and 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 … to determine J/P.
Notice these come in sequences of “every 7th” question.

The goal of the test is to determine which end of each of the four scales a person leans, and to thus classify him/her based on those leanings (e.g., as ENFJ, INTJ, etc.). Since Ben would also like an indication of how strongly the test taker fell into each of the four, the program should print the percentage of ‘A’ responses for that scale.

Input for this program should come from a file responses.txt. The first line of the file will contain a single integer, n, indicating the number of test results to follow. Each of the following n lines will contain the first name of the test taker, a single blank, his/her last name, a single blank, then the 70 responses he/she gave on the test. Although the test instructions indicate that the results are most valid when all questions are answered, sometimes respondents leave questions blank. In that case, a dash appears at the corresponding place in the list of responses.

Output for the program should be written to the file types.txt. It should include a well-formatted report listing, for each test taker, his/her name, the percentage of ‘A’ responses in each scale, and the resulting personality type. A tie within a scale should result in a dash (‘-‘) for that part of the personality type.

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C++ :: Gather Input From User And Encrypt / Decrypt Those Characters?

Jan 5, 2015

I have got to create a program that will gather input from the user and then encrypt & decrypt those characters.

I'm not very confident at coding so I'm sure many parts of my code are written poorly and not following the best practice so I have written a simple version of an algorithm where the program simply adds/subtracts a value of 2 to/from the ASCII values but I have discovered the use of the rand() and srand functions but I'm unsure how to go about using them within both my encrypt and decrypt function as a single value (static variable?).

Here is my code in its entirety at the moment.

#include <iostream >
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
char getMenuSelection (char m);
void encrypt (char key[]);
void decrypt (char code[]);


This code currently doesn't execute due to ' undefined reference to 'encrypt(char*) '


I am asking how to generate the random number and incorporate this into my encrypt and decrypt functions.

1. Would the use of a static or global variable make this work as is?

2. Would I need to create separate class files for both functions?

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C :: Binary File Write By User Input Then Printing Binary File Data Out

Dec 6, 2013

Following is the program I wrote it basically takes 9 inputs and then save them into binary file. then print out the data stored in binary data and find inverse of it then print the inverse out. but its stuck in a loop somewhere.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a[3][3],i,j;
float determinant=0;
int x;
FILE *fp = fopen ("file.bin", "wb");

[Code] .....

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C :: File Operations - Fwrite Padding Extra Data In File Compare To Data Provided As Input

Oct 28, 2014

I am trying to write my files to another subfolder . Below is my program.

cat th6.c
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SIZE 8
#define NUMELM 8

[Code] ....

I observe my filename along with directory as text in the new file created in sublfolder. This is output.

[cporgs/apue/threads]: mkdir first
[cporgs/apue/threads]: ./a.out test.txt first
test.txt -- first/test.txt
in thread test.txt first
[cporgs/apue/threads]: cat first/test.txt
[cporgs/apue/threads]: cat test.txt

I could not able to get from where this filename and folder is getting added.

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C :: Program To Calculate Students Grades From Input File And Write To Output File

Aug 29, 2014

One of my class assignments is to create a program that receive a .txt file containing a students name and their grades as follows:

John K. 99, 87, 57, 89, 90, 95
Amanda B. Jones 100, 88, 76, 99, 86, 92

The number of students is unknown until run time. You have to take those grades and average them weighing the first (4) at 10% a piece and the last (2) at 30% each.

Then return an output file with the students name and their letter grade A,B,C,D,F based on their computed score. In addition, on screen it needs to display the average scores for each Q1, Q2, etc. as well as the minimum and maximum for each test on the screen. I am having a hard time in assigning the scores to a variable so that they can then be computed as an average and then used to determine a letter grade. I have begun to write the code and am a bit stuck..here's what I have so far:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>


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C++ :: Decompress Input File And Write Results Into Output File?

Jul 8, 2013

how do i decompress an input file and write the results into an output file?

also my do while loop is supposed to keep going unless the user selects the option to exit the program, instead it exits after finishing ay of the options.

here's my code so far...

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>


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C++ :: Write A Program That Will Read Names From Input File

Apr 24, 2014

I have a lab with the following instructions:

Manually create an input text file called Lab22BInput.txt with the following data:


Write a program that will read the names from the input file. Print out each of the names read to the screen. The program should go through the list of names and determine which comes 1st in the alphabet. The program should determine how many letters are in this name. Print out the name that comes first in the alphabet and the length of the name.

I have created the input file, and the data correctly outputs to the screen when I run the program. However, I do not know what kind of logic to use to sort them alphabetically and determine the amounts of characters.

So far I have the following:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string str1, str2, str3, str4, str5;


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C++ :: Write Program For Class That Reads From Input File?

Mar 7, 2013

I am trying to write a program for class that reads from an input file the month, year & total collected. I am using notepad for the input file.

This is what the notepad file looks like
March 2013 63924.62

Why does it give me random numbers in the output rather than what the notepad has?

Also, the outfile is completely blank.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>


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C/C++ :: Application Which Reads Input From Server And Write To A File

May 6, 2014

Currently I'm working on a application which reads the input from the server and write to a file. Message stored in server : idle_message="维杰PC时钟" key_prompt="在按键"

Server will send a xml reply with encode type as "UTF-8". In my code I'm store in a char array. [ char * ch = "idle_message="缁存澃PC鏃堕挓" key_prompt="鍦ㄦ寜閿" msg came from server and copied from vs2005 watch point] After this I'm writing the same to a file in my desk using the API WriteFile. When i open the file in Editplus below is the content.

idle_message="维杰PC时钟" key_prompt="在按键" Again I'm trying to read the file and storing into the char array. Below is the content viewed by the watchpoint in VS2005.

idle_message="缁存澃PC鏃堕挓" key_prompt="鍦ㄦ寜閿? I'm trying to find the starting and ending chinese char and I'm converting that char to wchar_t using the API mcstowcs() for display, its coming as completely junk chars.

I can able to every place the chinese char are different. how to overcome this problem.

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C++ :: Program Which Takes Input From User And Write It To A File

Jan 15, 2013

A program which takes input from user and write it to a file then it reads data from that file then it should search for specific data such as email adresses or url etc.

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C++ :: Data Input Into A Text File While Not Deleting Original Data

Apr 19, 2013

I want to input data into text file while not deleting the original data in the file and I use something as

ofstream writefile;
if (writefile.is_open()) {
for(j=0; j<N; j++) {

[Code] ....

But this will delete the original data.

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C++ :: Write A Program That Reads Data From A File?

Feb 26, 2013

Write a program that reads data from a file (use the attached data file). These data are a student name and 3 test scores. The program should calculate the average of the 3 test scores, and display the name, 3 test scores, and the average to the monitor.

Useful tips:
a) Include the following header files: iostream, fstream, iomanip, and string
b) The name of the data file is “datafile.txt”, you need to save the file in the same folder of the source file.
c) use the manipulators (setw, setprecision, setfill, showpoint, fixed) to format the average with 1 digits after decimal point as following.
d) Use character ‘ ’ for tab.

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C/C++ :: Write A Program That Reads Four Float Numbers From The Input Text File

Apr 3, 2015

I need to write a program that reads four float numbers from the input.txt file, then it prints out the greatest of the four numbers into the output.txt file. I did everything, but the numbers don't print out.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
float number1, number2, number3, number4;


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C++ :: Multiple Of CSV File Used As Input / Extracting Data To A Output File - Getline Function

Jun 4, 2013

I have written a C++ program I have multiple of CSV file used as input, which I open one at a time and close it after extracting data to a output file which is the only file.

I run getline(inFile,line);
outFile << line << endl;

I run this code, and only part of it is goes to the output file I got, also have spacing randomly to specific file and inconsistent

But when I slower the code, like system("Pause") in the loop, I can get extract what I want perfectly....

Is my program running to fast, why getline would be skipping part of what things I want?

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C :: Linked List To Gather Student Info

Dec 17, 2014

The programme has to be a linked list to gather student info, (ie name, lastname, student no, and three grade); the first and last name must use malloc correctly, there must be an insert and delete function and a printfunction. and they must print out in alphabetical order.

#include #include #include struct student{
char *lastName;
char *firstName;
char dob[20];
char sID[20];
float grade;

[code] .....

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C++ :: Read Input File Of Data And Store Them In Arrays

Nov 5, 2013

Read the input file of data ( employees.txt) and store them in arrays. This company can have up to 55 employees [b]i need to do these following in these program:

Write a function to read the input file and store the data in arrays.
Write a function to calculate regular pay.
Write a function to calculate overtime pay
Write a function to calculate gross pay.
Write a function to bubble sort the employees into order by last name, first name.
Write any swap functions that are needed.
Write a function to write output to a file called payroll.txt

Format of file is EMPLOYEES.TXT[/b]

Hours Pay Rate Employee Number First Name Last name
40.0 10.00 A1234 Jane Adams
50.0 10.00 L8765 Mary Lincoln
25.5 10.85 W7654 Martha Washington
52.0 15.75 A9876 John Adams
45.0 25.00 W1235 George Washington
40.25 55.00 L9087 Abraham Lincoln
30.0 9.75 T9876 William Tell
42.5 12.50 M7654 Missy Muffett
30.0 10.00 P8765 Peter Piper


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void tellUser();


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C++ :: Unable To Input Data From TXT File Into Array Program

Mar 26, 2013

I'm having issues trying to input data from a .txt file into my array program. The whole program takes the name, # of goals and assists, adds them together to get points, and then puts in a given + or - rating. The program works except for the data input.

Also, this is an alphabetical "Unsorted" list, but is there a way to order the list based on point value and be able to display that as well as a separate "Ordered" list?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#define NUM_PLAY 30
using namespace std;
int buildArrays(int[], int[], int[]);
void printArrays(string[], int[], int[], int[], int);


And this is the .txt file. Order is Players Name, Goals, Assists, Plus/Minus rating. The points are added when points = goals + assists (Should be in the main coding above).

Bryan_Bickell 2 5 +2
Brandon_Bollig 0 0 0
Dave_Bolland 4 2 -1
Sheldon_Brookbank 0 0 -1
Daniel_Carcillo 0 1 +3


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C++ :: Putting Data Into Array Using For Loop From Input File?

Jul 7, 2014

I'm trying to pass several integers into the array idAr[10] from an input file using a for loop and then having them output on the console. The output should look like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;


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C :: Data Read And Write

Dec 22, 2013

My program needs to receive data continuously from one process and the received data is read continuously by another process.But when I am trying to create a pipe using mknod on fat32 file system in linux , it throws an error saying "mknod: operation not permitted".

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C++ :: How To Write A Data Loop

Feb 14, 2013

I need to write a data input for one of my class assignment. Would this be considered a data loop?

while (cin >> number)

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C++ :: Write A Function To Modify The Input String?

Oct 8, 2014

i have to write a function to modify the input string by substituting each alphabetical character. for example, 'Programming' to 'Rtqitcookpi' (mod_int = 2).

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C++ :: How To Generate Two Files And Write Data Into

Apr 5, 2013

I try to write my data into two different files and i just use something like this

ofstream myfile;
myfile.open("phase 1.txt");
if (myfile.is_open()) {
for(i=0;i<M; i++) {

[Code] .....

But it only generate the first file. How should i modify this?

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C++ :: How To Write Data Into Multiple / Different Files

May 7, 2013

I am new to c++ programming i just want to know how to write the data into different files.Suppose my input files has 1-8 ids so each id data must be stored into each different file. And below is my code.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.14159265
using namespace std;
double angle;
ifstream indata;
ofstream outfile;

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Write A Program To Make The User Input With Text

Sep 22, 2013

I need to write a program to make the user input some text, and the first letter of each word has to be uppercase. (have to use while loops)

So for example lets say the user inputs:

i lOvE pRoGrAmMiNg

The output needs to be:

I Love Programming

Code: int main()
char c, lower_c;
printf("Enter Text");
while (c != '' && c >= 0)
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
lower_c = c + 32;
lower_c = c;


I have started this code by making the letters lowercase (I don't know if this was the right way to approach this, ). I am not sure how proceed after this step, the step of making the first letter uppercase. (PS for the program, loops should be while loops)

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C++ :: Write A Program That Opens Two Text Files For Input?

Nov 23, 2013

I am trying to make a simple program, I would like it to be able to do the following, Write a program that opens two text files (input1.txt and input2.txt) for input .The program should write the followings in the two files. input1.txt:

This is the first line in input1.txt.
This is the second line in input1.txt.
This is the third line in input1.txt.
This is the fourth line in input1.txt.


This is the first line in input2.txt.
This is the second line in input2.txt.
This is the third line in input2.txt.

What would be the best way to go about doing this? I wrote the program below, but I don't think that it works.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main()
using namespace std;
string input1;


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