C/C++ :: Using 2 Files As Input And Sorting Them Into A 3rd File

May 18, 2014

My assignments asks for inputs of two files and then sorting them from small to largest in the third file. this is what I have so far. I am very lost... (first-time C++ student)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
const int SIZE = 99;
using namespace std;
int main()
int num[SIZE], num1, temp, count =0;
ifstream fin2;
ifstream fin1;


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C++ :: Input Range - Sorting Integers

Sep 21, 2014

Like I have input in range of 0-10^6. So first storing the integers (again in the range 0-10^6) and then sorting will certainly take a lot of time.

I was wondering whether we can sort on the go(like as the user is giving the data by standard input) and we are sorting it.

I don't want to use any standard library for this just yet (if there is any, how to point out). I am certainly baffled by this problem.

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C++ :: Sorting A User Input For Array?

Mar 26, 2014

Were supposed to be able to sort an array which is user input, but the first number they input is supposed to be the length of the array, and everything after that is the actual array.

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int size;
int list[80];
bool isSorted (const int list[], int size);


I'm stuck on how I'm supposed to use the first digit of input for the array size.

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C++ :: String Array - Sorting User Input

Oct 25, 2013

I have been reading up on arrays and string array. I created a string string text[0] and it is defined by user input. I am trying to sort the input. I want Michael to read Macehil.

When I wasn't using an array and just a string I did this:

return sort(text.begin(), text.end()); a

And it worked fine. Do I need to change my string into a char? If so, would I static cast that?

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C++ :: Cannot Take Input From Files

Apr 28, 2013

Assignment: Write a program that merges the numbers in two files and writes all the numbers into a third file. your program takes input from two different files and writes it output to a third file. Each input file contains a list of numbers of type int in sorted order from the smallest to largest. after the program is run, the output file will contain all the numbers in the two input files in one longer list in sorted order from smallest to largest. your program should define a function that is called with the two input - file streams and the out - put file stream as three arguments.

Okay, here is my code.

using namespace std;

int main() {
int list1[25];//array for the first list
int list2[25];//array for the second list

[Code] .....

I'm confused about where the two files (which contain lists of numbers) need to be placed in order to be read and if they need to be renamed or something.

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C++ :: Store User Input In Array And Calculate Mean / Median And Mode - Bubble Sorting

Mar 26, 2014

I'm trying to make a c++ program of this but i don't know how to use the bubble sorting.

Write a C++ application that asks the user to enter 10 numbers. The program then stores those numbers in an Array. The program should display the Mean , Median, and Mode.

Mean is the average of the 10 numbers.
Median is the average of the 5th and the 6th numbers. (But you have to arrange the numbers in ascending order first using Bubble Sort before calculating the Median.)
Mode is the most frequent number among the 10 numbers.

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C++ :: Merging Input And Output Files

May 2, 2014

Write a program that opens two text files (input1.txt and input2.txt) for input and one for output (output.txt). The program should merge the two input files in the output files. While doing the merge, it will read one line from input1.txt and one line from input2.txt and write those in the output file one after other. Then it will read the next line from input1.txt and next line from input2.txt and write them one after other in the output file.

This is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream myproject;

[Code] .....

I need to:

1. how to get the second line in the input1.txt file and so on.
2. After the writing in output.txt, count the number of lines in output.txt.
3. write the number of times term ‘line’ appears in output.txt file.

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C :: Program To Match Strings From Input To Files Using Dfa

Sep 2, 2013

'Write a program to match the user input string with the contents of text files and give the result as to which files contain the input string. This has to be done by using finite automaton.' (Any language can be used) So basically, the user will input a string (in the command line or a gui) and "we must pass the text files to the DFA" (I'm double quoting this because it's precisely what my professor told) and then display those files which contain the string. The string can be hard-coded, ie,the user will get the output file that contains a specific string. ex: 'hello'. The problem is, I have never done any program on DFA so I'm at a loss. how to write the program. Should I read the files first and then use some 'switch' or 'goto' conditions for the DFA? Below is a code I found on the internet for simulating a DFA accepting a specific string.


s: accept = false; cin >> char;
if char = "m" goto m;
if char = EOF goto end;
goto s;
m: accept = false; cin >> char;
if char = "m" goto m;
if char = "a" goto a;
if char = EOF goto end;
goto s;


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C++ :: Opening And Reading Files With Input / Output?

Oct 15, 2014

I'm in a CIS 143 class which is Introduction to Programming using C++. We've been assigned a lab with little to no detail on how to do the things listed.

The purpose of this lab is to practice the file input and output concepts. For this lab you may assume that the input files exist and contain appropriate data inside of them.

Four separate text files* which contain the following lines, different for each file.

(*: This isn't on the lab, but don't worry about what the name, age, id, and major are. those can be random and I can just change them what they need to be)

Student ID Number

Your program should ask the user which of the four input files they would like to open, and then read the contents from the file. Once the contents have been read in, it should output to both the screen and a file named "output.txt" the four values were read in, arranged as follows:

"Hello <name>! You are a <age> years old <major> student, and your ID number is <ID number>"

Now I am by no means saying "Do it for me". I just need to know how to have a user type file1, file2, file3, or file4, and then have the program open that file, then have the output.txt file arrange the wording into the sentence above.

This is what I have so far and I don't think it is anywhere near correct:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream inFile;
string file1;
string file2;


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C++ :: Write A Program That Opens Two Text Files For Input?

Nov 23, 2013

I am trying to make a simple program, I would like it to be able to do the following, Write a program that opens two text files (input1.txt and input2.txt) for input .The program should write the followings in the two files. input1.txt:

This is the first line in input1.txt.
This is the second line in input1.txt.
This is the third line in input1.txt.
This is the fourth line in input1.txt.


This is the first line in input2.txt.
This is the second line in input2.txt.
This is the third line in input2.txt.

What would be the best way to go about doing this? I wrote the program below, but I don't think that it works.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main()
using namespace std;
string input1;


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C++ :: Input And Output Files - Names Should Be Read From Command Line

Aug 3, 2014

I am having an issue with the statement "Both the input and output files' names should be read from the command line." I don't understand what this means or what I need to do.

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C++ :: User Array Size And Sorting User Input

Nov 1, 2014

I am making program that allows the user to determine how big the array size will be and then asks the user to make up numbers to fill the array. Every time run the program on Dev C++ it says "program has stopped working"

Heres My Code:

//Assignment 19 Program 2
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()


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C :: File Handling Sorting

Mar 6, 2015

I am accepting the word from user and arranging it in ascending order like in dictionary in a file . I am doing this by comparing the user entered word from existing word in the file . All the word which is smaller then user entered word is copied to another file "temp.txt" , then the user word is printed and then the remaining word ( which are larger) from "abc.txt" to "temp.txt" . But program close as soon as i enter the second word

main() {
FILE *fp,*ft ;
fp = fopen("abc.txt","r+");
ft = fopen("temp.txt","r+");


Both file are already created before /

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C++ :: Sorting Numbers From File

Apr 6, 2013

I have been working on this program for days now and for some reason my program will not write to my third file. It will call all of the integers that I need it to call but it will not write them out to a file. How to use my loop correctly.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int file1();
int file2();
int file3(int);

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Sorting String From A File?

Mar 23, 2015

I am writing a code that is supposed to read a resistor code and determine the resistance nominal, lower, and upper and write those numbers to a file in various ways. I already accomplished writing to the file output and the file nominal but now I have to sort the file nominal by the nominal readings. I managed to tokenize the string so I could read the second part of the string .....

double bandNum(char x);
double bandMult(char x);
double bandTol(char x);
int main() {
FILE *pFile;
FILE *pFileOutput;


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C :: Sorting Letters As They Are Read From Text File

Apr 16, 2013

I have to write a function that reads letters one at a time from a text file, such as (aBCdefG) using fgetc(). However, each character needs to be inserted into the array in ascending ASCII order, so it should come out as (BCGadef). I wanted to use an insertion sort, however, that would require me to pass the whole array. My professor wants me to sort the letters as they are read, though, and not as a whole array.Can you even do that?

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C++ :: Inserting File Of Names And Sorting Alphabetically?

Feb 25, 2013

A teacher has asked all her students to line up single file according to their first name. For example, in one class Amy will be in front of the line and Yolanda will be at the end.

Write a program that will read in a file of names. Names should be read until there are no more names to be read. Use LineUp.txt as a test file for your program.

Once all the names have been read in display which student will be at the front of the line and which one would be at the end of the line. You may assume that no two students have the same name.

These are the name in the LineUp.txt file if needed:

and so on .....

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C/C++ :: Sorting Deck From File With Merge Sort

Nov 27, 2014

I'm trying to sort a deck from file with merge sort.I have all my code working except merge sort function .

using namespace std;
int temp;
int br = 1;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Sorting A File Based On ASCII Values?

Sep 1, 2014

New file_sorter.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sort.h"
#include <string.h>


My issue is now a segmentation fault in my sorting algorithm. In my assignment I was suppose to implement quick and insertion sort for the file, and organised strictly by ASCII values. We were allowed to look up generic algorithms for the sorts, but we have to convert them to comparing char arrays.

I haven't started trying to configure quick sort yet, but I'll supply the generic algorithm as well. keep in mind that the first line in the file contains the number of lines in the file. I'll try not to disappear this time!

sort.c :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C++ :: Import A File Containing Words And Numbers To Linked List - Bubble Sorting

Feb 16, 2013

I have a code able to import a file containing words and numbers to a linked list, but I also need to sort this linked list alphabetically. I've done research on this involving bubble sorting, but no explanationcan achieve this objective.

Below is the code that can only put the file into linked list:

using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Convert CPP Files Into Injectable DLL File

May 26, 2014

My IDE is eclipse, but the way I set it up it's unstable. Is there a way to do it without an IDE?

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C++ :: Using A Header File Across Multiple Files?

Aug 2, 2014

So say I create a header file which contains a list of structs, and I want to use these structs through out my source and some of my classes... how would I accomplish this?

When I try to do it via #include, I get re-definition errors, due to the nature of #pragma once. If I switch to #ifndef then I lack defenitions in files other than the source.

Is there a way to define things such as structs across multiple files, which doesn't lead to re-definition errors, and doesn't involve manually re-created all the structs for each file?

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C/C++ :: How To Compile Two CPP Files With Header File

Jan 28, 2015

this is my main cpp file:

#include "C:UsersAmitDesktopNew foldersum.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a;
int b;


this is my 2nd cpp file add two number

#include "C:UsersAmitDesktopNew foldersum.h"
int sum(int x,int y) {

this is my header file used in both cpp file

#ifndef SUM_H
#def SUM_H
int sum(int x,int y);

error i am getting in main cpp in devc++

[Linker error] undefined reference to `sum(int, int)'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `sum(int, int)'

in 2nd cpp file [Linker error] undefined reference to `WinMain@16' [/code]

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C++ :: File Management - Skipping Certain Lines From Files

Mar 11, 2013

I am supposed to write a program that reads lines from files and see if the first character is an odd number, if so it will out put the remaining characters to output file, else itll seek to the beginning of the next line, this is what i came up with but its not working as it should, im not sure if its the version im using or the program I wrote, the commented part below was another algorithm I was trying to use.

using namespace std;
int main() {
char c;
int i =0;

[Code] ....

My text file was as follows:

output was unexpected , although some was relatively write but not as I wanted...

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C++ :: Read In Binary Files Then Write To Another File

Oct 11, 2014

I would like to read in binary files, then write them to another file.

I write a code, what works perfectly, if I would like to just copy the file to another. But I want to make it a little other.

If I open a file in hex-editor I also can see the ASCII values. But I would like get the ONLY the hex values to the other file.

For example:

d5 57 4f ad 30 33 0b 4e 49 a7 05 18 c4 90 66 d8 45 ac 39 3e 7d f1 a8 02 80
14 20 90 6e 20 12 38 0c 65 4a 28 d2 80 72 04 20 a9 4a 82 84 60 6a 0b 25
59 4c 30 c8 69 c0 ec fa 36 ed 3a da b1 9a 82 02 e0 bb 7e 41 87 02 f6 10 34
eb 95 93 63 01 6b 8d e1 d7 43 c3 df 92 5d 8a ed 57 61 4e 36 07 2a d7 56 2b
b5 0e 55 83 b4 76 8c b7 61 77 0e c9 76 0c 81 1b 01 63 0c 8b 73 57 d5 6d 4c
0c c2 0d 52 45 18

How could I make it?

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C++ :: Retrieve Information From Two Files And Put Them In A Single File

Nov 23, 2013

I created a simple program that writes some text to two different text files. how to create a program that would retrieve the information from those two files, and put them in a single file, first the content of input1 and then the content of input2. how to do this. Here is the program that I created that creates the two files.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main() {
using namespace std;
string input1;
ofstream fout("input1.txt");


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